U-DFL Blog

Thursday, November 30, 2006

More 2008 notes

The Iowa Democratic state chair speculates Hillary Clinton may not run if Senator Obama chooses to get into the race.

Former President Jimmy Carter endorses Al Gore for President, even though Gore has yet to announce. Gore was on Jay Leno last night, Barack Obama will be on this Friday.

John Edwards is promoting his new book, "Home: The Blueprints of Our Lives," in Iowa.

Republican Senator Sam Brownback (KS) says he is close to deciding whether or not he will mount a presidential bid.

Republican Governor Mitt Romney has hired Tom DeLay's former spokesman for his potential campaign.


Gov. Vilsack Announces Bid

Iowa Governor, Democrat Tom Vilsack has formally announced his candidacy for President in 2008 with an announcement this morning at a rally. Vilsack spoke about energy, and primarily domestic issues, electing to go with a general message about "courage to create change."

His website is tomvilsack08.com

Vilsack is considered a long shot by most "experts" but pundits and pollsters are often wrong (most of them picked Dean in 2004), so feel free to ignore them. He does have an advantage being from Iowa, the first caucus state.

UDFL does not endorse or show public support as an organization in partisan primary elections (the exception being in Minnesota where one candidate usually has the DFL endorsement). Therefore, we trust you to make up your own mind, and encourage you to study all candidates closely and equally. This blog will have information and resources to help you make your choice.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


The New York Times is reporting that the bi-partisan panel is recommending a limited withdrawal of some US forces likely to begin next year. However, the panel stops short of establishing any kind of a timeline, suggesting the President and Pentagon make the decision. Remember, this bi-partisan group is not binding in anyway.

Frist Won't Run

Fox News: Sen. Bill Frist Won't Run for President in 2008

Dr. Frist lost the Senate and he is a tool of the Bush Administration. I kind of wish he'd run because it would have been a slam dunk for the Democrat.


Monday, November 27, 2006


*As of Sunday November 26th, the war in Iraq has now lasted longer than US involvement in World War II.

*The White House is upset with NBC News deciding to use the term "Civil War" to describe the situation in Iraq.

*An article in the New York Times describes the battle over terminology in covering war, focusing on the term Civil War throughout history and specifically with Iraq.

*While Iraq is in chaos, the news isn't much better in the original start to the War on Terror where an insurgency in Afhganistan is causing major problems for the our military there.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Meeting Monday

Hope everyone's break went well. Make sure to attend our weekly meeting tomorrow, Monday at 5pm in Coffman Memorial Union room 307. We will be discussing future plans and the upcoming elections for the VP vacancy and any other open executive board spots.

Thursday, November 23, 2006



Wednesday, November 22, 2006

In Memoriam

Today is a sad day for America, because November 22nd marks the anniversary (today is the 43rd) of the murder of our 35th President John F Kennedy.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Air America, Blue State Ball

Air America Minnesota presents the Third Annual Blue State Ball:

Saturday, January 20 2007
Nicollet Island Pavilion

CLICK HERE to check for new information via Air America's website.

There will be a band, dancing, and food.

This is a big party to celebrate the Democratic victories in 2006 and a way for our Air America members and listeners to meet our local politicians andon-air personalities in a fun setting.

Ed Schultz has confirmed as one of the featured guests. Al Franken has not confirmed but will most likely be there.

The following guests have been invited:

Hillary Clinton Tim Walz Jim Oberstar
Barack Obama Collin Peterson Coleen Rowley
Russ Feingold Keith Ellison DFL Party Officers
Amy Klobuchar Betty McColllum


Monday, November 20, 2006


Thank you to those of you who showed up for the UDFL meeting. We are still meeting, wrapping up this semester and preparing for the next.

UDFL will be meeting these next 3 Monday's at 5pm (Nov 27th, Dec 4th, Dec 11th), before adjourning for finals/winter break. At that last meeting on Dec 11th, I will be stepping down as President, since I am going to Washington DC in January. At that time, Shannon will take over, and we will hold elections for Vice President and any other exec board openings should they arise.

Happening Now:

-we will be having a fundraising party at the end of finals week
-next semester we will be having a PCR Party, where guests are encouraged to donate a FREE $50 to UDFL through Minnesota's public financing system

-we want to build our base for 2008
-this means reaching out to every student, especially underclassman
-also, we are going to setup an ongoing Dorm Capt system that will be used for general UDFL news notices and not just in election years.

