U-DFL Blog

Thursday, March 30, 2006

This Guy Sucks...

Mr. Jack Abramoff, is in hot water not surprisingly, but this time it's completed unrelated to political stuff. The disrgaced Republican lobbyists was sentenced to 6 years in jail for a different crime. He won't report to jail immediately because he has to cooperate in the Tom Delay investigation. What a douchebag.

When Katherine Harris announced that she, in fact, would be running for the Florida senate seat in 2006 claimed that she had $10 million to spend on the race that she had inherited from her father when he died. Now there is a great web site that has emerged that is going to make her spend it all.

Here are some Katherine Harris references:

Also, be sure to check out the blog for Max & Monica. There have been some updates!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Minnesota Public Radio has just reported that state senator Sharon Marko has dropped out of the race for the 2nd Congressional District. Marko called the obstacles standing in her way "insurmountable." This leaves FBI whistleblower Colleen Rowley to fight John Kline for his spot in Congress.

Rebecca Yanisch was the first drop-out of the day when she announced that she would no longer pursue the race for the 5th Congressional District. This leaves another 12 candidates, a much more crowded field than the 2nd.

Note the updates on the sidebar.

Softball Delayed One Week

Softball has been cancelled for this week. The intramural sports people said that the fields are not yet playable. Everything will be pushed back one week.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Amy Klobuchar & Barack Obama

Amy is having an event for FREEEEEEEE with Senator Barack Obama of Illinois.

Find details and print your free tickets on Amy's web site.

Saturday, April 8
2:00 pm
St. Louis Park Middle School Gymnasium
2025 Texas Ave S
St. Louis Park, MN

EcoWatch's Clean Water Legacy Event

Leading campus environmental group EcoWatch is putting on an event tomorrow evening called "Protect Our Waters: Clean Water Legacy"

This even will take place from 7-8 pm in the West Bank Auditorium. Speakers will include John Tuma (of Minnesota Environmental Partnership) and Patience Caso (of Clean Water Action).

Attend the event to learn "about Minnesota's water quality and what the Clean Water Legacy Bill would do to improve our waters."

Monday, March 27, 2006

New Sidebar Feature!

Check out our new feature over on the right-hand sidebar: 2006 DFL Candidates! We have included candidates, new and old in all of the statewide races (Senate, Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Auditor) and Congressional races in districts 1-8. Candidates' web sites are linked to as well. Check back often as people join in and drop out of the races.

Sunday, March 26, 2006


Hey folks,

This Monday we'll be having a meeting at our regular time (5:30) in Coffman, Rm. 324.

Representative Keith Ellison will be addressing the group. He is running for Martin Sabo's congressional seat and asked to speak to the group on this day. We may have a few other congressional candidates by tomorrow night, but none of them have contacted me.

I will also propose another fun project that we may want to work on for the next few months. It'll be a surprise, so come to the meeting to find out all about it.

In the meantime, Max and Monica need your help! Please visit http://acecendorsement.umn.edu to add your name to the list of people who want to see Max and Monica's name on the ballot in April!

If you are a U-DFL endorsed candidate, please contact Noah at maxandmonica@gmail.com if you have not yet done so.

WE HAVE VOLLEYBALL AGAIN TONIGHT! So please show up at 8:00 at the Rec so we can win one!

And finally, as one generally update, our elections for next year's U-DFL officers will be in less than one month: April 24! So start figuring out if you want a position in a very important election year.

Keep fighting the good fight,



Sorry to inundate the blog with Max and Monica stuff, but this election is very important, and we need all the help we can get. In the meantime, look at the results from Saturday's County Unit and Senate District conventions:

Selected as Delegates to the DFL State Convention:
  • Kelly Kubacki
  • Melissa Shelsby
  • Monica Heth
  • Michael Walters
  • David Liebow
Selected as Alternates to the DFL State Convention:
  • Shea Lavalier
  • Chris Bigley
  • Ani Loizzo
This brings our grand total of young people (that I know of) elected to the state convention:
We'll be quite the voting bloc!

