U-DFL Blog

Thursday, August 31, 2006


WHO: All UDFL Members
WHAT: 1st meeting of the year
WHERE: Outside Northrop Auditorium on the mall, near the tables
WHEN: 5PM, Labor Day, Sept 4th
WHY: to discuss primary preparations and volunteering needs.



Stay tuned to the blog for updates on meetings and such. Also, former UDFLer Shaun Laden is working hard for CD-5 DFL Candidate Keith Ellison. There is a primary so he needs help doorknocking this week.

6-9PM Tuesday Sept 5th:
*University Village

6-9PM Wed Sept 6th:

6-9PM Thur Sept 7th
*Chateau Housing

5:30--7:30PM Friday Sept 8th
*Middlebrook Hall

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Hatch: MIA

I'm afraid its all bad news in the governor's race today. Hatch, who wasn't around for the primary, doesn't seem to be around for the general, either. Without a presence anywhere, his claim has been "we're raising money." Well the latest updates show Pawlenty has raised twice as much. To boot, T-Paw also put out a very slick-- if not INCREDIBLY misleading-- ad on TV this week. I think all of this will soon bury Hatch if things don't change quick. He's been an invisible campaigner, and a below average fundraiser. Despite an outlier poll from Zogby this week showing him leading Pawlenty, I think this is Tim's to lose. Hatch hasn't impressed this blogger in the slightest.


Monday, August 28, 2006

Shameless Self Promoting

I'm really into bumper stickers, advertising and messaging. While I love a good negative bumper sticker ("Our National Health Plan: Don't Get Sick!" comes to mind) there is a serious scarcity of positive, mainstream liberal bumper stickers. Its a void I felt had to be addressed. so I made this one. Its on sale at Cafepress.com if anyone is interested.


Sunday, August 27, 2006

New T Shirt Idea

I had suggested the SICK idea (see post below internship list), but would like to offer a slight change.


We think they're DICKS. Do you?

Friday, August 25, 2006

Netroots Candidate Tim Walz

Our very own DFL candidate for Congress in southern Minnesota, Tim Walz, has just been endorsed by the bloggers who run Daily Kos, MyDD, and Swing State Project. What this netroots endorsmenet means is that he's been targeted and added to their ActBlue page, a tool which has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for progressive candidates in important races across the country.

As of 9:45 P.M., he has received almost $3,000 from 83 donors through the page. Some information about Tim, from the Daily Kos, can be found here.



*Mike Hatch for Governor *

The Mike Hatch for Governor campaign is offering both paid and unpaid internships for the fall semester. Internships are available in several different campaign fields such as: the Field Program and the Communications Program. All internships will require the student to help in all fields of the campaign when necessary. The Hatch for Governor campaign is committed to offering internships that allow the student to experience a statewide campaign from every angle and to develop new skills such as volunteer recruitment, marketing, communications, and event planning. Internship Descriptions: Field Organizing Internship- Duties will include but are not limited to: 1. Assisting the Field Director and Regional Field Organizers with volunteer
recruitment and management. 2. Assisting the Field program with event planning (rallies, lawn sign distribution, doorknocks/literature drops, phoning, fundraisers, etc.). 3. Assisting the Field program with voter contact. 4. Assisting the Coordinated Campaign with the Get-Out the-Vote Program for the Primary and the General Election. 5. Assisting with general office duties (answering the phones, assisting with mailings, greeting volunteers and visitors, etc.). 6. Assist the campaign with campus organizing and campus events.
Communications Internship- Duties will include but are not limited to: 1. Tracking campaign media coverage across the state. 2. Assisting with the planning and execution of press conferences. 3. Helping to draft letters to the editor. 4. Assisting Campaign Spokesperson with research. 5. Assisting with general office duties (answering the phones, assisting with mailings, greeting volunteers and visitors, etc.).
Volunteer/Office Coordinator Internship- Duties will include but are not limited to: 1. Assisting the campaign scheduler with the candidate’s schedule and other events. 2. Coordinating and executing monthly mailings and other invitations. 3. Assisting with event coordination and preparation. 4. Assisting with general office duties (answering the phones, constituent correspondence, greeting volunteers and visitors, etc.). Helping to maintain contact with constituency groups for the Hatch for Governor campaign. Applications accepted through: September 16th , 2006. Please submit resume and cover letter to: Tara Mulloy, P.O. Box 75971, St. Paul, MN 55175 Or by email at: *tara@hatch2006.org* . If you have questions please contact the campaign at 612-221-0881.

