Convention Morning, Day 3
11:35 AM - Aaron Landry and Robin and Stephen Marty have left. Looks like it's over, many of the delegates have already left. Zack and I just been informed by a DFL staffer that Becky Lourey is about to have a press conference about her primary intentions. We've just adjourned sine die. Trying to find out about the Lourey press conference.
11:32 AM - Brian Melendez is recognizing DFL staff. It appears that the convention is about ready to adjourn.
11:30 AM - Ruth Johnson just moved for an acclamation of Mark Ritchie. It paseed. He delived a very brief acceptance speech which I missed entirely on my way up to the blogger's nest. MN Publius, Stephen from Power Liberal, and Aaron Landry are up here.
11:24 AM - Christian Sande is conceding. Talking about the age of the people working for him. He does have a very young staff with many people that I know, in fact many people who are members or associates of the UDFL. He's off the stage. Now onto "other business" in the agenda.
11:21 AM - Robin and Stephen Marty, Zack Stephenson, Jon-David Schlough, and Aaron Landry are now here. I think they drank a tad too much tequila last night. The bums, I was here early!
11:11 AM - Preliminary results of the first ballot for Secretary of State: 57% for Mark Ritchie, 43% to Christian Sande. Expect to see Christian Sande concede here or if not to see Mark Ritchie win 60% on the next ballot.
10:10 AM - Fair speech. Received well. I'm running out of batteries, so the next post will be the results of the first ballot.
10:09 AM - "No one should have to fight to protect their right to vote."
10:05 AM - A Chippewa tribe member is now up giving a Christian Sande endorsement speech. Now a former state chairwoman (whose name I didn't catch) is now giving one also. She just goofed, saying "I second the nomination of Christian Science...uh, Sande". Tom Rukavina of Duluth is now up. The crowd loves him. The DFL endorsed candidate for Ramsey County Sheriff is now up speaking.
10:05 AM - He's done. Good, though not great, speech. Very well received on the floor.
10:02 AM - Mark Ritchie is now up.
10:01 AM - Mark Ritchie gets the first nomination speech. His wife is up, "I've been his friend for thirty years and his wife for 26". People are listening very carefully to this. She's talking about losing her daughter to a drunk driver and how it has affected them. I didn't get breakfast, so I'm opening another fortune cookie. Another "his Mom would want you to" fortune.
9:59 AM - Mark Ritchie gets the first nomination speech. His wife is up "I've been his friend for thirty years and his wife for 26". People are listening very carefully to this. She's talking about losing her daughter to a drunk driver and how it has affected them. I didn't get breakfast, so I'm opening another fortune cookie. Another "his Mom would want you to" fortune.
9:54 AM - Mark Ritchie has been nominated by someone from Senate District 44. Sande people had signs up but I saw a staffer running around telling them to take them down. Very classy move, and I'm considering voting for him just for that. "We Are Family" is playing over the speakers.
9:51 AM -

9:50 AM - A number of Mark Ritchie people now are walking around with signs. I can't stand that, it's such a rude thing to do.
9:45 AM - Nominations for Secretary of State are now open. Someone from Senate District 50 is nominating Christian Sande. I'm working on posting pictures of the hit piece. Reasonably large demonstration of people in green shirts with Christian Sande signs walking around. Not as many as I expected, actually.
9:40 AM - Rebecca Otto is speaking. To be honest, people aren't paying all that much attention, though she's a pretty decent speaker. People from campaigns left and right are dropping stuff on the delegates, I've received paper on medical marijuana and a hit piece on Mark Ritchie by a Sande staffer. More about that in a moment. Rebecca Otto is shouting "Never again!" She's done, and it didn't take long. Not bad.
9:36 AM - Nominations for State Auditor are now being taken. Frank Hornstein of the MN House has just nominated Rebecca Otto. Nominations are now closed. Someone from the third congressional district just moved to suspend the rules and endorse Rebecca Otto by acclimation. Passed.
9:32 AM - He's done. Good speech.
9:30 AM - Now talking about President Bush and Washington.
9:29 AM - He's now on to veterans. Covering a lot of issues.
