U-DFL Blog

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Results of State of the Union Game

So here's the final official tally for our State of the Union Game.

# of Bush Smirks: 10
# 9-11 References: 2 (bit lower than average)
# "freedom" / "liberty" : 21
Laura Bush Sightings: 5
Democrat Sightings: 1
$ in New Spending: N/A Bush never gave a specific dollar amount
Applause Interruptions: 55
Speech Length: 51 minutes

Congratulations to Mark Lewandowski, the event winner. Max owes him a special prize.


The state of Wisconsin Assembly has FAILED in its veto override attempt of conceal and carry. The measure initially passed with more than enough votes to override Governor Doyle's expected veto. However, the measure did pass in the State Senate, but fell just 2 votes short in the Assembly. This is a big win for gun control activists in the state. Sure gun nuts like State Sen. Dave Zien will be pissed, but they can have my sympathy when they pry it from my cold dead hands.

Monday, January 30, 2006

State of the Union Party

I live at 1301 University Ave SE, Apartment #226. My cell is 608-215-9370 if you get lost.

1301 is the big apartment building between 13th and 14th ave. in Dinkytown, on the other side of the street, but near Roy Wilkens and Sanford.

When you get to the front entrance (on University) dial 236# on the keypad and I'll buzz you in. If you don't trust my memory, look up my name NOAH SELIGMAN on the panel and check the number.

Speech starts at 8:00, and as Max suggested feel free to stop by before then, so you can fill out your ballot for the competition. For the record, the judging starts when Bush begins his speech. So pre-podium smirks, or 9-11 shout outs don't count.

See you tomorrow,


Sunday, January 29, 2006

Article for Monday

Hi everyone. Just a few quick reminders:
  • Monday meeting, Coffman Rm 324, 5:30pm
  • Here's the article we'll be handing out on Monday at the meeting to discuss the following week. It discusses the ScAlito debate and Senator Barack Obama's reactions on a possible Democratic filibuster
  • Tuesday night is the State of the Union party at the 1301 Apartments, leave comments on this post if there are any questions
  • Next Sunday night (Feb. 5) is the first U-DFL volleyball game. Cooke Gym @ 8:15
I hope everyone can make all these things! Keep checking back for more!

That George...

Looks like America might be paying attention somewhat after all. An article from CNN shows some disappointing poll numbers for the President.

The New York Times reports on another Bush effort to silence critics. This time the target is a NASA Scientist who is warning about the dangers of global warming, or "climate change" as the GOP spin machine likes to say.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Lame Duck

If this isn't a perfect metaphor for his second term, I don't know what is.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Maybe you can be my intern, and in turn....

Bonus points, for anyone who can name that lyric.

Just wanted to pass along a few internship announcements for UDFL members who are not on the Department of Political Science listserve.

SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55103, (651) 293-0229, FAX (651) 293-1709. Job
Description Learn the legislative process by assisting lobbying firm in
monitoring legislation and writing weekly bill tracking reports for clients. Client base is made up of nonprofit organizations and professional associations. Responsibilities include trips to the Capitol to collect information on bills introduced, amendments,committee reports and floor action. This information will be used to generate weekly legislative updates. In addition, occasional attendance at legislative committee hearings and writing of narrative reports may be required.
Qualifications Candidates should have some knowledge of the legislative process and the ability to learn quickly and work independently, sometimes under stress. Excellent writing, word processing and communication skills are essential.
Time Commitment: Minimum of 15 hours per week. Duration of Internship: March
through May (Legislative Session) Compensation:$10 per hour. Application
Procedure: Send a resume and a short writing sample (1-3 pages) to: Sam Walseth
at Capitol Hill Associates. Resume and writing sample due by Monday, February

House DFL Caucus Intern Openings!
Do you want to get involved in the political process? Are you interested in
learning about political campaigns? The House DFL Caucus Campaign is looking for several volunteer interns to assist caucus staff in preparations for the 2006Minnesota House of Representatives elections. Internships will focus on one of two areas, Finance &Fundraising or Political & Field Operations. All majors are welcome to apply,and no specific experience is required. Scheduling is flexible. Please send resume by February 3rdto Lindsey Wollschlager at lindsey@housedflcaucus.com or call 651-251-6344 with questions.