More updates on this subject next week after some more conventions, but stayed tuned to the blog. There will be more Max and Monica stuff, but expect some fun posts this week as well. We'll also be posting congressional candidate information as it is passed along to us.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Max and Monica help

Max and Monica for MSA the UDFL Progressive Student Union EcoWatch endorsed candidates. And 4 out of 5 dentists support them, need your help. There is another canidate in the race, so Max and Monica need help with 2 things.

-Lit Distribution

Please email maxandmonica@gmail.com with your interest and availability. If you are a UDFL-Endorsed candidate for another MSA position it would be great if you could help out.

Max and Monica need dorm captains and floor chairs as well in every residence hall. In the meantime, please spread the word to your friends and mention the website, http://maxandmonica.com to get support.

Max and Monica help

Max and Monica for MSA the UDFL Progressive Student Union EcoWatch endorsed candidates. And 4 out of 5 dentists support them, need your help. There is another canidate in the race, so Max and Monica need help with 2 things.

-Lit Distribution

Please email maxandmonica@gmail.com with your interest and availability. If you are a UDFL-Endorsed candidate for another MSA position it would be great if you could help out.

Max and Monica need dorm captains and floor chairs as well in every residence hall. In the meantime, please spread the word to your friends and mention the website, http://maxandmonica.com to get support.

Doran Out

Today it is likely that Kelly Doran, Democratic candidate for governor, is going to drop out of the race. As shown on Checks and Balances:

Rumored word has just reached us of Kelly's Doran's (D) intent to withdraw from
the DFL race for Governor. We understand he intends to do so via press release. The specualtion is he finally is believing the low numbers he continually sees in his polling data and no matter how much John Wodele tries to soothe his candidate the reality check has finally happened.
We wonder what Sen. Sheila Kiscaden (D-30, Rochester) will do now since she staked her wagon to Doran's train. We know that none of the other candidates have chosen their runningmates. If she is willing we believe Attorney General Mike Hatch (D), Sen. Becky Lourey (DFL-08, Kerrick) and Sen. Steve Kelley (DFL-44, Hopkins) would all be interested in her support. We know all of the campaigns had approached her to be their Lt. Governor candidate previously and it now appears she mistakenly chose Doran.

Well, looks like one of our meetings is now open for one of those 5th Congressional District candidates to come! Also, no word on if he has thrown his support behind any of the other candidates.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Oh, Mr. Cheney

Breaking news about our Vice President. You absolutely HAVE to read about the diva demands Cheney has at hotels. You can't make this stuff up....the Administration specilizes in that.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Please visit the official campaign website for MSA UDFL Endorsed candidates Max and Monica ot sign their e-petition.

After doing that, please send a letter to the Minnesota Daily telling why you support them: Lower textbook costs and MSA Action being the key. You can email them at letters@mndaily.com. Be sure to include your name, phone, and year in school.

MSA Stuff and People of Faith to Oppose the Constitutional Marriage Amendment

UofM undergrads:

U-DFL endorsed candidates Max Page and Monica Heth need to get endorsements from 450 people to get their names on the ballot for the Minnesota Student Association elections on April 11th and 12th. You can do so by visiting:


Thanks for your support, and be sure to visit the MAX AND MONICA BLOG.


There is a rally being held at the state Capitol tomorrow morning, from 7:30-9:00am. All members who support GLBT rights are encouraged to attend. The address for the Capitol is 75 Martin Luther King Blvd, St. Paul MN.

Refreshments will be served at 7:30 in the Great Hall of the Capitol, and the rally will begin at 8:00 in the rotunda.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Wisconsin Democrat Russ Feingold will be on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart tomorrow night!!! Be sure to tune in to see Feingold discuss his censure motion. Should be interesting. Thanks to my dad for calling me to alert me of this.


