U-DFL Blog

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Reality Check

Polls are looking pretty good right now, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. There are only 18 days until Election Day and believe me the Republicans are going to throw everything they have to keep control of Congress. According to Karl Rove the Republicans are spending $100 million in these last three weeks alone. We can't just sit around and wait for the results on election night. We have to surpass the Republican get out the vote effort, and we do that by doorknocking, phone banking, and just talking to our friends and acquaintances. How many people do you know still couldn't tell you who Mike Hatch is? Or Amy Klobuchar? Reach out to these people and inform them of the issues that are impacting their lives right now. Student tuition here at the U has more than doubled under Governor Pawlenty. Make sure students vote their interest, as Al Sharpton would say: A student voting for Tim Pawlenty would be like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. Discuss, inform, and encourage people to vote. We can win on November 7th, but only if we want it more than the Republicans. And frankly, I want the chance to celebrate on an election night.



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