I understand many of you had to work or study or just couldn't make the meeting tonight. For those of you UDFLers who were there and forgot what happened, or couldn't make it, here's what went down:
*After introductions, we talked about the three campaigns we are focusing on this fall:
-Mike Hatch for Governor
-Amy Klobuchar for US Senate
-John Benson for Minnesota House
*We then heard from Lydia over at the Youth Coordinated Campaign. The YCC is located at 2829 University Ave SE in Minneapolis, and is the home base for Amy Klobuchar's campaign. The YCC is focused on getting out the student vote. They have a press conference that you are all invited to attend this Wednesday at 11am in the State Office Building.
*Shannon shared the calendar of events we have:
- The big items are as always weekly UDFL meetings Monday's at 5pm in room 307 in CMU. - -Also, Sunday afternoons we will be doorknocking in Minnetonka to help John Benson.
- Sept 27th, UDFL goes to the metrodome to cheer on the Twins.
-Oct 7th and 8th (sat-sun) the College Democrats of Minnesota will be having a state convention Saturday at the U and Sunday over at Macalaster.
-There's more, but these are the biggies
*We discussed our GOTV effort and how we are targeting our efforts to increase student turnout across campus. Let me know if you can help us out by taking the lead in one of the residence halls.
*TShirts. We are lookly for new ideas and if you know a cheap shop please let us know.
*John Benson himself showed up to share his background, his ideas, and answer some questions. We really appreciate him taking the time to chat with us. Benson is in a swing district that could wind up as the deciding race to win back the Minnesota State House. UDFL is helping him out. You can click here to learn more about John Benson.
Hope to see you next week. We are doorknocking for Benson on Sunday.
At 9/19/2006 11:51:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Any candidate forums or debates scheduled at the U of MN? Michael Cavlan, Green Party candidate, mentioned a US Senate debate at CMU on Oct 18th, but I haven't seen or heard anything about it from any of the supposed sponsors MPIRG, UDFL, and UMCR.
At 9/19/2006 11:59:00 AM ,
U-DFL said...
He's right. MPIRG is organizing it, they asked for our input which I gave, but MPIRG is the lead.
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