U-DFL Blog

Monday, October 23, 2006


Hope everyone is excited as we approach the 2-week deadline until election day. We need a lot of volunteers from now until election day, so please help out. If you can't find time before election day, please make time on Nov 7th. email me (seli0052@umn.edu) or call (608-215-9370) and let me know when you can help.

As Jon Stewart said on the eve of the 2004 Election:
"Be prepared to waste a day for democracy."


*Wed Oct 25 6---9pm, Doorknock in Roy Wilkins/Sanford Halls with Hennepin County Attorney candidate Andy Luger. So far Shannon and Avi have signed up but we need lots of people. It's rare we get a candidate to campus so we need to make the most of it. If you can't commit to all 3 hours that's fine, come for as long as you can.

*Sat/Sun Oct 28-29 , Doorknock in Minnetonka for our House candidate John Benson. This is also a great way to reach general DFL voters in addition to helping the DFL win back the House.

*Sun Oct 29 , Party with Patty Wetterling. (see earlier post) 3pm----6pm, 641 Brimhall Street in Saint Paul. Great chance to meet a great candidate running in a critical US House race. Please vote in the 6th District if you are from there originally and have your friends from that area do so as well.

*Mon Oct 30, 7pm----9pm, Doorknock in Bailey Hall. Nobody ever remembers Bailey Hall, but we do. It's not a big dorm, and a couple local legislators are going to help us knock this often forgotten area.

*Saturday Nov 4th, Homecoming Parade. We need people to march with Amy Klobuchar and Mike Hatch. This is a great opportunity for visibility. We want to sticker as many people as possible. RT Rybak, Phyllis Kahn, Larry Pogemiller, Mark Ritchie will also be joining the effort.



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