Sunday, April 30, 2006
Colbert Roasts Bush
Don't pay attention to the approval ratings that say 68% of Americans disapprove of the job this man is doing. I ask you this, does that not also logically mean that 68% approve of the job he's not doing? Think about it.
The greatest thing about this man is he's steady. You know where he stands. He believes the same thing Wednesday that he believed on Monday, no matter what happened Tuesday.
Everybody asks for personnel changes. So the White House has personnel changes. Then you write, "They're just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic." First of all, that is a terrible metaphor. This ship's not sinking. This administration is soaring. If anything, they are rearranging the deck chairs on the Hindenburg.
Crooks and Liars has some video of the performance up here.
Don’t forget softball tonight!
Softball Tonight!
Friday, April 28, 2006
Adopt a District Update - Rep. Abrams Not Running For Reelection
In addition to nearly quadrupling his legislative salary of $31,140 to a judge's pay of $119,913, Abrams will avoid a tough reelection battle in a west-suburban district that has been trending toward Democrats. In 2004, he posted his smallest victory margin ever, 5 percentage points over DFLer John Benson, as Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry outpolled President Bush in the district by more than 6 points. (Star Tribune)
Summer Internship Opportunity
Anouncing summer and fall internship opportunities with Becky Lourey for Governor:
State Senator Becky Lourey, DFL candidate for Governor of Minnesota needsyour help to turn back the tide of conservatism in our state. Whether it isthe rising cost of tuition, prioritizing professional sports stadiums overaffordable health care, or many other issues, the Pawlenty administration needsto go; and we need a strong progressive leader to show him the door. Under aLourey administration we will move to universal health care by 2010, energyindependence in Minnesota by 2030, and restore Minnesota's proud tradition ofprogressive policies across the board. But, Becky needs your help this summer and fall to get there. Work on thiscampaign to help make history in Minnesota. We are looking for interns toassist in all areas of the campaign including: - Field - Communications - Finance - Research
If you are interested in participating in a Becky Lourey for Governorinternship, please contact Andy Pomroy at or 651-917-8400x22. These internships are an invaluable way to learn about the inner workingof a state-wide campaign and give you the opportunity to learn from some of thebest minds in Minnesota politics, all while helping elect a true progressiveleader. No experience necesarry, just a willingness to learn.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Adopt a District
Mr. Hill also passed along the following note:
The event this Saturday, for any of your folks who may be interestedand able to participate, is a district canvass as per this information: are all welcome to join us.
By the way, if anyone in your group would like to do a DNC internshipthis summer and/or fall, we have been offered the opportunity toprovide such an internship while you are working for the John Bensoncampaign. We have several campaign positions which would probablywork well as internships. Please have anybody interested in thisopportunity contact me and I will put them in touch with the DNC repwho can set it up.
If you can help out, or are interested in the internship contact him with the information below.
Peter Hill612-332-6161 M-F phone campaign email
Finally, I want to know how many of you are going to be this summer. It's not some sort of creepy spy thing (I could just get this information by wiretapping you), it's for campaign purposes. John Benson needs our help over the summer and it would be great if you could help out over the summer. Keep in mind this is a great resume booster and when he wins, you'd be in great shape to get an internship or GASP even a job. Please send me an email at and give me your name, location this summer, and phone number. This goes for you who won't be in Minnesota too. I want us to be organized for the fall. Thanks.
Entenza Internship & Other Updates
If anyone is interested in interning with Attorney General candidate Matt Entenza, contact Noah Seligman, Max Page, or Entenza contact Joe Ceronsky.
Also, the Iraq War walk-out is tomorrow for those who are interested in participating. Find details HERE.
Both Giuliani and Pataki are exploring bids for the Republican nomination for president in 2008. The Star Tribune has an article claiming Rudy is too liberal for GOP Conservatives. It seems that he, like McCain in his own bid, is trying to run to the right to garner support for this bid. Recently he has tried to shed his past of supporting gay rights and in the meantime has stumped for nutty conservative Rick Santorum.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
12:00 pm noon, Macalester College
Janet Wallace Fine Arts Center, Room A-113.