Thanks Aaron

Loyal UDFLer Aaron Eisenberg passed along this article about the clever language of President Bush. Interesting to learn how he manipulates language. Framing the debate is key.

Filing Deadline

For U-DFL Endorsed candidates for MSA next year, remember the filing deadline is this Friday, so get your forms in. Turn them in to the SAO Office in Coffman. Thanks.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Roll Call Vote, Part II

35 Senators have voted not to withdraw the bill from the the judiciary committee. 30 Senators have voted in favor the motion. The motion falls.

Well that's it. It's over for today. I'm sure Michele Bachmann's spirit will not die like her bill is going to in committee, but maybe she can take that fight to the US Congress if elected from the 6th.

Solon not flying solo

Yvonne Prettner Solon (DFL-Duluth) points out that Reiter and the GOP are blocking the Senate from doing it's important business. Reiter throws a right hand jab back. It's tit-for-tat here on the floor.

Solon is back after Hann speaks too. She makes the same point again.

The discussion has drifted from the topic of the motion, as pointed out by Senator Steve Murphy. LeClair has jumped back in, and makes reference to Majority Leader Dean Johnson's conversation with fellow clergy members, one of which whom recorded the discussion. Just GoogleNews Dean Johnson, and you'll see all the press it has garnered.

Nienow jumps back in. He is mild-mannered, but is driven by very evil motivations. They are still discussing the motion. We're waiting for everyone to show up so a vote can be taken.

Neener-neener Nienow

Nienow's bill is the same language as Senator Bachmann's. Senator Betzold points out that Senator Nienow has requested that his bill be withdrawn from the judiciary committee even though HE NEVER REQUESTED A HEARING for the bill.

Republican Dick Day is stammering about something that is difficult to understand.

Reiter is back again. Awww, she seems so sincere. But that speech went nowhere. Sorry to waste your time.

Now Senator Hann is up. He is saying that it doesn't need a hearing in the judiciary committee. He says that people understand the issue.

Still waiting on the roll call

Sen. Bob Kierlin (R-Winona) has challenged Senator Metzen's ruling as well. Now Sen. Betsy Wergin (R-Princeton) is challenging him as well. Metzen will soon shoot lasers out of his eyes at the Republican members.

Now the roll call is going. Final vote: 34-31. The chair's ruling is sustained.

Now Senator Sean Nienow (R-Cambridge) makes the same motion on the same bill. There seems to be a pause in the action.

Roll Call Vote

After gay Senator Scott Dibble called the "Gay Bomb" an ambush, you can add Senator David Hann to the previous list (R-Eden Prairie).

A roll call vote has been called. This means that the Senators will now vote on the issue. Senator Bachmann just spoke up.

She just finished. Now Senator Day (R-Owatonna) is trying to pick a fight with Senator Betzold. I think they're going to take it outside and go 10 rounds in the Rotunda.

Roll Call Vote

The List

Senator Jungbauer just jumped in as well.

Senators who have stood up so far in support of the what we have dubbed the "Gay Bomb":
--Thomas Neuville (R-Northfield)
--Michele Bachmann (R-Stillwater)
--Warren Limmer (R-Maple Grove)
--Michael Jungbauer (R-East Bethel)

Limber Limmer

The Republicans, thanks to Senator Limmer keeping, are keeping the discussion going on the Senate floor. There is likely to be discussion on this soon this afternoon.

The Senator just had the body almost unanimously voted in favor of Limmer's Maple Grove hospital project. This was voted on with large support from Democrats. And now he is turning around and pouncing on this divisive issue.

Senator Reiter has just joined in for support of the bill. I think she lost all credibility when she used the phrase "shilly-shallying."

Out of Order Appealed

The motion that the bill is out of order has been appealed by Senator Bachmann. Senator Limmer has asked that a roll be taken. He asked that the Sargeant at Arms bring in the absent members. Senator Limmer has said that this is a "debatable" issue and wants to have it today. Check back soon.