-We are going to change our meetings a little bit and add committees, something we've had in past years

Likely Committees:
-Volunteer (for non-political community service)
-Social (for fun stuff)

*New Online
-Treasurer David Liebow is working to get us our own website because the old one is out of style. We will likely be getting udfl.org in the coming weeks.

-Outreach Chair Clare Nelson is working on getting us TShirts, something we didn't get last year. Let her know if you have any ideas or design suggestions: nels2834@umn.edu

-CLICK HERE to join our new Facebook group. It's a great way to stay informed on all the happenings of UDFL.

Minnesota House Committees


House Speaker-designate Margaret Anderson Kelliher today announced a revised committee structure that will allow for increased involvement from members across the state and the public, as well as streamline the legislative process by more closely matching the committee structure in the State Senate.

"We're confident that this new structure will increase involvement from members and citizens throughout the state," Kelliher said. "We also believe it will streamline the process, particularly when it comes to conference committees, and allow for more cooperation and joint activity with the Senate on key issues."

The new structure and proposed chairs are as follows:
Rules and Budget Committees
· Rules & Legislative Administration - Majority Leader Tony Sertich (Chisholm)
· Ways & Means - Rep. Loren Solberg (Grand Rapids)
· Finance - Rep. Lyn Carlson (Crystal)
· Taxes - Rep. Ann Lenczewski (Bloomington)
o Property Tax Relief & Local Sales Tax Division - Rep. Paul Marquart (Dilworth)
· Agriculture, Rural Economies & Veterans Affairs Division - Rep. Al Juhnke (Willmar)
· Capital Investment - Rep. Alice Hausman (St. Paul)
· Energy Finance & Policy - Rep. Bill Hilty (Finlayson)
· Environment & Natural Resources Finance - Rep. Jean Wagenius (Minneapolis)
· Education Finance & Economic Competitiveness - Rep. Mary Murphy (Hermantown)
o Early Childhood Learning - Rep. Nora Slawik (Maplewood)
o K-12 Finance - Rep. Mindy Greiling (Roseville)
o Higher Education & Workforce Development Policy/Finance - Rep. Tom Rukavina (Virginia)
· Health Care & Human Services Finance - Rep. Tom Huntley (Duluth)
· Housing & Public Health Policy and Finance - Rep. Karen Clark (Minneapolis)
· Minnesota Heritage Finance - Rep. Mike Jaros (Duluth)
· Public Safety Finance - Rep. Michael Paymar (St. Paul)
· State Government Finance - Rep. Phyllis Kahn (Minneapolis)
· Transportation Finance & Policy - Rep. Bernie Lieder (Crookston)
o Transportation & Transit Policy Subcommittee - Rep. Frank Hornstein (Minneapolis)

Policy Committees
· Agriculture, Rural Economies & Veterans Affairs - Rep. Mary Ellen Otremba (Long Prairie)
o Veterans Affairs Division - Rep. Lyle Koenen (Clara City)
· Public Safety/Civil Justice - Rep. Joe Mullery (Minneapolis)
o Crime Victims Subcommittee - Rep. John Lesch (St. Paul)
· Government Operations Reform, Technology & Elections - Rep. Gene Pelowski (Winona)
· Commerce & Labor - Rep. Joe Atkins (Inver Grove Heights)
o Labor & Consumer Protection Division - Rep. Jim Davnie (Minneapolis)
o Telecom Regulation/Infrastructure Division - Rep. Sheldon Johnson (St. Paul)
· Environment - Chair - Rep. Kent Eken (Twin Valley), Vice Chair - Rep. Cy Thao (St. Paul)
o Game, Fish & Forestry Division - Rep. David Dill (Crane Lake)
· E-12 Education - Rep. Carlos Mariani (St. Paul)
· Health Care & Human Services - Rep. Paul Thissen (Minneapolis)
o Mental Health Division - Rep. Neva Walker (Minneapolis)
· Biosciences & Emerging Technologies - Rep. Tim Mahoney (St. Paul)
· Local Government/Metro Affairs - Rep. Debra Hilstrom (Brooklyn Center)

Congratulations to all of these chairs I am told that every non-leadership member in a third or higher term is a chair of a committee or sub-committee.