Any undergraduate or graduate student in the state of Minnesota is welcome to attend.
All CDM Officer Positions are up for election
Speakers include State Sen. Becky Lourey, Secretary of State Candidates Mark Ritchie and Christian Sande and State Auditor candidate Rebecca Otto.
Email Alex, or Sean, for more information.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Congratulations to our new Exec. Board!
- President Noah Seligman
- Vice President Shannon Mitchell
- Secretary Justin Henry
- Treasurer David Liebow
- Affirmative Action/Outreach Chair Clare Nelson
- MSA Representative Melissa Shelsby
Thanks again everyone for running, and let's get going on those 2006 midterms!
Elections tonight!
This year's executive board is headed into its last hours of power. Tonight we will elect the new executive board for next year. Positions that everyone can run for include:
- President
- Vice President (must be gender-balanced with President)
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Affirmative Action/Outreach Chair
- MSA Representative
Anyone who has attended two or more meetings throughout the year is eligible to vote. Candidates who are running must get 60% of the vote before the election is official. Please show up on time so we can get this started promptly.
The date of the U-DFL end of the year BBQ has been changed from May 5th to May 6th. It is the Saturday before finals week, and hopefully everyone in the U-DFL can make it (this includes alumni!).
For those interested in the 5th Congressional District race, the candidates debated this past week. MPR recorded the event. Here are are the people who have said they will abide by the DFL endorsement, and those who won't.
The play Cabaret is being put on by the University Theater department. It tackles Nazism in Berlin in the 1930s, but about 70 years after the musical takes place, a number of the issues still feel very timely. The production is impressive, and the Rarig Theater is a unique experience.
Russ Feingold has some clever mugs on sale now at his new Progressive Patriots Store web site.
And just for kicks, check out this prank that has been traveling around the internet. As a hoax, a man seemingly sneaks into Andrews Air Force Base and spray paints "Still Free" on Air Force One.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Softball tonight! Elections tomorrow!
We have our softball doubleheader tonight, starting at 6pm over at the Bierman Fields. We'll be on Field 5 for both games (whichever one that is) and be sure to bring your glove and athletic wear.
Tomorrow we will be having our elections for next year's executive board. Everyone who is interested should run, and if you have any questions about the positions e-mail Max or another member of the exec board (full e-mail list on the sidebar). Good luck to everyone tomorrow!
Also, we will be discussing our House district that we are taking on, John Benson in 43B. Should be a good time.
Keep fighting the good fight, and see you at softball tonight,
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Cuts Both Ways

Interesting read about how the Democrats will make Katrina the focus of the midterm and future elections. Just goes to show that partisan use of national tragedies work for both parties. 9-11 for Republicans and expect to hear the phrase "Katrina Administration" quite regularly. Except (perhaps ironically) with both 9-11 and Katrina the same group of people (BUSH ADMINISTRATION) messed up big time.
Friday, April 21, 2006
High Energy Cost Blues
First, the Democrats running for Congress and Senate could point out how gas has risen to $4.50 in New York with other major cities soon to follow, how the relationship between George W. Bush and the Saudi royal families is a little too comfortable, or how companies like Exxon (who are reporting record profits today) were given special access to Dick Cheney's energy policy task force. They could point out the hypocrisy and lies and injustices. They could do this for the next six-and-a-half-months until election day and hope that voters make the right decision in the mid-terms. Or...
...second, those candidates could point out the weaknesses of the GOP briefly, and then offer an alternative. It is not enough to just bash the opposition. This has been the criticism of the Democratic party since John Kerry took the reins. We need to offer an alternative to people, to really show them that we are capable of more than just bitching.
Political psychologists often address the issue of negativity. Pointing out your opponents weaknesses and failures is only significant if you provide an alternative plan. If this plan is made available to the voters, then the negativity isn't seen as name-calling and doesn't makes people apathetic.
