U-DFL Blog

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The New Medicare Drug Company Benefit

See the WHOLE picture here: http://images.google.com/images?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=RNWE,RNWE:2004-38,RNWE:en&q=Evil%20Drug%20companies&sa=N&tab=wi

Check out this article from the New York Times regarding the changes to the Medicare program, and the new problems.

As you may recall this change effective Jan 1 is awful for seniors, but at least drug companies will benefit. This program was supposed to cost $400 billion, a government official was threatened with his job if he told Congress the actual cost ($550 billion) before the final close vote.

Scroll down this link to read Paul Krugman's assessment from earlier this year:

Here's what I want to know...

In the middle of a crisis in Iraq, with 45 million+ people without health insurance, with our environment being torn to shambles from bills passed during his last term, with Osama bin Laden still at large, with the country as divided as it has been in recent history, and countless other battles....


This seems ill-timed to me and completely irresponsible.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Vote Tracker

Minnesota Public Radio has just made being a good citizen THAT much easier. They have added a web site in which you can track voting records in the Minnesota state legislature. Search by either Issues or Legislator.


Bad News Bears

Sad news for those of you who are literate (meaning you probably reside in a Blue State). The co-author of the Bernstein Bears died. While this has nothing to do with politics, I can't think of a better example of family values than the Bernstein Bears. Plus, I read them all the time growing up.

Read his obit here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/11/29/AR2005112901210.html

A few fun web sites

Here are some things to keep you amused on your Tuesday morning/afternoon/night:

OpenSecrets-This web site is one of the best web sites that tracks where the money influences politics. If you know anyone that's given a significant amount of money (usually at least a few hundred bucks), look them up!

Al Franken Show Blog-This gives updates for all of Franken's upcoming events, but the blog includes other features as well, such as the "Hate Mail of the Day" and some great Franken commentary.

Wikipedia's list of Democratic celebrities-Know which of your stars are good ol' Dems. My personal favorites:
  • Boys II Men
  • Catherine Zeta-Jones
  • Doug Flutie
  • Aretha Franklin
(See also: NewsMeat's Celebrity Political Donations)


Monday, November 28, 2005

Oh Those "Moral Values"

Yet another Republican gets caught for illegal immoral conduct. This time it's "only" a US Congressman from California.



Remember to bring T-shirt designs to the meeting tonight! We will be voting!!!

For now, I'll leave you with this:

Barack Obama's Weekly PodCast


Sunday, November 27, 2005


Hey Democratic friends,

Hopefully everyone had a good Thanksgiving. But now it's time to dig in for the last little bit of the semester. Coming up, we have:

  • Meeting on Monday in Coffman 325 at 5:30. Make it if you can, and bring friends!
  • Fill the Bus is on December 1st. Hopefully everyone brought some clothes from home and can make it. We'll decide on a time to meet for this event at the meeting on Monday.
  • Al Franken will be at the Edina Barnes and Noble on the 4th of December at 3 pm.

A couple other dates to keep in mind:

  • The Dance marathon is coming up in a couple of weeks, so e-mail Chris Montezon (mont0309@umn.edu), if you are interested in doing this with us. It should be a great time.
  • Loyal member Aaron Eisenberg has offered to have a U-DFL social at his house in Dinkytown on the Saturday, December 10th, so keep that date open.

As always, this information can be found on our blog:


Look for some fresh new features to be coming soon!

See you on Monday!

Keep fighting the good fight,


Saturday, November 26, 2005

Chance Next Year

This is a nice profile of the competitive US House races next year, and a brief analysis of the possibility of the Democrats overcoming the 29 vote majority the GOP has in the House. Read it here: http://www.centerforpolitics.org/crystalball/article.php?id=DNW2005051901

My former political science actually thinks this is a very real possibility, we could see a massive voter backlash against a party like we did when FDR came in, after Watergate, and in 1994 (boo).

Stupid is as stupid does...

Here is a selection of quotes from Republicans, courtesy of the book 449 Stupid Things Republicans Have Said, by Ted Rueter.