Friday, November 17, 2006


We will be having our weekly meeting Monday at 5pm in room 307 Coffman Memorial Union.

UDFL will be discussing our fundraising campaign, and building efforts for improved organization for next spring.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Glenn Beck is a Disgrace

Hopefully none of you have had this displeasure of watching the terrible CNN "newsman" Glenn Beck and his anti-everyone (except conservatives) tirades. It's shameful that this guy has his own show.

To prove my point just CLICK HERE and check out a quick excerpt from media matters. Beck asks Keith Ellison (because Keith is Muslim) or at least felt like asking Keith to "prove your not working with the enemy."

Also note that he uses the term "Somalians" twice during this segment.

I hope all of you can take a second to send an email to Mr. Beck and tell him why we voted for Keith, support Keith; in short, why Keith is a better man than Beck could ever dream of being.


You can also check out this clip from Countdown with Keith Olberman, where the former sportscenter anchor calls Beck the "Worst Person in the World..." for his comments. I guess Beck gets the title for one day, but don't be surprised if he wins a week sometime soon.

House elects new Leadership

Maryland Rep. Steny Hoyer has been elected the new House majority leader, while Nancy Pelosi will be the next Speaker of the House.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

2004 Democratic Vice Presidential candidate John Edwards announced his presidential campaign on the Daily Show in 2003.

Tonight Edwards appeared on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and did not announce his candidacy for 2008, but hinted that his website will show some big news in the coming weeks. Track it here.

I would be very surprised if he decided NOT to run. What do you think?

This was Stewart's question for Edwards when he put him on the Daily Show "Seat of Heat"

Stewart: had you been elected Vice President in 2004 who would you have accidentally shot in the face?

Edwards: (pause...) Dick Cheney

Reid Announces Committee Assignments

Incoming Majority Leader Harry Reid has announced Democratic senate committee assignments for the 110th Congress. The Chairs:

Agriculture: Tom Harkin (D-IA)

Appropriations: Robert Byrd (D-WV)

Armed Services: Carl Levin (D-MI)

Banking: Chris Dodd (D-CT)

Commerce: Daniel Inouye (D-HI)

Energy: Jeff Bingaman (D-NM)

Environment: Barbara Boxer (D-CA)

Finance: Max Baucus (D-MT)

Foreign Relations: Joe Biden (D-DE)

Health, Education, Labor, Pensions: Ted Kennedy (D-MA)

Homeland and Government Affairs: Joe Lieberman (I-CT)

Judiciary: Patrick Leahy (D-VT)

Intelligence: Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)

Budget: Kent Conrad (D-ND)

Aging: Herb Kohl (D-WI)

Veterans: Daniel Akaka (D-HI)

Small Business: John Kerry (D-MA)

Rules: Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)

Joint Economic: Chuck Schumer (D-NY)

Indian Affairs: Byron Dorgan (D-ND)

Minnesota's Senator-elect Amy Klobuchar will serve on the following committees: Agriculture, Commerce, Environment, and Joint Economic.

Who will beat Norm?

The St Paul Pioneer Press took a look at the upcoming 2008 senate race yesterday. Here's a few of the possible DFL candidates:

R.T. Rybak
Minneapolis mayor says he's not 'closing any doors' on a run for Senate

Betty McCollum Congresswoman just won fourth term in 4th District

Al Franken Talk-show host is testing support for a Senate run

Michael Ciresi Minneapolis lawyer has run before

Monday, November 13, 2006


As promised at our meeting here's the Gopher Israel Political Affairs Committee's blog. The Israelfest schedule is on the right side and everyone should come if they are free!


SNL Funny Again?

Courtesy of my new favorite blog (second to this one of course) Political Wire:

"In an ironic turnaround, Iraq brought regime change to the U.S."

-- Amy Poehler, on Saturday Night Live's "Weekend Update."

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Feingold not running

Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) has decided not to seek the Democratic nomination for President in 2008:
"I never got to that point where I'd rather be running around the country, running for president, than being a senator from Wisconsin," Feingold said in a phone interview from Madison.

Feingold, 53, conceded that he faced long odds of winning the nomination.

