A HUGE day at the Polls

Maybe its the Red Bull I'm drinking, maybe its the stakes, but today is a very very big day for Democrats nationally.
There are primaries in 8 states, plus one US House seat up for grabs in California's 50th CD. The House seat is trending republican, but the most fired up voters in the district are (by a wide margin) voting democratic. Plus, the election falls on the same day as the hotly contested Democratic primary in CA. While I wouldn't bet on Democrat Francine Busby winning, it will be very, very close. The latest polls show her in a statistical tie, and I wouldn't be shocked if she pulled this off. A win here would shape the media narrative for November and almost guarantee a democratic takeover. That is not an overstatement. Keep a close eye on this race tonight.
Also, a close democratic primary in Montana may very well determine whether the Dems take a Senate seat there, with outsider Jon Tester (MT Senate President) gaining momentum against John Morrison, who has higher name ID, but also some serious skeletons in his closet (an affair with the wife of a guy he was investigating). Tester is statistically tied (and has all the momentum) but there is a chance that the open primary could be swung towards Morrison with crossover votes from Republicans who believe Morrison is the weaker candidate.

Also, check out the front page story on Becky Lourey in the PiPress.
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