And this new initiative we propose cannot be flaky and short-sighted. It must look to the long term. It must include efforts not just to lower gas prices, but to move us away from gasoline and towards renewable energy sources. Each year we should be moving much more rapidly towards hybrid cars. Each year we should be investing billions of dollars in figuring out how to make solar energy more efficient. Each year we should begin to erect new wind power mills. There are many more ideas, I'm sure, from people much smarter than I, but it is time for the Democrats to seize this grand opportunity for a comprehensive policy initiative.
An interesting and funny example of what has been going on can be found in these ads. They were part of an interactive Chevy Tahoe internet campaign. People could go online and type in words and add music to the images on the screen to essentially create their own personalized commercials. Well some jokesters got in there, and had a little fun. Check the ads out:
So that's that. Here are what the Minnesota Gubernatorial and Senate candidates have on their web sites on energy policies:
Mike Hatch: Renewable Energy - Breaking the Oil Dependence
Steve Kelley: Renewable Energy for Minnesota
Becky Lourey: Sustainable Energy
Tim Pawlenty: --nothing--
Ford Bell: Energy
Mark Kennedy: Energy
Amy Klobuchar: Securing Our Energy Future: Promoting Homegrown Resources
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Quick Hits
Good news on the Florida front. Incumbent Ben Nelson has a solid 56%, but the more significant statistic is that only 27% support Harris. This leaves another 17% up in the air-how well this bodes.
Just a reminder to keep checking the right sidebar. It's updated almost every day, and last night I did a fairly large overhaul of the beast, so be sure to check it out. Newer features include: dates of each DFL Congressional District convention, a 2008 Democrat Presidential candidate list, and a list of political web sites recommended by the executive board. And be sure to keep checking on "The List" of young delegates to the state convention. (We represent about 2% of the entire convention delegation!) Also, I added a countdown to the 2006 elections at the top of the page. Let me know if this is annoying; I'll take it off.
The world of political films is ALWAYS fun (some of the best including Bob Roberts, The War Room, The Candidate, Primary Colors, Wag the Dog). Having said this, you should add Our Brand Is Crisis to your list of political films to see. It is a fascinating look at the world of Washington pollsters and consultants, and their political dealings abroad. OBIC tackles the 2002 Bolivian election. The film raises many questions, and doesn't provide the answers. The results of the election, however, are very concrete. (It is playing two final shows tonight at the Bell Auditorium on the U of M campus.)
While on the subject of films, there are a couple of movies that are showing at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Film Festival over the next few weeks that look like the deserve a shot. These include:
Things to remember for the group:
- Softball on Saturday! 6:00pm @ Bierman Field 5. It's a double header, so be sure to put aside a couple hours (hopefully we'll be done in time for the West Wing!).
- Elections for next year's officers are next week.
- Finally, our two finalists for the "Adopt-a-House-District" were John Goetz and John Benson. John Goetz has dropped out of his race, so our support will go to John Benson. The candidate sent me a nice e-mail, and I will share it at the next meeting.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Fare thee well

Oh Scotty Mac, goodbye.We hardly knew thee. Probably because you never answered our questions. But we had some laughs.
Let's hear from you. What will Scotty do now?
- Work for his mother?
- Go relish in the presence of his fans?
- Other? Post what you think he should do in the comments section.
Monday, April 17, 2006
I've had Pawlenty of McCain
Pawlenty wants to be in D.C. This was fairly obvious when he wanted to run for Senate in 2002. Now
Also, a funny post on Wonkette today.
Meeting tonight!
Tonight's meeting will feature 5th Congressional Candidate Gail Dorfman.
If I hear back from our house candidates John Goetz and John Benson, we'll make that decision tonight. If not, we'll do that next week.
Also-don't forget! Softball next week at 6:00 at the Bierman fields!