"It would have required the craziest combination of things in the history of American politics to make it work," he said. But Feingold said waging an underdog campaign appealed to him. What didn't appeal to him, he said, was "the way in which this effort would dismantle both my professional life (in the Senate) and my personal life. I'm very happy right now."
On the other side, pro-war Senator John McCain has formed a presidential exploratory committee and probably is the presumptive front runner for the Republican nomination. But it's still early. Remember in 2005 GOP insiders proclaimed Senator George Allen the person most likely to receive the Republican nod. Jim Webb (and Allen's horrible campaign skills) put an end to that idea.


Update: A few more 2008 notes, Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) said this morning that he is running for President. While New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson said he is likely to make a decision about a run in January.

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Hope every is just about calming/coming down from the thrill of election
night. We worked well, and gained some major positives across the state
and across the country.


But, UDFL isn't going to sleep until 2008. We still have plenty of work to
do to get better organized for the next election. We are going to be
focusing specifically in these areas:

-Fundraising: we were left with debt after the last 2 years, and want to
get into the black

-Volunteer Recruitment: the biggest weakness in our plan was not having
enough volunteers putting more pressure on certain individuals (Avi)

-Social: I easily forget to have fun, so it might be nice to get some UDFL
fun non-electoral things involved

-Campus Organizing: we want a presence with every student group so they
know what we're up too so we can be in touch in '08.
-Anything else YOU want.

---Noah Seligman

Friday, November 10, 2006

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Our State Senator Larry Pogemiller is the new DFL Majority Leader in the Minnesota State Senate, according to the Star Tribune. Sen. Pogemiller won his 8th term Tuesday, and is a strong voice for students in Saint Paul.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Thank you everyone who volunteered time during this campaign, and especially thank you to all of you who helped out yesterday. Of course, the majority of the credit for our successful campaign goes to Alex Cutler over at Stand Up Now who is a great organizer and strategist.

Special thank you to Eric Brown who drove all our volunteers across campus saving precious time.

Special thank you to Nick over at Stand Up Now who led the phonebanking and helped the fluidity of our efforts.

Special thank you to the candidates who helped us gain entry to the dorms on campus so we could doorknock:

-Mark Ritchie (our next Secretary of State)
-Rebecca Otto (our next State Auditor, she was a tremendous help yesterday)
-Rep. Phyllis Kahn (our wonderful state rep, who is on campus so much people think she's a students)
-Mayor RT Rybak (the doorknock machine himself)
-Keith Ellison (our next Congressman)
-Peter McLauhglin
-Various members of the Mpls city council.

I'd like to mention that last night was a tremendous win for the DFL Party in Minnesota. I know we're all disappointed in the governor's race but don't forget this:

*We doubled our margin in the state senate (now 44-23)
*Recaptured the state house including John Benson in Minnetonka(now 85-49)
*Pulled a surprise in the State Auditor race
*Got rid off the anti-student Secretary of State and elected the wonderful Mark Ritchie
*Held onto the Attorney General office
*Won the 1st Congressional District with Tim Walz by a surprisingly comfortable margin
*Made history by helping elect Keith Ellison, the first Black Congressman from Minnesota and the first Muslim in Congress. More importantly, Keith is OUR candidate because he shares OUR values.

Nationally, we won the majority of governships, ran up the score in the US House solidifying a sizable majority, will win the US Senate (Montana has been called, and the provisional ballots to be counted in Virginia are from liberal areas).

You could argue that the massive rejection of Republican policy forced Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's resignation.

Thanks again to everyone, and stay tuned for more information...

-Noah Seligman
UDFL President



Election Results

I can't believe I'm still up and writing this. Almost every race in Minnesota has been called and even though these numbers may not be totally final the winners certainly should be.

GOP - Pawlenty/Molnau (47.1%) X
DFL - Hatch/Dutcher (45.3%)

Secretary of State:
GOP - Mary Kiffmeyer (44.5%)
DFL - Mark Ritchie (48.8%) X

Attorney General:
DFL - Lori Swanson (52.9%) X
GOP - Jeff Johnson (41.1%)