  • "I promise you I will listen to what has been said here, even though I wasn't here." -George W. Bush on his way out the door at the President's Economic Forum in Waco, Texas
  • "Reading is the basics for all learning." -George W. Bush, trumpeting his "Reading First" initiative
  • "In every society, the definition of marriage has not, to my knowledge, included homosexuality...it's not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be." -Senator Rick Santorum (R-Pennsylvania)
  • "Where did this idea come from that everybody deserves free education? Free medical care? Free whatever? It comes from Moscow. From Russia. It comes straight out of the pit of hell." -Representative Debbie Riddle (R-Texas)
  • "I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family." -George W. Bush

and my personal favorite:

  • "I am running because there needs to be one member of Congress who stands up for the European American." -David Duke, Congressional candidate from Louisiana

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Birthday Mr. President

Today our dear leader Maxwell Page turns 21, meaning he can FINALLY, at long last see what this whole drinking thing is about. Send him a birthday e-mail at page0172@umn.edu

Click here to check out a special birthday song dedication to Max from Marilyn Monroe: http://faculty.uml.edu/sgallagher/happybday.htm

The Man Who Should be President

Check out this hilarious ad from failed NYC mayoral candidate Ferrer. He got slaughtered by Bloomberg, but this ad is still funny. It features Al Sharpton throwing his support. Takes 15 seconds, watch it here: http://thepoliticalteen.net/2005/11/02/sharptonferrer/

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Lisa Kissing of EcoWatch sent me this e-mail:

EcoWatch and IREE are cosponsoring a forum on renewable energy December 1 stat 5PM. The forum will serve as a student accessible branch of theUniversity's annual symposium on renewable energy research. Speakers fromXcel, United Steelworkers, IREE, and ME3 will address the implications of a renewable energy standard on business, labor, and the University. Could you send the attached announcement to your listserv? We hope to see you there!
--Lisa Kissing

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Get to know 'em: Your potential 2008 Presidential candidates

Here is a list of potential Democratic candidates for President in 2008. There are still a lot of possibilities, of course, but these names have been mentioned as either strong candidates OR those who have shown such ambitions. Check out the links provided, and see which one you support! (The short bios are a work in progress, keep checking back for more updates.)

  • Senator Russ Feingold (D-Wisconsin). Feingold has made a name for himself as an independent voice in the Senate, from being the sole voter against the original Patriot Act or his controversial bipartisan legislation, the McCain-Feingold Campaign Reform Bill. He is also the first Senator to come out very strongly against the Iraq war and ask President Bush for a clear exit strategy. Has his own PAC, Progressive Patriot Fund. Wikipedia. Senate web site. Also, DraftRuss.com.
  • Senator Evan Bayh (D-Indiana). Son of Indiana Senator Birch Bayh II (and one time presidential hopeful, losing to Jimmy Carter), Bayh is the former governor of Indiana. He has been praised by many for being a moderate in the Senate with hopes of uniting a polarized nation. He has an exploratory committee called All America. Wikipedia. Senate web site.
  • Senator Joe Biden (D-Delaware). Biden has received much praise for his foreign and international relations expertise. He has made overtures that he will run. He has been in the Senate since 1973. Wikipedia. Senate web site. His own web site.
  • Senator John Kerry (D-Massachussetts). Former Presidential candidate who lost to George W. Bush in 2004, Kerry still has about $14 million left over from the run and a very impressive e-mail listserv. Name recognition is high, but some think that is a negative rather than a positive. JohnKerry.com. Wikipedia. Senate web site.
  • John Edwards. Former Senator from North Carolina, and John Kerry's running mate in 2004, this Southern Democrat was very popular and nearly successful in winning the Democrat nomination with his populist, "Two Americas" message. He is now continuing his fight against poverty both here and abroad (he is currently visiting India). One America Committee. Wikipedia.
  • Senator Hillary Clinton (D-New York). Considered by many to be the front-runner for 2008, Clinton is said to be both a polarizing and motivating figure. As wife of President Bill Clinton, she was one of the most active first ladies of the recent era. She went on to win the Senate seat in New York in 2001. Senate web site. Wikipedia. Draft Hillary site.
  • Governor Mark Warner (D-Virginia). Warner has been on the Presidential radar since 2004, and was even considered as a vice-presidential pick for John Kerry. Like Edwards, he has a Southern populist appeal. He will serve as governor until mid-January. Governor web site. Wikipedia. Draft Mark Warner site.
  • Governor Tom Vilsack (D-Iowa). Vilsack was also considered to be high on John Kerry's list of potential running mates in 2004. He is governor of a very powerful state, Iowa, which holds the first caucuses in the increasingly important primary/caucus process. He has also been named as the Chair of the Democratic Leadership Council, the group that helped Clinton's 1992 bid for the Presidency. Wikipedia. Vilsack's Heartland PAC. Governor web site.
  • Tom Daschle. Forme Senate Majority/Minority leader from South Dakota, Daschle lost his reelection bid in 2004 to John Thune. He is now an advisor to the lobbying firm Alston and Bird, in their Washington D.C. Office. New Leadership for America PAC (formerly DASHPAC).
  • Governor Bill Richardson (D-New Mexico). Richardson, the popular governor from New Mexico was also allegedly on John Kerry's shortlist of Vice Presidential candidates before public declaring he did not want to hold the position. He is considered a strong candidate for 2008 because he is the only Hispanic governor in the country. This is also, coincidentally the fastest-growing minority in the country. He has also served as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and Secretary of Energy, both under Bill Clinton. America for Bill Richardson. Governor web site.
  • General Wesley Clark. Clark ran unsuccessfully in 2004 for the Democratic nomination. Favored for his strong military background, Clark was the leading commander in the Kosovo intervention. He now serves as military and foreign relations analyst for Fox News. Draft Clark in '08. Wikipedia.
  • Al Gore. Former Vice President under Bill Clinton, Al Gore ran (un)successfully for President in 2000 against George W. Bush...depends on who you ask. Gore was a member of the U.S. House and Senate before being tapped by Clinton for the Vice-Presidency. Gore has been active lately, focusing a concerted effort on the environment and the economy. Also helped launch "Current", a television network aimed at 18-34 year olds. Al Gore 2008. Wikipedia.