9:27 AM - Matt Entenza favors universal health care, talking about how important that is. Public safety, how important it is, but his Republican opponent (Jeff Johnson) voted for cuts. I just opened a new fortune cookie, and it says "Your lucky number is 2006." Won't mention Jeff Johnson's name, just calling him "my Republican opponent."
9:24 AM - Political heroes/teachers are Paul Wellstone ("Stand up, keep fighting") and a Republican, Elmer Anderson. He's experienced as a prosecutor, the only one in the race who is so. Also experienced as a legislator, though held up by Tim Pawlenty. Best way to keep kids out of jail is education. When $180 million in cuts to education were proposed by Republicans, he fought. He's standing up for the rights of consumers and people. MinnesotaCare cuts were one thing he fought against.
9:21 AM - Matt Entenza appreciates our nomination (duh). He has praised Mike Hatch and other previous attorneys general. He's proud to have David Kopperud of Nobles County, one of his high school teachers, nominate him. He knows what it's like to have hard times and strong community, because when his father died of alcoholism his community came around him. Talking about how great Worthington is and how he won't forget where he comes from. He wants to make sure everyone in Minnesota is protected with a prosecutor for the people.
9:19 AM - Rick Stafford of the DNC just proposed a suspension of the rules for a unanimous vote for Matt Entenza for Attorney General. The suspension has passed. The vote has passed. Matt Entenza's on the stage.
9:18 AM - Attorney General's race is beginning. Matt Entenza has been nominated. He is the only one.
9:16 AM - Candidates have all kinds of various stuff on the tables for delegates. The funniest thing are fortune cookies that have Matt Entenza fortunes inside. Two of the "fortunes" I've gotten are "Matt Entenza is Norwegian for 'A Prosecutor for the People'" and "Vote for Matt. His Mom would want you to."
9:11 AM - We're beginning. I'm on the floor because I'm not sure how long it will be before the State Auditor and Attorney General's races. They're calling the session to order and talking about the newly (semi)organized "People of Faith" caucus to show "that no party has a lock on the truth."
11:32 AM - Brian Melendez is recognizing DFL staff. It appears that the convention is about ready to adjourn.
11:30 AM - Ruth Johnson just moved for an acclamation of Mark Ritchie. It paseed. He delived a very brief acceptance speech which I missed entirely on my way up to the blogger's nest. MN Publius, Stephen from Power Liberal, and Aaron Landry are up here.
11:24 AM - Christian Sande is conceding. Talking about the age of the people working for him. He does have a very young staff with many people that I know, in fact many people who are members or associates of the UDFL. He's off the stage. Now onto "other business" in the agenda.
11:21 AM - Robin and Stephen Marty, Zack Stephenson, Jon-David Schlough, and Aaron Landry are now here. I think they drank a tad too much tequila last night. The bums, I was here early!
11:11 AM - Preliminary results of the first ballot for Secretary of State: 57% for Mark Ritchie, 43% to Christian Sande. Expect to see Christian Sande concede here or if not to see Mark Ritchie win 60% on the next ballot.
10:10 AM - Fair speech. Received well. I'm running out of batteries, so the next post will be the results of the first ballot.
10:09 AM - "No one should have to fight to protect their right to vote."
10:05 AM - A Chippewa tribe member is now up giving a Christian Sande endorsement speech. Now a former state chairwoman (whose name I didn't catch) is now giving one also. She just goofed, saying "I second the nomination of Christian Science...uh, Sande". Tom Rukavina of Duluth is now up. The crowd loves him. The DFL endorsed candidate for Ramsey County Sheriff is now up speaking.
10:05 AM - He's done. Good, though not great, speech. Very well received on the floor.
10:02 AM - Mark Ritchie is now up.
10:01 AM - Mark Ritchie gets the first nomination speech. His wife is up, "I've been his friend for thirty years and his wife for 26". People are listening very carefully to this. She's talking about losing her daughter to a drunk driver and how it has affected them. I didn't get breakfast, so I'm opening another fortune cookie. Another "his Mom would want you to" fortune.
