U-DFL Blog

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Thank you everyone who volunteered time during this campaign, and especially thank you to all of you who helped out yesterday. Of course, the majority of the credit for our successful campaign goes to Alex Cutler over at Stand Up Now who is a great organizer and strategist.

Special thank you to Eric Brown who drove all our volunteers across campus saving precious time.

Special thank you to Nick over at Stand Up Now who led the phonebanking and helped the fluidity of our efforts.

Special thank you to the candidates who helped us gain entry to the dorms on campus so we could doorknock:

-Mark Ritchie (our next Secretary of State)
-Rebecca Otto (our next State Auditor, she was a tremendous help yesterday)
-Rep. Phyllis Kahn (our wonderful state rep, who is on campus so much people think she's a students)
-Mayor RT Rybak (the doorknock machine himself)
-Keith Ellison (our next Congressman)
-Peter McLauhglin
-Various members of the Mpls city council.

I'd like to mention that last night was a tremendous win for the DFL Party in Minnesota. I know we're all disappointed in the governor's race but don't forget this:

*We doubled our margin in the state senate (now 44-23)
*Recaptured the state house including John Benson in Minnetonka(now 85-49)
*Pulled a surprise in the State Auditor race
*Got rid off the anti-student Secretary of State and elected the wonderful Mark Ritchie
*Held onto the Attorney General office
*Won the 1st Congressional District with Tim Walz by a surprisingly comfortable margin
*Made history by helping elect Keith Ellison, the first Black Congressman from Minnesota and the first Muslim in Congress. More importantly, Keith is OUR candidate because he shares OUR values.

Nationally, we won the majority of governships, ran up the score in the US House solidifying a sizable majority, will win the US Senate (Montana has been called, and the provisional ballots to be counted in Virginia are from liberal areas).

You could argue that the massive rejection of Republican policy forced Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's resignation.

Thanks again to everyone, and stay tuned for more information...

-Noah Seligman
UDFL President


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