*Amy Klobuchar for United States Senate*

The Amy Klobuchar for United States Senate campaign is seeking highly motivated, responsible, enthusiastic individuals to intern on one of the most closely-watched and important races in the country. Amy Klobuchar is currently the Hennepin County Attorney and is running as a Democrat for the Senate seat being vacated by Sen. Mark Dayton. If you’re a team player and enjoy working in a dynamic and fast-paced environment, this may be the opportunity you’ve been looking for. An internship on the Klobuchar for Senate campaign will provide unique experiences to students preparing for future careers of all kinds. Interns will be asked to work a minimum of 20 hours a week. In addition to working within a specific department at the headquarters, there will be opportunities to do work in the community on evenings and weekends, which can count toward weekly hours. We will work with you so that you can earn credit towards graduation where those options are available. This is a non-paid internship. For those who are interested in applying for these internships or for more information, please call (651) 714-2006 or send an email with a cover letter and resume attached to Elizabeth Nelson at Lnelson@amyklobuchar.com. Please put "Internship" in the subject line. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you soon!

*DFL Coordinated Campaign *

Join the Minnesota DFL and Amy Klobuchar's U.S. Senate Campaign as an Intern for the DFL Coordinated Campaign. The Coordinated Campaign is seeking energetic college students who want to see real change in Washington and St. Paul. As an intern for the Coordinated Campaign, you will have the opportunity to: Build your résumé while working directly for the DFL in the state's most important state-wide and local elections. Assist field organizers as they work to contact voters throughout the metro region. This may include planning and executing rallies, distributing lawn signs, doorknocking, and phoning. Help recruit volunteers through existing community, political and labor organizations. This may include attending local planning sessions, recruiting union volunteers, and even working with local elected officials to secure a volunteer base. Helping to recruit and organize local college and high school students as well as coordinating students during our Get-Out-The-Vote programs in November. For those who are interested in earning college credit for the hours they commit to the Coordinated Campaign, we will work with you and your institution to ensure this happens. As an intern, you must work a minimum of 15 hours per week. Please contact Eugene at the DFL Coordinated Campaign if you are interested. He can be reached at (651) 646-0667 or at ekang@dfl.org.

*Andy Luger Campaign for Hennepin County Attorney*

Part Time Unpaid Internship.Andy Luger is a first time candidate for political office. While the office of Hennepin County Attorney is a nonpartisan race, Andy is a democrat and has received the DFL endorsement. Our ultimate goal is to win next November, but we hope to have fun in the process. This is an excellent opportunity to gain political experience with a small staff, build your networking skills, meet other political professionals, elected officials and campaign donors. You will learn the ins and outs of a grassroots campaign. Hennepin County is the largest county in the state population wise, encompassing two congressional districts and over 1 million residents. New ideas encouraged. Autonomy. Work independently and with team. Internship responsibilities may include, but are not limited to: Manage
candidate call time; fundraising and outreach calls; Staff candidate at events; fundraising and community events; Assist in planning fundraising events; Maintain campaign database; Coordinate volunteers; Website updates (knowledge of html not necessary); Research projects as assigned. Intern Candidate requirements: Availability for some evening and/or weekend events helpful; Positive attitude; Ability to work well under pressure; About Andy Luger: Andy Luger served as a federal prosecutor for seven years; 3 ½ at the US Attorney’s office in Brooklyn, NY and 3 ½ years in Minnesota. He currently is a partner at Greene Espel where he has built a successful practice in civil litigation and white collar criminal defense. After twenty years as an attorney, Andy has decided to dive back into the public sector to run for the office of Hennepin County Attorney. Although this is a non partisan race, Andy is a Democrat and will seek the endorsement of the DFL Party next spring. For more information about Andy Luger, please visit: www.andyluger.com. To apply, please mail or email your resume to: Gia Vitali, PO Box 24418, Minneapolis, MN 55424, gia@andyluger.com . Hours and days negotiable and flexible based on class schedule. Mileage and parking reimbursements for travel expenses related to internship activities.

