U-DFL Blog

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Sign-in for the convention will take place between noon and 1 pm at Blegen Hall 5 at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. There will be free pizza provided, so no worries about finding lunch before you get there. We will start the convention off with a canvassing training before we head out to put our new training into action, and then come back for a canvassing de-brief.

After that, former Minnesota Governor Wendell Anderson will speak to the convention. Governor Anderson presided over the “Minnesota Miracle” That created the great Minnesota public education system that we are all so proud of today, so he will be a wonderful speaker to talk to us about the great things Minnesota has done in the past and can do in the future with a strong DFL Governor leading our state.

We will finish off the convention with a presentation of the Youth
Coordinated Campaign by YCC Executive Director (and erstwhile
College student) Alex Cutler and a roundtable discussion to discuss our
goals on a chapter and statewide level. Afterwards, we hope you all will join us for a concert by Wasted on Envy and My Loving Tiger at Manhattan Loft.

Hopefully you’ll be able to stick around Saturday night for the concert and then for a rally with Al Franken and Congresswoman Betty McCollum at Macalester College on Sunday afternoon (2 to 4 pm.) If you can, we can provide you with housing with a fellow college student. It won’t anything fancy, but we’ll make sure you’ve got a roommate for the night who can at least provide you with a floor to sleep on. Make sure to mark it on your registration form if you would like housing!


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