Twenty (20) paidsummer internships with nonprofits in Minnesota, Wisconsin
and North Dakota are available!The Partners Internship Program (sponsored by HECUA through funding from the Otto Bremer Foundation)provides paid summer internships for undergraduate students in Minnesota, Wisconsin or North Dakota. Each year, twenty nonprofit organizations from across the regionare selected tohost an intern to work on a mission-driven project the organization designs that the student intern
implements during the summer. Internsearn $8.75/hour for up to 400 hours of work over thesummer. For a list of internship options, eligibility requirements and the
application process, visit www.hecua.org/pip or call 651-287-3318. Applications are due by March 3rd, 2006.

Internships with DFL Representatives in the Minnesota State House
If you would like to intern with a DFL Representative at the Minnesota State
Capitol this semester, you may still apply by sending a cover letter and resume
to Sandy Dicke: Sandy.Dicke@house.mn 651-296-5366. Your cover letter should be
brief, but explain your policy interests, any relevant past work or political
experience, and any preferences for particular DFL Representatives. If you have
already applied for a House internship, and would like to work for a DFL
Representative, you should contact Sandy Dicke to verify that your application
has been received. NOTE: You WILL be able to receive credit for this internship,
even if the add/drop deadline has passed. Contact Paul Soper, Internship Director for
Political Science, immediately to find out how to get credit: psoper@polisci.umn.edu612-626-1002.

Web Site: http://www.sd56.org . DFL Senate District 56 (Woodbury, Lake Elmo )
seeks one to two part-time spring/summer interns to work with our Field
Director. Duties will include recruiting and managing volunteers, supporting/maintaining our activist/volunteer database, coordinating events, and grassroots organizing in support of our DFL candidates. Qualified interns will be comfortable on the phone and in person with volunteers, have skills organizing and engaging the public,be able to deal with the unexpected, and have basic knowledge of Microsoft software (i.e., Word & Excel, Access a plus). Those with an interest in future campaign work are strongly encouraged to apply. The positions require 15-20 hours per week, and a small stipend may be available. We are a vibrant and energetic legislative district facing key 2006 Legislative races. Your help in our battleground
district may help the DFL reclaim the Minnesota House! Submit a letter of interest to
oldladyslater@yahoo.com , or call Vivian Votava at (651) 436-8993. We look
forward to hearing from you!

Senate District 43 DFL ( Plymouth , Minnetonka , Medicine Lake ). Senate
district 43 of the DFL is now accepting applications for internships (February 6 to June 2). Applications will be accepted through Tuesday, January 31st. The SD 43 DFL is seeking 2-4 highly motivated interns to assist with organizing our caucuses, SD
Convention, preparing for summer party building activities, and the 2006
legislative campaigns in SD 43. (43A and 43B House seats, and defend SD 43, Senator Terri Bonoff's seat.) This would be ideal for someone living in the West Metro area
and attending the U of M. Interns have the opportunity to gain experience working in
an aggressive and innovative Senate District and learn skills in field organizing,
fundraising, communications and party building. Applicants should demonstrate:
motivation, responsibility, good organizational skills, email skills,
willingness to call upon potential volunteers, be Excel or Access competent (moderate level or higher) and be familiar with Facebook. Ideally, interns will be able to commit 12plus hours per week to various tasks, have access to the internet and email, a cell phone, and their own transportation. Interested parties should send a resume and cover letter to: Clint Faust, SD 43 DFL Chair, 10405 6 th Ave. N. Ste 200 , Plymouth , MN 55441 , or by email to Clinton.j.faust@ampf.com .

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Greatest. Debate. Moment. Over.

Most of us were too young to remember the great debate between Lloyd Bentsen and Dan Quayle in 1988 when the two faced off in the Vice Presidential Debate. Listen from about 1:30 onward, for the undisputable greatest line in debate history. Quayle was trying to prove he was experienced enough to be President, and compared himself to Jack Kennedy. Bentsen was ready with a sharp retort.

