U-DFL Blog

Monday, October 09, 2006


Here's the recap from our meeting today. Thank you to the members who could make it out today. We have just 29 days left until the election.

First up, just a reminder that the College Democrats of Minnesota is in the middle of an aggressive fund-raising campaign. We are asking everyone to please help us out by loaning CDM a free $50. You contribute $50 now, and get a full refund from the State of Minnesota 6-8 weeks later.

To do so quick and easy follow these steps that isn't nearly as complicated as I outlined them:

*Go to the DFL Party website
*click on the donate tab
*click on "contribute online"
*select the $50 contribution button
*then fill in your information
*under "organization" scroll down to the bottom and highlight MN College Democrats
*Please write in the box that you want your contribution to go to UDFL

Thank you for your help.

A reminder that we will be doorknocking regularly and this week, we will be going on Wednesday and Thursday at University Village (2601 University Ave SE). Meet in front of Coffman or just meet over at UVillage if you can help us out.

Please remember that October 17th, is the final deadline for pre-election registration. If you miss that deadline you have to register on election day which is perfectly legal but more time consuming. Remind your friends,co-workers, roommates, random people you know to PLEASE REGISTER TO VOTE.

The other key effort is absentee voting. Please request an absentee ballot so you don't have to remember to go to the polls on election day (so you have more time to volunteer) and shorten the lines for everyone else.

John Benson is our candidate for Minnesota House, please help us out by doorknocking on the weekends or by virtual phone-banking. It's fast, easy and efficient and we're looking for an hour weekly commitment from everyone. We have the chance to turnout a ton of DFL votes from this.

EVENTS: *October 14th, UDFL member Dylan Kelly is encouraging everyone to attend the all day Camp Wellstone in Coffman this Saturday. It's a great chance to learn valuable campaign and leadership skills.

*Oct 14th, canvassing in Dinkytown, starting at 2:30pm and another canvass after the Camp Wellstone at 5:15pm to 5:30pm.

*October 16th, CD-5 debate

*October 17th, Secretary of State debate

*October 23rd, Keith Ellison event in the Whole of Coffman Memorial Union 6:30pm--8:00pm


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