State Auditor:
GOP - Patricia Anderson (41.4%)
DFL - Rebecca Otto (51.6%) X

U.S. Congress:
Senate: Klobuchar (DFL) 57.7%, Kennedy (GOP) 38.3%
CD1: WALZ (DFL) 52.7%, Gutknecht 47.1%
CD2: Kline (GOP) 56.2%, Rowley (DFL) 40.0%
CD3: Ramstad (GOP) 64.9%, Wilde (DFL) 35.1%
CD4: McCollum (DFL) 69.7%, Sium (GOP) 31.3%
CD5: Ellison (DFL) 55.7%, Fine (GOP) 21.3%
CD6: Bachmann (GOP) 49.8%, Wetterling (DFL) 42.4%
CD7: Peterson (DFL) 69.5%, Barrett (GOP) 29.2%
CD8: Oberstar (DFL) 64.3%, Grams (GOP) 33.5%

MN House:
DFL 85, GOP 49 (DFL +19)

MN Senate:
DFL 44, GOP 23 (DFL +5)


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

THANK YOU so much to all of you who volunteered today. You made today a huge success for the DFL across the state.

As I post this, we don't know many official results, but it looks like the DFL will own the state legislature and could pull a surprise in Secretary of State and State Auditor races.

Tim Walz just picked up the win down in the 1st Congressional District.

Nationally, the Democrats are running up the score in the house and Missouri could determine the balance of power in the US Senate. And things are looking good.

Stay tuned to the blog for more updates....

Also, there will likely be a Stand Up Now party sometime Wednesday night.

Election Night

10:21 P.M.: Tim Walz with a tiny lead. Tina Liebling well up. Ann Lynch well up on the opposition. Andy Welti up on his competition. CNN PROJECTS THAT WE WILL CONTROL THE U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.

9:02 P.M.: We are showing DFL candidates outperforming their percentages so far from 2004. This could be a very big night in S.E. Minnesota.

8:51 P.M.: We have received our first numbers back for all races. All DFL candidates are doing extremely well, across the board, HDs 30A & B, SD30, CD1, and the statewide races.

8:40 P.M.: HUGE gains out East. We have picked up three U.S. Senate seats so far and are up three U.S. House seats. We have just received word at the Liebling party that we are up 200 votes with two precincts reporting.

8:00 P.M.: Polls are now closed.

7:47 P.M.: I've set up shop at the Liebling campaign party, which is just one building away from the main Olmsted County DFL party. We're hearing a few results from the East Coast which are very encouraging. Polls close in just a few minutes.


Live from the Fighting First

6:27 PM: We have now finished our GOTV operation for all intents and purposes. We are still making a few last calls here and there but we are mostly done. I just heard from Noah Seligman (UDFL President) and he says that turnout for the Superblock precinct has surpassed 2004 numbers and that there are huge lines at U precincts. There has been a bit of a kerfuffle with voting with U cards, you can read about that in the columns here. Things are looking good and results are starting to roll in on the East Coast. Nothing too surprising so far, but some unfortunate news for the DFL and its emerging House majority is here. I'm about to go give rides to the polls but I will begin a new post after I finish and set up at the victory party.

5:09 PM: We just got doorknocked by a pair of Walz volunteers and apparently one of them was Tim's sister-in-law.

4:51 PM: I just got back from checking some more turnout, and it varies quite a bit precinct-by-precinct but it seems to be high all around. I just dropped off my brother and sister across town and as I was driving back I saw an SUV with "Vote Walts" written everywhere. That was pretty exciting despite the misspelling, I'm sure that it's a person who doesn't follow politics very closely but wants Gil Gutknecht gone. Three hours until the polls close!

3:31 PM: We have finished a couple of rounds of GOTV here. People are hanging up on us frequently and answering even less frequently, but we see that as a sign that people are getting tons of GOTV coverage. I myself have gotten a number of calls from several different organizations. As a party and as a progressive movement, I think we can be very proud today of our GOTV activities.

2:16 PM: Secondhand reports from Tim Walz volunteers suggest that Walz is doing tremendously well. He has a small army of people on the ground, and our own volunteers have come across them more than once. By the way, the weather here is just about perfect, this morning it started out chilly, damp, and overcast but has warmed up to about 60 degrees and mostly sunny, though it's clouding over again.

1:45 PM: Oh, I've also been in frequent contact with our GOTV operation at the U, for those off-campus readers. Turnout at Coffman was about 250 about 45 minutes ago, and that seems high to me because college students don't vote at the same times as older people and I would expect to see those numbers rising quickly around right now and a little later in the afternoon. I have no doubts about our GOTV work and we will turn out University of Minnesota students in large numbers, even if we won't know it until later tonight.