Bachmann Strikes Bach

Bachmann has just made the claim that the motion is in order because the membership of the Senate has changed.

Betzold, who is the chair of the judiciary committe, says that the membership is irrelevant, and that the status of the bill has not changed.

Ultra-conservative loudmouth Senator LeClair has jumped to the defense of Bachmann.

The President of the Senate, James Metzen, has ruled that the motion by Senator Bachmann is out of order.

Bachmann Goofs

Bachmann just made a motion to withdraw the "Gay Bomb" from the judiciary committee. This motion is out of order since she made the exact same motion last year. Senator Betzold just pointed this out.

Senator Bachmann is holding a press conference tomorrow, and it is expected that she made the motion today for material for the press conference. Updates soon.

Maple Grove Hospital

Right now the Senate is discussing the approval of a new hospital in Maple Grove. Bachmann's motion is expected following discussion of the hospital. Keep checking back!


The Senate has recessed until noon. Keep checking back throughout the lunch hour to get the latest updates on the "Gay Bomb."

Michele Bachmann: Evil Witch or Soul-less Wench?

There is a rumor floating around the State Capitol that Senator Michelle Bachmann will drop the anti-same sex marriage bomb today. This discriminatory piece of legislation seeks to divide the legislature and our state, not unite them. Keep coming back, as I will try to provide updates as they happen from the Senate floor.

Billy McBeal

Bill explains his biggest regret-getting rid of his comic book collection at a young age (notice Calista Flockhart strangely hanging around Bill):

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Freedom is on the March?

A brief article from CNN has a good summation of the country's views on Iraq, 3 years later. The Iraq issue alone could be a deciding factor for the 2006 Election. You can check out polling report for good insight into the country's feel before the midterm elections. As you see, Iraq is the top issue, and their poll found that 61% of people disapprove of the President's handling of the situation. I guess 39% of the respondent's were related to Mr. Bush.

Thursday, March 16, 2006


So I was in Washington DC from Friday evening to Wednesday midday and had some fun. Of course hit some of the monuments and museums. I must say, it's kind of depressing seeing our past great presidents and visiting war memorials. Not that I was expecting war memorials to be uplifting, but to see quotes about the horrors of war and the tremendous sacrifice makes you realize that perhaps war shouldn't be the first choice for conflict resolution. In addition, seeing momuments dedicated to truly honorable men likd FDR, Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson made me realize how much the office of the President has been forever tarnished by W. Monday I saw Bush's motorcade go by when I was visiting George Washington University to look at graduate programs. Bush was on the GW campus (for some reason during spring break?) to talk about Iraq. Tuesday, I went to a press conference by the Congressional Black Caucus on Hurricane Katrina (John Conyers and Jesse Jackson were notable headliners). Kind of cool.

Afterwards I had 2 moments of "It IS a small world after all." As I was leaving the building I ran into RT Rybak, in town for a major US Citites Conference. What are the odds that I would be leaving the Rayburn House Office Building at the same he was entering. So then I visited my congressional rep's office (Tammy Baldwin) and got a pass for the US Senate. While waiting in line, who should I run into? Former UDFL Secretary Pete Strohmeier. We waited in numerous lines for a loooooong time but got into the Senate Gallery to see them in session. Minnesota's favorite son Sen. Coleman was presiding with all the enthusiasm with someone whose been waiting at a bus stop in the rain for much longer than expected. We got to see all the stars (Clinton, Biden, Kerry, Lieberman, Kennedy who looks better in person, Feingold, Bayh, McCain, Santorum, Specter, Hutchinson, Lott, Frist) in action, and Sen. Cobrun (R-OK) walked past us while we were in line. They were debating some budget stuff, and there was constant chattering, and friendly banter across the aisle.

I'll get off my soap box now, so you can get back to your brackets. Pacific/BC is going to overtime which could destroy me.