Friday, April 14, 2006
Congratulations on a great campaign and a great win. Special thanks to all the volunteers, especially Emma Olson, Sean Olson, Mark Lewandowski, Sam Mccabe, Shea Lavalier, Shannon Mitchell, Megan Kosse, Claire Nelson, Kelly Kubacki, Courtney Klos, Will Kusch, Nic Allyn, Kevin McClean, Julia Krieger, Pat Smith.
Finally thanks to every group/people that endorsed Max and Monica:
-Progressive Student Union
-Campus Conservative Cultural Program
-Students for a Conservative Voice
-Middlebrook Hall Council
-CLA Honors Student Association
-Rep. Kahn
-Mayor RT Rybak
Monday, April 10, 2006
Please log onto or click anywhere on this text to vote. This election is very important if the University is going to be the best it can be. Remember, Max and Monica are endorsed by the DFL at the University of Minnesota, Representative Phyllis Kahn, and Minneapolis Mayor RT Rybak. So all U of M undergrads, take 20 seconds and vote for the following candidates:
Here we go!
A few things before we get down to the nitty-gritty:
I found this the other day. It's a list of the senators ranked based on popularity in their home states. #1? Maine's Susan Collins. Second was Kent Conrad of North Dakota whose name is similar to the senator with the lowest approval rating (position 100), Conrad Burns of Montana. Other notables: Barack Obama-tied for 4th, Trent Lott-tied for 6th, John McCain-tied for 16th, Hillary Clinton-tied for 24th, John Kerry-tied for 61st, Russ Feingold-tied for 66th, and Bill Frist-tied for 58th. The Minnesota delegation has Norm Coleman tied for 55th and outgoing senator Mark Dayton at 84th.
Minnesota House Speaker Steve Sviggum says that session will be done on time this year, and maybe even early!
Though the immigration protests in St. Paul on Sunday weren't as large as some of the ones in the southern US, it was quite a sizable turnout. To me, this is representative of a problem that has long been ignored by politicians and the business world, and to which there is no ideal solution.
There has been some confusion about who to send names to if you know of some young people who are delegates or alternates to the state convention. You can send them to me (Max) at Please include their name, whether they are an alternate or delegate, which high school or college they attend (or which one they did attend and year graduated) as well as any position in the youth DFL movement.
Finally, vote TOMORROW or WEDNESDAY in the Minnesota Student Association elections. Check back here tomorrow for a link or visit to vote!
Sunday, April 09, 2006
U-DFL Digest
We have some fun events coming up. First, today we have two softball games over at Bierman fields. Those start at 6pm. Bring your glove and get ready to play some softball!
As soon as that's over, we'll head to Cooke Hall and play our final volleyball game of the season.
Tomorrow we will meet at our regular time over in Coffman. Check the right hand side of the blog ( for room number.
Immediately after the meeting we will go out and chalk for Max and Monica for MSA. Also, if you're available to volunteer at any point on Tuesday or Wednesday for the campaign, please let Max know ( or Noah ( We can use volunteers anytime between 7:00am Tuesday morning until 8pm Wednesday night.
Thanks for all your help so far, and keep fighting the good fight!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
It's Here....
Keep spreading the word, and encourage people to join our facebook group.
FINALLY, others are taking note of McCain's lack of moderation. The STrib has an article today about how McCain has veered away from his Straight Talk Express days and towards the far right in hopes of possibly garnering the Republican nomination for Prez in '08. If you ask me, he's never been that moderate. His support for tax cuts for the wealthy and has traditionally supported very conservative social policies. As he states in the article, "People will continue to see I stand up for what I believe.'' That's for sure. And hopefully that means they won't vote for you, senator.
Also, the official DFL blog,, had live blogging coverage of the gay marriage hearing yesterday in the Judiciary Committee of the Minnesota State Senate. The hate amendment failed 5-4.
Check out the NYTimes article on the health care package passed by the Massachussetts government yesterday. This may prove especially helpful for Republican governor Mitt Romney as he moves closer to announcing his candidacy for the 2008 presidential election.