1:39 PM: I just checked out three crucial polling places in HD30A. Two of those precincts are on pace for very high turnout, while one is surprisingly low. These numbers won't mean anything for most, I'm sure, but anybody familiar with Rochester might find these useful. We are well on pace to far exceed 2002 turnout but I haven't compared these numbers to 2004 turnout.
Edison 2-2: 1271
Shorewood 2-3: 763
History Center 2-4: 1751
Edison 2-2 (1:13 P.M.): 582 (704 including absentee)
Shorewood 2-3 (1:05 P.M.): 376 (No absentee numbers)
Autumn Ridge 2-4 (12:57 P.M.): 940 (No absentee numbers)

12:41 PM: Welcome to those linking in from the excellent Bluestem Prairie and Minnesota Monitor. I've just come back from working in a "pull team," my sister and myself driving around knocking on the doors of late-identified or ticket-splitting Liebling supporters. Those who are home have voted, and many of the people I've seen just walking around are wearing the "I Voted" stickers. My house is currently hosting three volunteers making hundreds of GOTV phone calls to the people whose doors we will not be able to reach. I am now leaving to check on three or four precincts and I will give you all an idea of the turnout as soon as I'm back.

8:15 A.M.: This is UDFL Treasurer David Liebow reporting LIVE from Rochester in Minnesota's "Fighting First", one of the most important battlegrounds in the state today. I've been down here since Thursday night, phone-calling and doorknocking for our DFL slate of candidates, one of the best in decades. Rochester's an area that has usually been solid red territory, but in 2004 we scored two big wins for the state house locally. This year, we have a chance to sweep all four state house races, win one of the two state senate races, and biggest of all beat six-term incumbent Congressman Gil Gutknecht, who is violating his 1994 Contract with America pledge to only serve six terms. While you guys up at the U are playing the turnout game, we've got close races to win at every level.

I just went and voted, and at about 7:45 A.M. there had been 139 votes in my precinct. I'm hearing reports of very high turnout this morning, both in Rochester and across the state. This could be a very good day for us.

I'll be posting throughout the day with updates from down here.


VOTE TODAY!!! (and volunteer)

TODAY is election day, an opportunity to offer Minnesota and this country a new direction. Please make any sacrifice you can, to help the DFL. One day is all we ask. As I write this, there are 20 hours until the polls close at 8pm.

Please make time to volunteer tomorrow. Our action center will be located at 20 Eddy Hall on the East Bank near the intersection of Pillsbury and Pleasant Ave. Call me 608-215-9370 if you can help or you need directions.

Finally, remember to Vote, and there's no fun in voting alone. Bring AS MANY PEOPLE as possible with you to vote. If you are in line by 8pm or at 8pm you have the right to vote.

Remember, if you live in the residence halls you are already registered to vote you just need to show your UCARD at your polling place.

If you live off campus, you can register at the polls on election day. Bring a utility or cell phone bill with your current address, and a student ID, or you can have a friend who is registered vouch for you.

Sunday, November 05, 2006


Monday November 6th
5pm Room 307 Coffman Memorial Union

If you've never come to a meeting this year, this is the one you have to make.

After the meeting we will be starting our visibility effort:
-lit dropping etc.

Later, at 10pm Keith Ellison will be holding a final Election Day kickoff rally President's Room of Coffman

If you haven't already, please let me know what time(s) you will volunteer for the DFL on Election Day:

Email me: seli0052@umn.edu, or call 608-215-9370

The UDFL Action Center on Tuesday:
20 EDDY HALL, (near Pleasant and Pillsbury intersection)

Election Results (No, Not Yet!)

We are now less than 65 hours from the polls closing (as I write), so I've posted an MPR election results script on the sidebar, as I'm sure you can see. It has a list of some of the races of special interest to UDFLers as well as balance-of-power races for the House and Senate (which I picked up here). I've left out major races that probably will not be close, including CDs 3 (lose), 4 , 7 & 8 (win). As a reminder, we are in CD 5 (Minneapolis Campus) and 4 (St. Paul Campus) and district 59B (Minneapolis) and 66B (St. Paul).

Enjoy, but resist the temptation to check before the polls close.


Saturday, November 04, 2006


5pm, Monday November 6th
Room 307 Coffman Memorial Union

If you've never come to a meeting, this is the one to be at. We will need help, because after the meeting we will start our visibility effort on campus, marking routes to the polls from the dorms.



