Convention Afternoon, Day 2
7:07 PM - Mike Hatch celebration announced. We're adjourning. I may or may not be at the Secretary of State debate.
7:06 PM - Balloon drop! And now tons popping, sounds like gunfire.
7:03 PM - STILL going. Someone up here just said that we should make a motion to reconsider, given how long the speech is going. Oh wait he said FINALLY. I think that means he's always done
6:59 PM - He's STILL going. He talked about education, something else, and then went back to education.
6:55 PM - This is an unbelievably long acceptance speech. People in the blogger's nest are not liking it.
6:48 PM - Mike Hatch is delivering his acceptance speech. I got back to the blogger's nest half-way through the speech, so it's too late for me to blog it. On my way back up I passed and shook hands with Steve Kelley, who was thanking people in the aisle. He ran a very classy campaign and left with a lot of class as well.
6:28 PM - An extremely reliable source just told me that Steve Kelley and Ruth Johnson are conceding.
5:23 PM - There was just a motion to suspend the rules to have another question and answer session. It was shouted down, mostly by the Mike Hatch supporters I believe.
5:18 PM - We've approved the constitution with one amendment. 6th ballot results are being announced.
1296.5 votes cast, 60% would be 778. Of those ballots, Mike Hatch with 665 ballots for 51.3% and Steve Kelley with 606.5 ballots for 46.8%.
5:02 PM - 51-47-2 is the result of the sixth ballot.
5:01 PM - Working on the constitution now.
4:46 PM - Flash at Centrisity is now blogging with us. Robin Marty/REW thinks 52-47-1. Mr. Brodkorb and Flash don't have any guess. I'd talk to Jon-David and Aaron, but they're too far away for me to talk to.
4:43 PM - Kelley people are handing out response pieces to the union-busting flier on the floor. Many of the Hatch votes are switching after Steve Kelley's strong showing. I'd expect Steve Kelley to overtake Mike Hatch on this ballot. I'd predict 53% Steve Kelley, 45% Mike Hatch, 2% No Endorsement. I'm starting a pool.
4:13 PM - I need to return to the floor to vote again.
4:06 PM - See the piece here
4:05 PM - Word up here in the blogger's nest is that Mike Hatch has got Judi Dutcher as his lieutenant governor candidate. There is also a Hatch flier that someone found that has an extremely negative attack on Steve Kelley, saying that his law firm engages in union-busting. No idea if this is true or not, but it looks like Mike Hatch is the first to go negative.
3:57 PM - Hope you've been keeping up somewhere else, because I was drafted by the Becky Lourey campaign for the last few hours. Becky is now out, and running in the primary. I'm voting for Steve Kelley at this point. The floor is locked as the fifth ballot is being counted.
12:45 PM - Preliminary, unofficial results say Mike Hatch picked up a bit, Becky Lourey fell a bit, Steve Kelley stayed the same. Becky Lourey is now in third, about three votes behind Steve Kelley.
12:45 PM - First ballot results. 1300 ballots cast, 2 spoiled. 60% was 780 votes. Mike Hatch 512.5 votes for 39.4%, Steve Kelley 382.5 votes for 29.4%, Becky Lourey 403.5 votes for 31%. Ole Savior 1=.01%.
12:42 PM - First ballot is over. I just had a semi-official report that the score is 40% for Mike Hatch, 30% (+~25 votes) Becky Lourey, 30% Steve Kelley. A delegate next to me just commented that it's going to be a long afternoon.
7:06 PM - Balloon drop! And now tons popping, sounds like gunfire.
7:03 PM - STILL going. Someone up here just said that we should make a motion to reconsider, given how long the speech is going. Oh wait he said FINALLY. I think that means he's always done
6:59 PM - He's STILL going. He talked about education, something else, and then went back to education.
6:55 PM - This is an unbelievably long acceptance speech. People in the blogger's nest are not liking it.