Take a Moment

Today marks the 42nd Anniversary of the assassination of our 35th President John F. Kennedy. Please, take a moment today to honor his legacy.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Sorry More Feingold

I know we are in Minnesota, but if you liked Wellstone you're going to love Russ Feingold (D-WI). Here's a great article from the New Republic about him.

Click here to read it: http://www.tnr.com/doc.mhtml?i=20051121&s=crowley112105

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Those Washington Fat Cats

Great article from the New York Times this morning about the Iraq war debate in Congress and its implications for 2006. It discusses splintering in the GOP ranks and the opportunities for Democrats next year.

Read it here: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/20/politics/20cong.html?pagewanted=2&th&emc=th

Saturday, November 19, 2005


Everyone should check out this clip from the House floor yesterday. It is wild! (You may have to scroll down a bit on the page it takes you to in order to find it.)

Borrow and Spend, Borrow and Waste

This is a link to a kind of fun game (if you're obsessed with politics). This was actually an assignement in my Pol 1001 with Tim Johnson. You have to run a budget simulation, see if you can balance it. Don't forget to include tax breaks for big oil, drug companies, Wal-Mart, and rich people. That's the "American" thing to do. My bet is we'll be better fiscal managers than the radical right.



The Onion's Weekly Address

Ever since good ol' Democrat FDR sat by his hearth for the famous "Fireside Chats", Presidents have always delivered a weekly radio address. It is a long-respected tradition. That is, it was a long-respected tradition until the satirical newspaper The Onion came along. They now perform a mockery of the President's weekly radio address. Check it out. The NYTimes even wrote an article on the controversy of The Onion using the Presidential Seal on the Web site.

The "Holidays"

Friday, November 18, 2005

Don't Rock the Vote!

Christian Sande has just sent out an e-mail with an interesting article enclosed. It's about the effective and ineffective ways of getting young people to vote.


Table Talk

Wanted to let people know who plan on tabling Monday or in the future (by the way, big thanks to Monica for setting this up) about what Mark and I found to be a good approach. We got a few names on our sign up list, but we also found it was helpful to pass out pens, with buisness cards with meeting times on them attached. You cannot leave the table to do so, but you CAN stand near the table and offer them to people. FYI.

If people ask questions, tell them about how we're organizing for a big push to get rid of Gov. Pawlenty and keep our Senate seat. The focus is on NEXT fall.

Keeps it real,

Thursday, November 17, 2005

New Feature: Events!

I just wanted to point out a new feature of the blog. If you look over to the right side of the blog, you'll see a list of upcoming events (right underneath the officers). This will include all the events coming up! Just thought I'd let everyone know!


You Better Not Shout, You Better Not Cry, You Better Not Pout, I'm Tellin' You Why...

...Al Franken's coming-to town!

Al Franken will be at the Edina Barnes and Noble on December 4th at 3 pm for a book signing. He will be promoting his new book, "The Truth (with Jokes)." I encourage everyone to attend. There is a lot of buzz that Franken will be running against Norm Coleman for the Senate seat in 2008. So come and get a chance to see the man before he's too important to talk to you (or sign your book).