Monday Meeting

Just a heads up for everyone who is a delegate to their Senate District/County Unit conventions:

We will be meeting at 4:45 on Monday evening in our room. We will receive training in preparation for the Senate District 59 convention next Saturday. All are invited to attend, even if they are not in this Senate District.

If you want a clear and definite way of getting to the state convention, this is the one meeting of the year to attend. Contact Max at page0172@umn.edu if you have any questions.

The training meeting will be followed by our regularly scheduled meeting where some people from Progressive Minnesota will be addressing the whole group.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Pawlenty's Campaign Committee Fined...again

Yet again, Tim Pawlenty's campaign committee has been fined for taking illegal donations. See the Campaign Finance Board ruling. Also, see the official DFL response. This brings the grand total of fines to $607,150 since becoming governor.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Barack your world...

Just for everyone's info, we do not have a meeting tonight since I'm guessing that most are going away or are already away. So we'll resume next week. Be safe, and enjoy the videos...

In the new world of contemporary politics, things that were once considered supplemental are becoming necessities. Howard Dean was able to become a strong contender for the Democratic nomination for president after he started a on-line fundraising blitz.

In current Minnesota politics, web sites are getting some attention. Attorney General Mike Hatch's web site has been heavily criticized by the on-line community for being dull. Senator Steve Kelley is likely one of the most internet-savvy politicians in Minnesota, and his web site reflects that. Senator Becky Lourey's web site was cited by www.politics1.com as the political web site of the week. And Kelly Doran used his e-mail list and web site to let supporters vote for their favorite t-shirt designs.

One feature that has been especially effective in drawing people to web sites is the addition of video clips to the sites. Besides putting out his own podcast, Barack Obama has put videos up on his site. His DNC speech is highlighted there, and I recommend you all watch it if you ever get down. It still gives me shivers.

Searching on Google Video is fun too. Here is a clip from an old Bob Hope movie that pokes fun at our party. Here's a cute little clip from some high schoolers that turn Democrats into a superhero. George Lakoff explains how Democrats and Progressives can start winning again in this short clip. Nixon at the 1968 Republican convention. Crazy anti-Semite Pat Buchanan gives an hour long address at the National Constitution Center. Funny little collection of Karl Rove clips. And a few other high schoolers tried putting a parody of John Kerry together.

Sunday, March 12, 2006


Wisconsin Democrat Sen. Russ Feingold will be announcing a resolution on Monday to censure the President for the illegal wiretapping. This is a bold move by the maverick Feingold who is perhaps best known for campaign finance reform, and casting the only vote against the Patriot Act.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

State Republican Ethics Scandal in Wisconsin

Great new out of Wisconsin. As Badger natives may know, we don't have caucuses in Wisconsin because of shady illegal activities by both parties. My former state senator (and majority leader) just started his 9 month prison term for extortion and such. But it's not a morally bankrupt corruption scandal without the GOP. Not to be outdone former Assembly Speaker, and CURRENT LEGISLATOR Republican Scott Jensen was just convicted in Wisconsin. Just in time for what should be very close races across the ballot in Wisconsin.

Two other good sources for news about this is madison.com and wispolitics.com


Thursday, March 09, 2006

I Fell In-To a Burnin' Ring o' Fire...

Well, I don't suppose THIS can look good for the Republicans...

Sure, the scandals can't help, but really, for Jack 'off to be gloating about his ties to top Republicans including Rep. Tom DeLay, former President Ronald Reagan, and 2008 PRESIDENTIAL HOPEFUL Newt Gingrich, the party can't be happy with him.

As the Republicans try desperately to hold onto their power, ol' Jack 'off keeps throwing a little oil on their grips...

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Latest Precinct Caucus Results

Here are the latest results, as of 12:15 2:25 9:30 pm yesterday.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


In the interest of homogeneity anyone who is filing to be a UDFL-endorsed candidate for MSA should include something in their brief 50-word statement about lowering textbook costs and MSA action, two themes for Max and Monica.