*Planned Parenthood of Minnesota Action Fund*

Do you want to help Planned Parenthood gear up for the elections by volunteering/interning with the Planned Parenthood Action Fund? If so, contact us about our volunteer positions or internships!
Saturday Action Team- The Saturday Action Team is a group of cord activists who set aside one Saturday a month to participate in an activity on behalf of Planned Parenthood or a pro-choice candidate. As a member of the SAT, you will participate in activities such as: door knocking or literature dropping on behalf of pro-choice candidates; visibility events like rallies, burma shaves and tabling; National Days of Action with pub crawls, voter registration and more; and phone banking to Get Out the Vote!
Electoral Organizing Volunteer– Electoral Organizing Volunteers are responsible for a variety of activities related to advancing Planned Parenthood of Minnesota Action Fund’s goals for the 2006 election cycle. You will participate in canvassing and literature drops, visibility events, National Days of Action, and phone banks, as well as assist in
preparing written content for our website and attending coalition events. Flexible hours, with some evening and weekend time required.
Electoral Organizing Intern– As the Electoral Organizing Intern, you will do the same activities as above, and will also take a more active role in preparing content for our website and organizing other volunteers and activists. If you have questions or would like to participate in any of these activities, please contact Sally at shassell@ppmns.org or 612-821-6164. www.ppmaf.org.
Hope everyone had a great summer. Just wanted to let everyone know that UDFL will be meeting this fall at 5:00 p.m. Monday. The site yet to be confirmed. We will be having our first meeting coming up on Labor Day Sept 4th.

Also, we are looking to do some serious fundraising. So spread the word. David is putting the finishing touches on his step-by-step guide to the PCR so spread the word about the free $50 everyone can give to UDFL.

Now to spend the money we are in the market for new t-shirts. I have one idea, I shared with the Exec Board:

FRONT: UDFL (College Democrats)
Minnesota outline


"Are you SICK of them yet?"

Post any additional ideas in the comment section, or email them to me at seli0052@umn.edu

A couple of important items of note here. The New York Times reports on how the American public views Republicans and Democrats with respect to religion. The Democrat numbers are still very low (29%) but the GOP have slipped precipitously in the last year. This is a signal the core base of the party is unhappy, and in my opinion, could mean religious voters will stay home Nov 7th.

In a stunning reversal, some Republican members of Congress are now pushing for withdrawal from Iraq. Rep. Christopher Shays (R-CT) locked in a tough re-election fight is calling for a timetable. Remember, this is from the same congress that ridiculed and rejected previous Democratic efforts to set a timetable just two months ago.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

What the Iraqi People Want

Undernews- President Bush insisted that there would be no withdrawal of American troops from Iraq as long as he was president. He gave a long, scattered list of reasons. Among them was a claim put forward in a number of different ways that boiled down to this: "it's what the Iraqi people want. . . Mark Tessler and Mansoor Moaddel recently released some of the data from their latest survey of Iraqi public opinion. As reported in US News, this survey revealed that:

"The growing sense of insecurity affected all three of Iraq's major ethnic and religious groups. The number of Iraqis who 'strongly agreed' that life is 'unpredictable and dangerous' jumped from 41% to 48% of Shiites, from 67% to 79% of Sunnis, and from 16% to 50% of Kurds. The most recent survey, done in April this year, also asked for 'the three main reasons for the U.S. invasion of Iraq.' Less than 2% chose 'to bring democracy to Iraq' as their first choice. The list was topped by 'to control Iraqi oil' (76%), followed by 'to build military bases' (41%) and 'to help Israel' (32%)."

The survey also asked a direct question about the presence of American troops in Iraq…91.7% of Iraqis oppose the presence of coalition troops in the country, up from 74.4% in 2004. 84.5% are "strongly opposed". . .

Maybe there are reasons for keeping American troops in Iraq, but "it's what the Iraqi people want" really doesn't seem to be one of them.

Congratulations to Patty Wetterling, running for Congress in Minnesota CD6. She was just awarded $5,000 from the Progressive Patriots Fund, Wisconsin Democrat Russ Feingold's leadership PAC. Wetterling is a strong candidate for Minnesota nearly unseating Bush lapdog Mark Kennedy in 2004.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Genius of MoveOn.org

I'll admit, I used to dislike MoveOn.org. I respected them for their money raising and organizing capabilities, but I thought they were an arrogant group with harsh rhetoric.