ALSO, check frequently to get updates from the campaign. They need your help for next week's election. Any volunteer time would be appreciated.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The hammer crumbles. Corrupt House Majority Leader (R-TX) will not seek re-election and will leave the House. This is a dangerous sign for the GOP in an election year that their superstar who led them to power with his shady gerrymandering is going down in flames.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
I'm looking over your shoulder....
Max and Monica need you to get their back. Check out the Op/Ed section of the Daily either Monday or Tuesday this week because Max and Monica will have a column in their laying out their platform and ideas. After marveling at their prose, take a minute to show your support by sending a letter to about how Max and Monica are the right team with their action oriented leadership, and open door philosophy. Be sure to include your name, phone, and year in school.
Volleyball Yes, Softball No, Max and Monica-Absolutely!
I put it on the blog earlier this week, but there is no softball
tonight. It's all been pushed back one week.
Despite rumors, we still have volleyball tonight! 8:15 at Cooke Hall.
The Max and Monica campaign still needs your help volunteering, so
please e-mail if you can help out.
Also, no one has yet contacted me to help out on the St. Paul Joe
Rolette Day project, so please do so if you're interested.
AS ALWAYS-check the blog!
and Keep fighting the good fight,

Immigration is becoming the new hot issue for the 2006 and will get even bigger in 2008. CNN has a great article from TIME Magazine about the country's views. Immigration is a tricky one for the GOP because business Republicans realize the benefit immigrants have on business in this country while social conservatives in their xenophobia want to kick out the 11 million illegal immigrants. Keep an eye on Arizona Sen. John Kyl who has to balance the two edges of his party.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Youth DFL Delegation
This is a list of all of the known delegates to the state convention that are part of a growing youth movement. Many of them are students at the University of Minnesota, but others are names that people have sent me who are also delegates. If you are a young person (or know of one) that is a delegate to the state convention, but is not on this list, e-mail ME!!! I'll throw your name on. There are no rules for defining "youth" like MY-DFL has, but make your case, and we'll see. I've also included each person's affiliation to the youth movement (all are U-DFL unless otherwise noted).
- Theresa Brecht (Hutchinson High School)
- Sean Broom (MY-DFL President)
- Andrew Dunbar (Plainview)
- Matthew Eldred (New Prague High School)
- Patrick Ellis (West Central Area High School)
- Elizabeth Emerson
- David Fine (St. Olaf)
- Amanda Gigliotti (Itasca Community College Democrats)
- James Haggar
- Monica Heth (former U-DFL Treasurer)
- Matt Klaber (Macalester)
- Kelly Kubacki (former U-DFL Vice President)
- David Liebow (U-DFL Treasurer)
- Shannon Mitchell (U-DFL Vice President)
- Clare Nelson (U-DFL Affirmative Action/Outreach Chair)
- Sean Olson (CDM Secretary)
- Max Page (former U-DFL President)
- Beth Munnich (former MY-DFL Affirmative Action Officer)
- Andy Pomroy (UofM '05, former U-DFL President)
- Robyn Schultz
- Danny Schwartzman
- Melissa Shelsby (U-DFL Representative to MSA)
- Liz Underwood-Bultmann (UofM '05)
- Daniella Voysey (St. Olaf, CDM Vice President)
- Michael Walters
- Nathan Wanderman
- Adam Welle (UofM '05)
- Chris Bigley (UofM '05)
- Kristen Denzer (Associate Chair, SD 52)
- Joe Gould (Itasca Community College Democrats)
- Kate Huber (St. Olaf)
- Shea Lavalier
- Mary Clare Lindsley (St. Olaf '04, St. Kate's)
- Ani Loizzo
- Austin Miller (UofM '05, former U-DFL President)
- Elizabeth Nelsen (U of M-Duluth)
- Eric Nelson (Gustavus)
- Matt Ryan (UofM '05)
- Alex Valen (CDM President)
Senate Districts represented: 37, 43, 52, 55, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 66