Everyone should attend precinct caucuses tonight! If only to vote on the preferential ballot for governor, U.S. Senate, secretary of state, attorney general, and auditor!

Visit the CAUCUS LOCATOR to figure out where you're going to caucus.

If you have any questions before or during the caucus, call MAX at 612.916.5965!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Max and Monica for MSA

The website is up and running so you should check it out.


The official website for the UDFL-Endorsed candidates for MSA. Let us know what you think of it. I'm pretty sure you'll agree it's amazing. And if you haven't already, make sure to join our facbook group: Max and Monica for MSA.

Tonight's Meeting

Hey folks,

We will be covering two things at our meeting this evening:

--We will first hear from Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer. He is a candidate for Congress for the 5th congressional district. He is running against long-entrenched incumbent Martin Olav Sabo. He is seeking your support at the caucuses, so please show up on time so we can hear this gentleman speak.

--Second, we will do a little mini-caucus training. We will let you know everything that you need to do for your precinct caucuses tomorrow night (Tuesday, March 7). To find out where you will be caucusing, visit the DFL CAUCUSES page.

Mayo Auditorium

Middlebrook and Seven Corners area:
Willey Hall 175

All caucuses start at 7:00 pm, but election of delegates to the Senate District convention cannot begin before 7:30, so if you show up late, you can still go to the state convention. If you cannot be at the precinct caucus, have a friend nominate you for the Senate District convention.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Rock the Cauc, a photo journal

Thank you everyone who attended this year's Rock the Cauc! It was a very special event, with the most people we've ever had!

The event was started in 2004 by U-DFL alum Ashley Sierra, who was also in attendance this year. Hopefully this can turn into a reunion for U-DFL people each year.

The bands this year were the quintissential Rock the Cauc bands. Battle Royale, a group of high school students from the area, was a huge hit and earned the Ashley Sierra "stamp of approval." Their pop dance tunes rocked the cauc until 10:00pm when The Fillers took the stage. This cover band was obviously very popular and brought quite the following.
We had a number of statewide candidates address the crowd. These included candidates for auditor:
Rebecca Otto
attorney general:
Matt Entenza
secretary of state:
Mark Ritchie
Christian Sande
Steve Kelley
Becky Lourey
U.S. senate:
Amy Klobuchar
Ford Bell
A special thanks also goes out to the Manhattan Loft, who has hosted our group for two years in a row. They were very gracious, and I'm sure we'll be having the event their for years to come. Please patronize their restaurant: Manhattan Loft, corner of Washington Ave. & Oak St., Minneapolis MN

Friday, March 03, 2006

Gubernatorial Candidate Forum Recap

The gubernatorial candidate forum went over very well. We had approximately 80 people for the event, and it produced some interesting conversations. We really appreciate the candidates coming, especially with the event literally overlapping the Carpenters' Union meeting.

We had a blogger, MN Campaign Report, there who covered the forum live. It makes for a nice, detailed summary of the event.

There were some comments about our format being a bit confusing. I think it is good to keep in mind we were trying that is not very common. We gave the candidates an open 15 minute discussion time to freely bounce back and forth. I think this format has the possibility to generate some great communication. This may not have been the best place for it, before the caucuses, but imagine what a Presidential debate would look like with this format!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Bush Poll Numbers

President Bush keeps besting his personal records. Despite all the wonderful things he's done, shockingly President Bush's poll numbers are at record lows. CNN reports on the drops across the board including terrorism and Iraq.

All good news on the governor front. I'm pretty sure our debate swung the balance, but it looks like Gov. Pawlenty might have to keep his VP 2008 dreams on ice. New polling data shows drastic improvement for both Steve Kelley and Mike Hatch.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Forget Rock the Vote...ROCK THE CAUC(US)!

Rock the Cauc! is our annual caucus awareness concert. This event has been very successful in the past, and this year should be no different. Here are the details:

Friday, March 3
Manhattan Loft (Corner of Oak St. & Washington Ave.)

Download our Rock the CAUC! poster!