Well, I was wrong. Like, Letting-Your-Kid-Go-To-A-Sleepover-At-Neverland-Ranch wrong. I've been reading a lot about the incompetence of the Dems Congressional and Senate Committees (who are too close to big business and too cautious to run bold campaigns) and I realize how badly the democratic party needs MoveOn. These guys are brash, but they have a backbone. And they're smart. Smarter, in fact, than the establishment.

Now they're taking the lead in using Karl Rove's ingenius "Microtargeting" for progressive causes. Microtargeting finds people whose interests (and not, say, demographic) lean democratic, and markets to them based on that knowledge. It targets individual voters, not just swaths of blue neighborhoods. It's a technique that has delivered the last 3 elections (2002-2006) for the GOP.

But it costs money. And while I have no doubt their effort will be smaller than the Republicans', MoveOn today sent me a letter asking if I would give $25 towards a $416,000 microtargeting operation.

Their promise? Until they raise the $416,000, they will not charge you. They won't do the operation inadequately and they won't put it in an undesignated slush fund (should they come up short). Your money will go towards the operation YOU support. That kind of organizing inspires confidence.

Here is a great editorial in the Washington Post from MoveOn.org's Eli Pariser explaining what the organization is about. Their sentiments closely mirror the emerging new blogger base of the party. Standing up for principles, not pandering.

Here is a video of Pariser's interview on The Colbert Report.

If you're not on the mailing list (expect a couple emails a week) you can join it now.

And yes, I gave them $25 (that I don't have).

(Okay, rant over)


Senate Majority Leader Clinton?

I've heard rumors floating around that Sen. Minority Leader Harry Reid has quietly offered the former First Lady the job of Democratic Senate Leader following the 2008 elections, provided she does not make an ill-fated attempt at the presidency. Today the rumor surfaced, prominently, in the L.A. Times.

Clinton's path to the presidency isn't an easy one. But the road to Senate leadership may be. Clinton possesses qualities that could turn the thankless, grueling realities of congressional preeminence into something glamorous and powerful. She's a human megaphone, for one... allowing her to set the agenda and advance her priorities even from the minority.

Second, she's an extraordinary fundraiser, far and away the best the Democrats have...

Perhaps most important, her ability to bury enmities and forge alliances has been astonishing. She's reached out to the bitterest foes of her husband's presidency, seeking rapprochement with everyone from impeachment manager Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) to bête noire Newt Gingrich... she's that rarest of creatures, able to conjure partisan passions when elections beckon but also to resurrect constructive relationships when legislation need be passed.

The article makes some very compelling points about how the position would serve both her interests and talents. I think it's a terrific idea. Like many informed democrats, I have grave doubts about her ability to win the general election. With the new caucus-primary schedule stacked in John Edwards' favor, Majority Leader (let's all be optimists for a moment) seems like a very attractive alternative. Will she take it? Lets hope so.

Read about the new DNC Primary/Caucus schedule, which puts Nevada and South Carolina at the top with Iowa and New Hampshire.

Also in national news, two promising polls put Democrats in position to contend in the critical Virginia and Tennessee Senate races. With Democrats already leading in MT, MO (toss up), OH, PA and RI, winning Virginia or Tennessee would put us into the majority.


Monday, August 21, 2006


Grassroots Campaigns, Inc.
DNC Door-to-Door Outreach Office

In cooperation with the Democratic National Committee, Grassroots Campaigns, Inc. is running a nationwide outreach program to build support for the Democratic Party. The goal of the campaign is to recruit donors, raise money, and identify volunteers to help Democratic candidates at all levels win elections in 2006 and 2008

Job Description:
As a canvasser your primary role is to describe our campaign to people in the community, identify as many supporters as possible, and ask them to support the DNC by making a financial contribution.

A standard workday runs from 1:00-10:00 pm. Training begins at 1:00 followed by a break for lunch and travel to the site we are canvassing. Canvassing takes place from 4:00-9:00. At 9:00 we return to the office.

Pay based on skill and performance. Earn $300- $500 per week.

Leadership Opportunities:
Field Manager: Lead crews of 4-5 canvassers each day, and manage the logistics of our canvassing in a particular geographic area. More detains provided upon request.