3 Options for Sunday Helping Sunday (November 5th)

1) 2-230pm doorknocking at Middlebrook Hall. Contact Amber or Julia at Stand Up Now (amber@standupnow.mn, julia@standupnow.mn)

2) I'm going to Minnetonka to help out John Benson for probably the last time. (seli0052@umn.edu, 608-215-9370). I will probably be out there around 1:00-1:30pm.

3) Postering, for an event with Keith Ellison Monday night in the President's Room of Coffman Memorial Union (contact shaunladen@gmail.com for more information)


Thursday, November 02, 2006


*Remember you can get paid $100/day for canvassing for the DFL. See a previous post (below the one about the political games for more information). Not a bad deal, transportation provided.

*U of M Homecoming Parade this Saturday Nov 4th. Please join us. The parade starts at 9am on the corner of 11th Ave and University Ave SE. We will be marching with the following candidates:

-Mike Hatch
-Amy Klobuchar
-Mark Ritchie
-Rebecca Otto
-(future) Congressman Keith Ellison
-Sen. Larry Pogemiller
-Rep. Phyllis Kahn
-Mayor RT Rybak
-(future) Hennepin County Attorney Andy Luger

This is a GREAT opportunity for serious visibility.

*Saturday-Sunday we will be doorknocking in Minnetonka for John Benson. This might be the last time, so we need a big final push to put this race to bed.

Call me (608) 215-9370 or email me (seli0052@umn.edu).

Finally, if you haven't already, please let me know your availability on election day, we need lots of volunteers to fill a lot of shifts.

November Madness

Who will win? Who will lose? Join the UDFL prediction pool and make your best guess. The person who comes closest to prediciting the correct makeup of Congress will win a prize. Sign up--->here.


ALSO, remember about Fantasy Congress. Take a second to sign up even though we won't be starting until January.


Earn Money for GOTV

The DFL Coordinated Campaign just asked us to pass this along.

We are looking for dedicated DFL supporters who would like to make $10 bucks an hour knocking on doors in District 16 this weekend through election day. We are the local volunteers at the DFL office in Princeton, and the door-knocking will take place in Princeton, Milaca and Foley, and possibly in Becker and Big Lake areas as well. YOU DON‘T NEED TO BE AN EXPERT OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT--we will have a simple message and be reminding people to vote and will leave some literature. You can work as many days as you want, and even for less than a day if you have limited time.
Hours you could work are as follows:
Saturday Nov. 4: 9am-6pm (9-10 am training)
Sunday Nov. 5: 10am-6pm (10-11am training)
Monday Nov. 6: 8am-6pm (8-9 am training)
Tuesday Nov. 7: 8am-6pm (8-9 am training)
Please contact Chuck Jahn at (763) 631-1034 (office); (612) 384-1105 (cell); or email jahnhoo@yahoo.com to sign up today!

SD16 is about an hour north of us, and rides can be arranged. GOTV is important wherever you do it, in fact it may be more important there (in a competitive House race) than here.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Rally for Change: Come see Al Gore!

Join Vice President Al Gore, Amy Klobuchar, Senator Bryon Dorgan at the Great Hall in Coffman. Doors will open around 11:30am!

Now a message from the President:


Vice President Al Gore
Future US Sen. Amy Klobuchar (DFL-MN)
Sen. Kent Conrad (D-ND)

Thursday November 2nd
Great Hall (Coffman Memorial Union)

Please stick around after the event to help us doorknock in 4 residence halls on campus.

Ann Coulter Could Go to Prison

Ann Coulter, one of the most hateful people on the Right (and there's some tough competition!) is in some big trouble for allegedly knowingly voting in the wrong precinct on February 7th of this year. So much trouble in fact that she could be going to prison for quite a while. I want to feel bad for her, but I'm having kind of a hard time.



A note from MYDFL Chairman Sean Broom:

"The DFL Party is paying $100 to anyone who can give around 9 to 10 hours this Saturday November 4th, and canvass. This is a CRITICAL piece to our final GOTV push and would really help the party."

Contact Sean if interested, 612-819-8186.

I know it seems like a long time, but trust me, the time really goes quickly when you canvass, and you would be doing more good then time on homework or college football ever could. Plus 10/hour is almost double the minimum wage, something you could change by canvassing on Saturday.