9:59 AM - Mark Ritchie gets the first nomination speech. His wife is up "I've been his friend for thirty years and his wife for 26". People are listening very carefully to this. She's talking about losing her daughter to a drunk driver and how it has affected them. I didn't get breakfast, so I'm opening another fortune cookie. Another "his Mom would want you to" fortune.
9:54 AM - Mark Ritchie has been nominated by someone from Senate District 44. Sande people had signs up but I saw a staffer running around telling them to take them down. Very classy move, and I'm considering voting for him just for that. "We Are Family" is playing over the speakers.
9:51 AM -

9:50 AM - A number of Mark Ritchie people now are walking around with signs. I can't stand that, it's such a rude thing to do.
9:45 AM - Nominations for Secretary of State are now open. Someone from Senate District 50 is nominating Christian Sande. I'm working on posting pictures of the hit piece. Reasonably large demonstration of people in green shirts with Christian Sande signs walking around. Not as many as I expected, actually.
9:40 AM - Rebecca Otto is speaking. To be honest, people aren't paying all that much attention, though she's a pretty decent speaker. People from campaigns left and right are dropping stuff on the delegates, I've received paper on medical marijuana and a hit piece on Mark Ritchie by a Sande staffer. More about that in a moment. Rebecca Otto is shouting "Never again!" She's done, and it didn't take long. Not bad.
9:36 AM - Nominations for State Auditor are now being taken. Frank Hornstein of the MN House has just nominated Rebecca Otto. Nominations are now closed. Someone from the third congressional district just moved to suspend the rules and endorse Rebecca Otto by acclimation. Passed.
9:32 AM - He's done. Good speech.
9:30 AM - Now talking about President Bush and Washington.
9:29 AM - He's now on to veterans. Covering a lot of issues.
9:27 AM - Matt Entenza favors universal health care, talking about how important that is. Public safety, how important it is, but his Republican opponent (Jeff Johnson) voted for cuts. I just opened a new fortune cookie, and it says "Your lucky number is 2006." Won't mention Jeff Johnson's name, just calling him "my Republican opponent."
9:24 AM - Political heroes/teachers are Paul Wellstone ("Stand up, keep fighting") and a Republican, Elmer Anderson. He's experienced as a prosecutor, the only one in the race who is so. Also experienced as a legislator, though held up by Tim Pawlenty. Best way to keep kids out of jail is education. When $180 million in cuts to education were proposed by Republicans, he fought. He's standing up for the rights of consumers and people. MinnesotaCare cuts were one thing he fought against.
9:21 AM - Matt Entenza appreciates our nomination (duh). He has praised Mike Hatch and other previous attorneys general. He's proud to have David Kopperud of Nobles County, one of his high school teachers, nominate him. He knows what it's like to have hard times and strong community, because when his father died of alcoholism his community came around him. Talking about how great Worthington is and how he won't forget where he comes from. He wants to make sure everyone in Minnesota is protected with a prosecutor for the people.
9:19 AM - Rick Stafford of the DNC just proposed a suspension of the rules for a unanimous vote for Matt Entenza for Attorney General. The suspension has passed. The vote has passed. Matt Entenza's on the stage.
9:18 AM - Attorney General's race is beginning. Matt Entenza has been nominated. He is the only one.
9:16 AM - Candidates have all kinds of various stuff on the tables for delegates. The funniest thing are fortune cookies that have Matt Entenza fortunes inside. Two of the "fortunes" I've gotten are "Matt Entenza is Norwegian for 'A Prosecutor for the People'" and "Vote for Matt. His Mom would want you to."
9:11 AM - We're beginning. I'm on the floor because I'm not sure how long it will be before the State Auditor and Attorney General's races. They're calling the session to order and talking about the newly (semi)organized "People of Faith" caucus to show "that no party has a lock on the truth."
At 6/11/2006 10:26:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
The new caucuses are ad-hoc at the present time. The State Central Committee will have decide whether or not they become an official DFL caucuses.
At 6/11/2006 10:33:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Mark Ritchie was for Nader? feh. So who does that leave us with - Sande, who doesn't want positive ID for voters?
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