3 Long Years

It has been three years since the death of OUR senator, Paul Wellstone. I think it's especially appropriate during these days of scandals and the influence of money in Washington to remember Paul and everything he stood for. If nothing else, hopefully the memories we have of him will help us see through these difficult times where it is becoming harder and harder to trust our politicians.
Here is a Star Tribune story on how people are memorializing Paul across the state.
Here is a collection of Star Tribune stories and features on Paul.
For those of us whose memories of Paul want to make us take action, Wellstone Action is a great source.
Here is NPR's biography of Paul.
Wikipedia's entry for Paul.
Google Image Search for Paul.
Finally, the quote that Paul will probably always be most remembered for:
"Politics is not about big money or power games, it's about the improvement of people's lives."
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