Call Pat at (651) 290-2339

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Saturday night I went to American Players Theatre in Spring Green, WI (John Kerry actually prepped for his first debate at the resort nearby). For you non-Madison area kids, APT is this outdoor theatre that is incredible. I saw Julius Caesar, my favorite Shakespeare play. The following are the actual Director's Notes from the program:

"The medium of great playwrights is not words on paper, but language as it occurs in human listening. The only Shakespeare, Shaw, Sophocles, or Moliere we have are the words that they wrote - words written not to be read, but to be spoken and listened by a community of audience, actors, and backstage theatremakes. Human beings "listen" a play into existence at each once-in-a-lifetime, never-to-be-repeated moment of "now".

Irrespective of costumes and setting, a play in the theatre is always taking place now. Although a production of a classic must not over-emphasize what is relevant to a particular moment in time lest it thereby obscure that which is timeless, it is nonetheless interesting to speculate on why Julius Caesar has been the most produced of Shakespeare’s plays during the past two years.

Imagine that the most powerful and wealthy nation in the history of the world is bitterly divided by the rise to power of a leader who is considered a hero by some and a tyrant by others.

Imagine that this leader come to power in a way that many people feel was undemocratic and illegitimate.

Imagine that this leader amasses more and more personal power, in many cases bypassing the representative branches of government and ignoring time-honored democratic processes, albeit in the service of what many consider to be the greater good.

Imagine that a collection of senior statesmen – some of whom are honorable men honestly believing that democracy is dangerously threatened by this leader, some of whom are merely envious or power-seeking – determine that this leader is a great threat to the nation and must be assassinated.

In the wake of this decision, imagine that heretofore unheard of natural disasters ensue; events that shock and frighten the populace, many of whom ascribe these strange natural events to God.

And, finally, imagine that when the conspirators fulfill on their plan and assassinate this leader, chaos reigns and the stability of the world is shattered.

So welcome to Julius Caesar that takes place in ancient Rome, right now. What we will hear in this performance has never been heard before and will never be heard again it is at once both timeless and only for right now."


Thursday, August 17, 2006

Adventures with Gil Gutknecht

The good people at Wikipedia recently caught Republican Rep. Gil Gutknecht editing his entry in the most hilarious of ways.

When he was swept into office in the 1994 takeover, Gutknecht made a promise to get out within 12 years. Well, here we are in 2006 and he's running for election again, against his word. So what does he do? You guessed it, he edits his Wikipedia entry (which mentions that pledge) in an attempt to strike it from the record. Amusingly, Wikipedia was tipped off and put the kabash on that plan.

According to Wikipedia (which now mentions the incident in his entry):
The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported that Gutknecht's office twice -- on July 24 and August 14, 2006 -- removed a 128-word section in the Wikipedia article on him, replacing it with a more flattering 315-word entry taken from his official congressional biography. Most of the removed text was about the 12-year term-limit Gutknecht imposed on himself in 1995

Read the story in the Star Trib here.

And, to be fair, here's the Wikipedia entry of Democratic challenger Tim Walz.

h/t to Bluestem Prairie


VOTE OR DIE, Not really but you get the point

For those of you who regular watch the Colbert Report, be sure to follow Stephen's demand and vote for him through his blog. Colbert wants a bridge in Hungary named after him, and I think we should afford him that honor. CLICK HERE TO VOTE through his blog. Follow the link and scroll down to Stephen Colbert híd and click on it to vote.


A federal judge has just ordered an immediate cessation to the illegal spying of the Bush Administration. I wouldn't hold out hope for an apology from Bush and Co. Expect to hear the phrase "activist judge" or legislating from the bench" a lot. It's the old political technique. Attack the messenger so we forget their message. Nonetheless, this is a big setback for King George.

I saw Howard Dean in Madison last summer and he talked succinctly explained the GOP budgeting: "Borrow and Spend; Borrow and Waste." Read the news brief on the Congressional Budget Office's latest report on wasteful Republican spending.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Wow, this could develop into a big story, or more likely, just be cast aside and kicked to the curb. But Virginia Senator George Allen made a big gaffe at a rally with some racially insulting remarks.

This is hardly his first insensitive racist thing he has alledgedly done.

Here's another example

And one more detailed
UPDATE: Here's the video...

Monday, August 14, 2006

Interesting interview from Newsweek with Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) who spreads his message of creating an assertive Democratic Party who stands up to lead instead of waiting quietly to take charge.

