Anderson to Speak at CDM Convention

A lifelong DFL'er, Wendell Anderson served as Governor of Minnesota from 1971 to December 1976, when he was appointed to the U.S. Senate to replace Walter Mondale, who had been elected Vice President. During his time as Governor (elected at the age of 38), Governor Anderson presided over the "Minnesota Miracle," which was a bipartisan measure to equalize education funding and reduce property taxes begun by Anderson when he was in the Minnesota Senate and completed while was Governor. In 1973, Governor Anderson was pictured on the cover of Time magazine with the caption, "The Good Life in Minnesota;" the inside article was titled, "Minnesota: A State That Works." Within six years of Governor Anderson taking office, per pupil education spending was virtually equal across Minnesota, thus eliminating education funding disparities between cities, suburbs and rural areas.
A graduate of the University of Minnesota Law School, Governor Anderson returned to private practice after being defeated for re-election to the U.S. Senate in 1978. He is now a regular political commentator on Minnesota television and radio shows. He was a member of the U.S. hockey team that won a silver medal in the 1956 Winter Olympics.
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