Best. Moment. In. Punditry. Ever.

If you were not born until this year, you may have missed Jon Stewart on Crossfire last fall (a now defunct program, in part because of his effort). His 13+ minute tirade on the show is an instant classic in political punditry. If for some reason, you have NOT, or even if you want to be inspired again, click here to watch it http://www.ifilm.com/ifilmdetail/2652831?htv=12

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Great Source

This website is a gold mine for info regarding Minnesota politics. Check it regularly to stay up to date on all the goinz onz.




A nice editorial from that liberal New York Times shredding the President's latest attempt to coverup his screwups leading to the quagmire formerly known as the Iraq war.
Read it here:


Hennepin County Attorny Candidate at Next Meeting

Hi folks,

Word just came in that a representative from Mike Freeman for Hennepin County Attorney's campaign will be in to speak with us on Monday. We'll probably do committees, then shoot over to Mr. Freeman's representative and then order food and talk about the Alito article.

Just thought I'd let everyone know.


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Bill O'Reilly You Only Rilein' Me Up

Check out this article from The Capital Times (the liberal Madison newspaper). John Nichols is a great columnist and worth reading. Here he blasts (pun intended) everybody's favorite political pundit.


Monday, November 14, 2005

New Record for Bush

Check this out. Bush hits another low (impressive if you think about failure among Republicans) in terms of his mark. Make special note at the bottom of the numbers regarding if people would support a candidate endorsed by Bush (56 said no, 34 said no). Be sure to know this, and be damn sure Mr. Pawlenty and Mr. Kennedy do too.

Read it here: http://www.cnn.com/2005/POLITICS/11/14/bush.poll/index.html


This is a true quote following Hurricane Katrina. This kind of arrogance shows how out of touch the entire Bush family is with reality.

Some Good Reads

This article ran in the NYT yesterday, in the Week in Review section (in my opinion, the best part of the paper) and is about the bible and abortion. I think it's especially prescient considering what we found out about Judge Scalito today http://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/14/politics/politicsspecial1/14cnd-alito.html?hp&ex=1132030800&en=59af67ce427bea9a&ei=5094&partner=homepage.

Click here to read it http://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/13/weekinreview/13luo.html

Another good read about Feingold in the New Republic, as posted on his 527 group webpage. http://www.progressivepatriotsfund.com/news/237/will-iraq-make-russell-feingold-the-new-howard-dean


Sunday, November 13, 2005

Wisconsin Kids, Listen Up...

Here's an article from conservative Washington Post columnist George Will about Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold and a possible presidential run. Check it out here http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/11/11/AR2005111101622.html?sub=AR


Democrats Gone Wild

Hi folks,

Our meeting will be held in Coffman once again this Monday, at a new room, Room 326 (same hallway, just at the end). It will be at 5:30 as usual.

A few quick reminders:

--10:30 Monday morning! Amy Klobuchar will be at the Mississippi Room at Coffman giving a policy speech. All who can make it are encouraged to attend.

--Be sure to send any t-shirt ideas to the social/events committee.

--The BLOG has really hit its stride these past couple weeks. It is a wonderful way to distribute information. Check it out at


See everyone on Monday! Bring friends!

Keep fighting the good fight,


John Edwards

Here is a piece from the Washington Post by John Edwards. It is a very strong statement against the Iraq war. Keep an eye out, I think you'll see much more of this sort of thing from Democrats in the near future.


Saturday, November 12, 2005

volunteer reminder

I want to get something established for volunteering by Thanksgiving, so we can go a few times before winter break. Check out the youth outreach program Alternatives here: http://www.alternativesusa.net/index.htm. E-mail me at seli0052@umn.edu and let me know your thoughts. I'm hoping to have a weekly UDFL presence, but if you can give 1.5-2 hours a week that would be awesome. It looks great on a resume, and oh yeah, is also a great program. Puuuhhhhleease let me know if you can do this. Thanks.


Poll Watch

This is an interesting web site to look at polls for the 2006 races around the country. [Wall Street Journal]

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Young People Getting REALLY Involved

What have YOU done lately? Probably not as much as this high schooler.

Amy Klobuchar Policy Address

Here is a message sent to me by the Amy Klobuchar for Senate campaign. Everyone go if you can!

Amy Klobuchar will give a major policy address on
Monday, November 14th at 10:30am
University of Minnesota
Coffman Memorial Union
Mississippi Room, 3rd floor

the event is free and the press will be there!

