Is Al Franken's new book on the list?

This is a story from Massachussetts about a college professor who was investigated byt he Department of Homeland Security for requesting a copy of Mao Zedong's Little Red Book. This is another case of the Bush administration and the rest of the Republicans having the big government. With the biggest budget in the history of our nation this year and the government intruding into our lives with the Patriot Act, the Republicans can no longer say they are the party of small government. They are now the party of big (and ineffective) government.
Post other stories you see like this in the comments section. Be sure to leave your thoughts.
At 12/18/2005 09:16:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Here is a link to an article which covers things pretty well with the latest info on Bush's authorization of domestic spying.
At 12/19/2005 10:16:00 AM ,
Jaime said...
These types of stories aren't new or even uncommon... just last week, here's a kid who scored a FBI visit after a teacher saw the letters "PLO" doodled on a binder...
...Once, two years ago.
It's not about security, it's about intimidation of free thought. Somebody ought to organize a mass purchase of the LRB and other such books to counteract it...
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