6:48 PM - Mike Hatch is delivering his acceptance speech. I got back to the blogger's nest half-way through the speech, so it's too late for me to blog it. On my way back up I passed and shook hands with Steve Kelley, who was thanking people in the aisle. He ran a very classy campaign and left with a lot of class as well.
6:28 PM - An extremely reliable source just told me that Steve Kelley and Ruth Johnson are conceding.
5:23 PM - There was just a motion to suspend the rules to have another question and answer session. It was shouted down, mostly by the Mike Hatch supporters I believe.
5:18 PM - We've approved the constitution with one amendment. 6th ballot results are being announced.
1296.5 votes cast, 60% would be 778. Of those ballots, Mike Hatch with 665 ballots for 51.3% and Steve Kelley with 606.5 ballots for 46.8%.
5:02 PM - 51-47-2 is the result of the sixth ballot.
5:01 PM - Working on the constitution now.
4:46 PM - Flash at Centrisity is now blogging with us. Robin Marty/REW thinks 52-47-1. Mr. Brodkorb and Flash don't have any guess. I'd talk to Jon-David and Aaron, but they're too far away for me to talk to.
4:43 PM - Kelley people are handing out response pieces to the union-busting flier on the floor. Many of the Hatch votes are switching after Steve Kelley's strong showing. I'd expect Steve Kelley to overtake Mike Hatch on this ballot. I'd predict 53% Steve Kelley, 45% Mike Hatch, 2% No Endorsement. I'm starting a pool.
4:13 PM - I need to return to the floor to vote again.
4:06 PM - See the piece here
4:05 PM - Word up here in the blogger's nest is that Mike Hatch has got Judi Dutcher as his lieutenant governor candidate. There is also a Hatch flier that someone found that has an extremely negative attack on Steve Kelley, saying that his law firm engages in union-busting. No idea if this is true or not, but it looks like Mike Hatch is the first to go negative.
3:57 PM - Hope you've been keeping up somewhere else, because I was drafted by the Becky Lourey campaign for the last few hours. Becky is now out, and running in the primary. I'm voting for Steve Kelley at this point. The floor is locked as the fifth ballot is being counted.
12:45 PM - Preliminary, unofficial results say Mike Hatch picked up a bit, Becky Lourey fell a bit, Steve Kelley stayed the same. Becky Lourey is now in third, about three votes behind Steve Kelley.
12:45 PM - First ballot results. 1300 ballots cast, 2 spoiled. 60% was 780 votes. Mike Hatch 512.5 votes for 39.4%, Steve Kelley 382.5 votes for 29.4%, Becky Lourey 403.5 votes for 31%. Ole Savior 1=.01%.
12:42 PM - First ballot is over. I just had a semi-official report that the score is 40% for Mike Hatch, 30% (+~25 votes) Becky Lourey, 30% Steve Kelley. A delegate next to me just commented that it's going to be a long afternoon.
At 6/11/2006 08:51:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Steve Kelley put negative attacks out on Mike Hatch for the second ballot, and continued to do so throughout the day. Hatch's camp didn't respond until before the 5th ballot. That's a key fact that A LOT of folks missed at the convention.
At 6/11/2006 08:59:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Not that it matters now, but the quote was directly off of Kelley's law firm's website. BTW, as a general rule of politics, you don't go "negative" first when you are ahead (as Hatch was). I saw the first Kelley hit flier on Hatch after the first ballot -- on abortion, then on gay marriage, and another comparing him to Karl Rove. Then one on guns. I didn't see anything from the Hatch until after that. Not that I'm blaming Kelley -- it's a campaign, free speech, make a contrast with your opponent, etc. Nothing compared to the FALSE stuff that the GOP is already spitting out.
At 6/13/2006 09:51:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Yeah. I agree with Bill. Everyone missed that. It must have been that the Hatch people (running around with all that energy) were just better at distributing the flyers and getting them in people's hands.
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