Thank you!

Lizzie Nelson

Elizabeth Nelson
Volunteer Coordinator
Klobuchar for Minnesota

Tricky Dick a flip-flopper?

Woman President

If LIBERIA CAN DO IT...so can we.


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Friday Social

Hey U-DFLers,

There's a party this Friday at the Minnehaha aprements on the West Bank, hosted by Carolyn Blomberg. Here is her address and phone number. If you have any questions, give me a call (612) 916-5965. Let me know if you're going.

1901 Minnehaha Ave.
Apt 211

you have to call me so I can go down and let you in, though - the buzzer
thing don't work too swell.-Carolyn

Overall, Yesterday Good for US

Check out this article from CNN about the Democrat resurgence nationally yesterday from coast to coast. Click here to read it http://www.cnn.com/2005/POLITICS/11/09/election.roundup/index.html

Another good read, from the New York Times about the struggles of the GOP looking towards next fall. Click here to read it http://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/09/politics/09assess.html

This is just the start. Keep up the good work. Thanks to everyone who helped out in this campaign, and a thank you in advance for the hard work we're all going to do next year.


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Good Job, Cara

I would just like to let everyone know that Cam Gordon has won the city council seat for Ward 2 of Minneapolis. The candidate we worked for, Cara J. Letofsky, worked very hard and reached out to students far more than her DFL-endorsed predecessor, Paul Zerby. I would recommend that everyone who helped out e-mail Cara and let her know that we appreciated the support she gave us and the opportunities we were able to partake in due to her campaign.

DFL-endorsed candidates did win in 9 of the 13 seats for City Council, and Mayor R.T. Rybak and Chris Coleman both won easily. Congratulations are due to them as well.


Polling Results

I stopped around each of the University area polling places this evening between 5 and 6 o'clock, and they told me how many people voted at each place as of that time. Here are the results:

Coffman Memorial Union ~65

Minnesota Health Center (SuperBlock) ~175

Seward Tower East (West Bank) ~275

Thes numbers should each bump up a few more in the next couple hours, but that looks to be about it. Hope to see everyone at the Blue Nile this evening for Cara's victory party!



Hey everyone, Just a remind to go out and vote today. And BRING YOUR FRIENDS ALONG!

Find out where you vote in Minneapolis.

Find out where you vote in St. Paul.

And if you live in Ward 2, go vote for Cara Letofsky for City Council! Members of the U-DFL are invited to her victory party tonight at the Blue Nile, located on East Franklin, right after the polls close. Find at more at Cara's web site.


Monday, November 07, 2005

Quick Response

The MN Daily editorial board endorsed our opponent Cam Gordon today. We need someone to write a quick response letting them know, tactfully, why Cara is the right choice for students. If you do this, please e-mail Max at page0172@umn.edu.


Sunday, November 06, 2005

Mayoral Messages

Here are a couple messages sent to me from the Minneapolis mayoral candidates.


Mayor R.T. Rybak has worked hard these past four years to include students in the political process and deserves another four to finish the job!

Here are a few reasons to vote and volunteer for him:

-Mayor Rybak campaigned tirelessly in 2004 to get students out to vote

-Mayor Rybak fought to get a polling place on campus for students. As a result, students were able to vote in Coffman union for the first time in 2004.

-Mayor Rybak is investing in technology by developing a city wide wireless network

-Mayor Rybak has the Sierra Club endorsement for his work on the environment.

-Mayor Rybak is developing a “college for all” plan that will guarantee a higher education to every student in Minneapolis Public Schools.

Want to meet the Mayor and volunteer Monday Nov. 7th and Tuesday Nov. 8th?

Call 612-910-0805!

Mayoral candidate Peter McLaughlin, a DFL office holder for 20
years, is asking for your help on Election Day and wants you to come
join the celebration Tuesday night at the Holiday Inn - Metrodome
(1500 Washington Ave S, on the West Bank). We are looking for
volunteers to help with the Get Out the Vote on Tuesday, folks are
meeting up all day at the Campaign HQ at 1097 10th Ave SE (SW corner
of 35W and E Hennepin Ave, just northwest of Dinkytown).