A regional look at the country from the Washington Post discussing how the northeast is the new key region for both parties this November. Note that Bush's approval rating is at 28 out there. It's important to look at not only his overall numbers but how they are in each area or district.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

*Congresswoman Betty McCollum*

We are seeking energetic and proficient interns in the St. Paul District
Office of Congresswoman Betty McCollum (MN-04) for the Fall 2006 term.
An internship in Congresswoman McCollum's office will provide valuable
experience to students as they prepare for their professional careers.
Interns will have the opportunity to work with and assist all members of
the staff, including legislative, administrative, outreach and press
duties. St. Paul interns will have the opportunity to attend local
functions and meetings related to the Congresswoman's work in the
district. In addition, we are happy to work with your college or
university to arrange for academic credit. Applicants should be highly
motivated and enthusiastic, as there are far more applicants than
available positions. For more information on the internship, please
check Congresswoman McCollum's website at http://www.mccollum.house.gov.
To apply, please send a cover letter, resume and references to St. Paul
Internship Coordinator; 165 Western Avenue North, Suite 17; St. Paul, MN
55102 or fax to (651) 224-3056.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Mark Kennedy Endorses Lieberman

Turncoat Joe Lieberman has picked up another Republican endorsement...Minnesota's own Mark Kennedy. Let's make sure we let Mark join his buddy Joe out of work this November. Support Amy Klobuchar.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Lamont wins in Connecticut

Democrat Ned Lamont has defeated three term incumbent Joe Lieberman in the Democratic Senatorial primary in CT. Lamont's victory could be the start of a Democratic tidal wave this November. DCCC Chair Rep. Rahm Emmanuel chimes in:
"This shows what blind loyalty to George Bush and being his love child means," said Representative Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, the leader of the Democratic House Congressional campaign. "This is not about the war. It's blind loyalty to Bush."
The defeated Lieberman has refused to support the party's nominee, and plans on running in the general anyway for a new political party called "Connecticut for Lieberman." His campaign now has the support of George W. Bush and White House Advisor Karl Rove (story here). Meanwhile, Democrats across Connecticut and the nation are rallying behind Lamont, including Al Gore, Harry Reid, John Edwards, John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, DSCC Chair Chuck Schumer, Howard Dean, Chris Dodd, and many more.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Another One Bites the Dust

Another day, another Republican disgraced by the culture of corruption in Washington DC. This time it is Ohio Congressman Bob Ney who announced he is not running for re-election after facing much scrutiny for his close relationship with Jack Abramoff.

Klobuchar's Numbers Climb

Rasmussen Reports has released another poll for the U.S. Senate race:

Amy Klobuchar (DFL) 50%
Mark Kennedy (R) 38%

Rasmussen had the race 47-44 in favor of Klobuchar at the end of June.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


A good read from the Washington Post today with a very basic point in my opinion. None of this anti-bush, anti-GOP sentiment in America means a thing if we don't get our people to the polls. The article lays out how Democrats are trying to match the impressive Republican GOTV effort in targeted races and across the country.

The UDFL Board was contacted by the following campaign, looking for
interested volunteers for this race in the 2nd Congressional District.

Coleen Rowley is running for US House of Representatives in Minnesota's 2nd congressional district (seeking to unseat John Kline).


If there are any people who are...

*residents of the CD2 (Burnsville, Apple Valley, Eagan, Northfield, Faribault, Chaska,Inver Grove Heights, Prior Lake, etc etc)

*just interested in helping a fantastic democratic candidate. Coleen is a former FBI agent who was named Time's person of the year in 2002 for her role in bringingFBI mishandling of pre 9/11 information to light. She is ethical, dynamic and very committed to this district and this race.

*We are phone banking, door-knocking, letter-stuffing, parade marching and leading a banner brigade (holding signs over highways in the district).

Upcoming Volunteer events:
Banner Brigade: meets every Tuesday (for just an hour!) in Apple Valley, drop me a note for directions!

Parades this weekend: Satuday (the 5th): Prior Lake Parade! Lineup at 11 at St. Michael's School (Duluth & Pleasant st.)

Sunday (the 6th): Shakopee Derby Days Parade! Lineup at 12:30 at Town Square. (DO NOT USE 10th ave) Use old Hwy 69 entrance.

Phone Banking Sunday the 6th from 1-5 at the DFL office in Northfield (right off of division street on 3rd st).

Use the website for more information if you are interested.
