Rove's Pressure

If this is how our government is working, I consider it sickening. I understand the "I scratch your back, you scratch mine" mentality, but blacklisting? This is reminiscint of the McCarthy days. I think a good way to pay this administration back for disloyalty is to elect Democrats in the House and Senate in 2006.
Check out coverage of the hearings on C-Span or see selected clips HERE, HERE, and HERE.
Also, on the point of wiretapping:
Scott McClellan comments
Dick Durbing Comments
ALSO! Check back on Saturday for a full smorgasbord of the best Scott McClellan clips from 2003-present!
In one final note, recent U-DFL guest Steve Kelley will be hosted by the U of M Laws School Dems on Tuesday from 5-7pm at the Town Hall Brewery located at Seven Corners. Stop by to schmooze with some politicians.
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