Tonight's Meeting

Hey folks,
We will be covering two things at our meeting this evening:
--We will first hear from Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer. He is a candidate for Congress for the 5th congressional district. He is running against long-entrenched incumbent Martin Olav Sabo. He is seeking your support at the caucuses, so please show up on time so we can hear this gentleman speak.
--Second, we will do a little mini-caucus training. We will let you know everything that you need to do for your precinct caucuses tomorrow night (Tuesday, March 7). To find out where you will be caucusing, visit the DFL CAUCUSES page.
Mayo Auditorium
Middlebrook and Seven Corners area:
Willey Hall 175
All caucuses start at 7:00 pm, but election of delegates to the Senate District convention cannot begin before 7:30, so if you show up late, you can still go to the state convention. If you cannot be at the precinct caucus, have a friend nominate you for the Senate District convention.
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