Why Help Elect Peter?
- Peter currently represents the U on the Hennepin County Board
- Peter led the fight to build the Hiawatha LRT line and will get
the LRT line through campus built during his first term
- Peter has the support of every former U-DFL President from the
past decade
- Peter is about more than promises and rhetoric, he gets things done
- The current Mayor has a record of failed promises and bad policies
towards students; including:
- Failed on campaign promise to create more affordable housing
around campus
- Promoted plan, and calls it a success, that evicted dozens,
if not hundreds of students from housing two years ago
- Supported the closing of General College, leaving too many of
his own constituents locked of attending the U
- Even said at a recent debate "I wouldn't want to live next to
one," when refering to students at the U

Read http://www.petermclaughlin.org for more information or contact
the campaign at 612-465-0414.

Monday's Meeting and Bill Recap

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Submit Letters

Hey, it's really important that Cara get the endorsement from the Daily for the election on Tuesday. The best way to do that is to submit lots of letters. E-Mail your letter of submit to the Daily at letters@mndaily.com Be sure to include your name, address, phone number, and year in school. Keep it short, and have one message.

Your letter should probably primarily focus on how Cara has shown she is committed to reaching out to students, and giving us a voice in local politics. She has a strong record on progressive politics and community activism. Cara listens to students, reaches out etc. Her issues she's strong on are housing, transportation etc.

Please shoot me an e-mail at seli0052@umn.edu to let me know if you submitted a letter. Thanks.


The Audacity of Hope

Here's a great article from the New York Times about why Democrats are going to make a comeback in 2006. Check it out here http://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/03/politics/03dems.html?th&emc=th


Middlebrook Bill Clinton Movie Night

Hi everyone,

Why don't we meet at Middlebrook Hall at 7:00 tomorrow night, Friday to watch some Bill Clinton movies. Our choices are The Hunting of the President, The War Room, and Primary Colors. Check them out and we'll take a vote on which ones to watch.

We can also order pizza or Chinese or something. Meet at Middlebrook Hall around 6:45 and we'll get situated. The big screen TV is just inside the second set of doors. If you have trouble finding it or are curious about more details, give Max Page (612.916.5965) or Clare Nelson (763.607.1065) a call.


Helen Thomas and Announcements

Hey folks,

I just thought everyone should know about this wonderful journalist, Helen Thomas. She has worked in Washington as a journalist since John F. Kennedy was elected. She has seen them all since then and given some a harder time than others. Check her articles out as often as you can, and check the White House Press Secretary Transcripts for more evidence of her tenacity. The transcripts do not designate who asked the questions, but Helen's questions are usually the ones that produce the most awkward answers from the press secretary at the time (most recently Ari Fleischer and Scott McClellan).

Check back here soon for the location and time of the Bill Clinton movie night which will be this Friday evening. Then we will probably go camp in front of the doors at Northrup. More on that later as well.

Also, a program called Kids Voting is looking for volunteers on election day, November 8th. The shifts are three hours long, and you would be dealing with people younger than 18 years old. For more information contact Max (612.916.5965 or page0172@umn.edu).

Finally, the people with the Chris Coleman campaign in St. Paul are looking for some volunteers to help out over at Bailey Hall in St. Paul. Coleman is the DFL-endorsed mayoral candidate in St. Paul, and it would be good if we could give him a little hand.


Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Dwight D. Eisenhower

A former Republican President, Dwight D. Eisenhower, made this statement, back on November 8th, 1954:

"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history.

There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid."

Thank you once again, Mr. President, for showing us that you are the most extremist and poorest leader we've had in a long time.


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Support the Troops Banner

Hey guys and gals and other gender identities,

Tomorrow (Wednesday) there will be a signing of a "Support the Troops" banner over at the West Bank Plaza at 2:00. I encourage you all to sign the banner if you do support the troops.

There are a couple of things to be aware of if you plan on doing this. The event is cosponsored by the U-DFL and the Campus Conservative Cultural Program (CCCP), formerly the Campus Republicans. This signing of the banner is in no way associated with either the Walk-out protest planned for tomorrow, nor the counter-protest put on by the conservative group Protest-Warrior. However, you will be signing your name along side Republicans. This banner is going to be sent to the troops in Iraq. It is not a "Support the Troops, Bring them Home" banner, nor is it a "Support the Troops, Support the War" banner. It is meant simply to show bipartisan support for the troops.

If you have any concerns or questions, please contact me as soon as possible. 612.916.5965.

I have lost the link for the article for next week, but it is about Samuel Alito, aka "Scalito." Read up as much as you can for next week if you plan on sticking around for the discussion or not!

I hope all is well.

Keep fighting the good fight,
