You Better Not Shout, You Better Not Cry, You Better Not Pout, I'm Tellin' You Why...
...Al Franken's coming-to town!

Al Franken will be at the Edina Barnes and Noble on December 4th at 3 pm for a book signing. He will be promoting his new book, "The Truth (with Jokes)." I encourage everyone to attend. There is a lot of buzz that Franken will be running against Norm Coleman for the Senate seat in 2008. So come and get a chance to see the man before he's too important to talk to you (or sign your book).

Al Franken will be at the Edina Barnes and Noble on December 4th at 3 pm for a book signing. He will be promoting his new book, "The Truth (with Jokes)." I encourage everyone to attend. There is a lot of buzz that Franken will be running against Norm Coleman for the Senate seat in 2008. So come and get a chance to see the man before he's too important to talk to you (or sign your book).
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