Conspiracy Much?

I recently spoke with my former journalism professor Chris Ison. Professor Ison worked (he may still) as an investigative journalist for the Star Tribune. We were talking about Vice President Cheney (he recently shot an old man in the face). Ison mentioned that initially it was reported that Cheney had drank Dr. Pepper at lunch before the "hunt." Yesterday, in his tearful mea culpa Cheney admitted to drinking a beer at lunch. So why would they lie about what he was drinking? Does this at all relate to the incredible time delay before the story was reported? Ison said it's not uncommon for people to wait reporting crimes or accidents, to authorities if they've been drinking. In the time elapsed, Cheney's BAC would have gone down. If he had a beer (possibly more) at lunch, shot the guy, and immediately reported it, police would have discovered traces of alcohol in his system. The delay occurs, and we don't know. Far be it from me to suggest that Dick Cheney would do something underhanded, mischevious, or dishonest (even illegal), but just that you should know. Perhaps that sterling public image of Mr. Cheney is misguided a trifle.
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