Rowley In The Hunt in CD-02
With Wetterling in great position to defeat Michele Bachmann in MN-6, and Tim Walz scaring the crap out of Gil Gutknetch in MN-1 (48%-45% for Gutknetch in a poll I saw), a new poll now pegs Coleen Rowley Within striking distance of Jim Ramstad.
How close?
3%. 45-42.
A statistical tie, and 13% are undecided. If you've ever taken a political science course, you know that a majority of undecides break for the challenger. In a year where democratic turnout will be big anyhow, Rowley could very well take this thing. Get excited and stay tuned. We could have a Congressional delegation of 7 democrats and 1 republican this fall!!!!!
How close?
3%. 45-42.
A statistical tie, and 13% are undecided. If you've ever taken a political science course, you know that a majority of undecides break for the challenger. In a year where democratic turnout will be big anyhow, Rowley could very well take this thing. Get excited and stay tuned. We could have a Congressional delegation of 7 democrats and 1 republican this fall!!!!!
At 9/17/2006 05:56:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Colleen Rowley "within striking distance of Jim Ramstad"?
She's running against John Kline.
And, for the life of me, I can't figure out how Kline maintains his disproportionate lead in the Facebook polls among college students.
Don't these kids realize we're only 45 days away from a military draft with no exemptions for college students beyond the temporary delay allowed to finish a present school term?
No Congressional action required - all young Mr. Bush has to do is declare "National Emergency!" and the county draft boards kick in and start drafting kids into military service.
Oh well - I guess they don't have any idea that "military draft" means "You and your friends have a good chance of coming home in a rubber bag with a big zipper on the front."
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