As well, this website has link to other great speeches in American history.

Our Union is Strong....even if our president ain't

An article in the New York Times lays out what should be a pretty State of the Union Address next Tuesday. Looks like the same old stuff, with Bush being a little more careful to spout smaller ideas about problems he has no intention of fixing

You can call me Al

Nice little protest job done at Georgetown University. As Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez was speaking defending, the warentless wiretaping, protesters unfurled the banner in the picture, and marched out.

Lyrically Ryme Time

*Tom DeLay Denies All Charges (As Told by Dr. Suess)*
By witlist

That Abramoff!
That Abramoff!
I do not like that Abramoff!
"Would you like to play some golf?"
I do not want to play some golf.
I do not want to, Abramoff.

"We could fly you there for free.
Off to Scotland, by the sea."

I do not want to fly for free.
I don't like Scotland by the sea.
I do not want to play some golf.
I do not want to, Abramoff.

"Would you, could you, take this bribe?
Could you, would you, for the tribe?"

I would not, could not, take this bribe.
I could not, would not, for the tribe.

"If we strong armed corporations
Into giving you donations?
They'd be funnelled to your PAC.
Would you then cut us some slack?"

I would not, could not, cut you slack.
I do not care about my PAC.
I do not want to play some golf.
I do not want to, Abramoff.

"A plane! A plane! A plane! A plane!
Would you, could you, for a plane?"

I could not, would not, for a plane.
Not for a bribe, not for the tribe.
Not for donations from corporations.
Not for my PAC, not for some slack.
Not from any schmoe named Jack.

"Would you help us buy some ships
Perfect for quick gambling trips?
Talk to people in the know
For a little quid pro quo?
Oh come now, don't be a snob.
Let us give your wife a job."

I will not help you buy some ships.
I do not wish for gambling trips.
My wife does not need a job
Even if she is a snob.
We do not like bribes, can't you see?
Why won't you just let me be?

"You do not like bribes, so you say.
Try them, try them, and you may.
Try them and you may, I say."

Jack. If you will let me be
I will try them, then you'll see.

Say.... I do like playing golf!
I like it, I do, Abramoff!
I do like Scotland by the sea.
It's such a thrilling place to be!
And I will take this bribe.
And I will help the tribe.
And I will take donations
From big corporations.
And I will help you buy some ships.
And I will take quick gambling trips.
Say, I'll give anyone the shaft
As long as it involves some graft!

I do so like playing golf!
Thank you! Thank you,


So Max and I are both taking a Political Propaganda course this semester (which I would recommend) and in one of the readings I have found something substantiated that I am sure we have all thought.

Basically when Hitler was trying to attain power over the German people he used powerful and polarizing slogans to accomplish this goal. One of the most successful was "the German nation or Marxism". According to Marlin, R. in Propaganda and the Ethics of Persuasion, "the presentation of two exclusive alternatives, with the phraseology favouring one of them, is a powerful propaganda device. It helps to polarize opinion, and, when that happens the shill cries of the opposing forces drown out any voices of moderation".

He goes on to explain how President Bush did exactly this in 2001 when he made his famous comment "either you are with us or you are with the terrorists". It is important for us as Democrats to remember that it is completely possible (and actually quite beneficial) to be against terrorism but also against reduction of civil liberties. Many times Republicans try to make this stance laughable.

Lets never let the conservatives make up our mind for us.
"Terror must not take away my Freedom"


I signed the U-DFL up for two intramural teams, and while it would be nice if those who signed up for the specific sports could show up to the times we got, everyone is invited. The first games of each sport are listed over on our events list on the right hand side of the blog, but I will post the rest of the games when I am given the full schedule. In the meantime, the starting dates are:

Sunday, Feb. 5, Cooke Gym (Go in through the Rec, all the way to the top of the stairs and through the skyway to Cooke Hall), 8:15 pm. Our league is Co-Rec B1. The cost per individual is approximately $10.

Sunday, Apr. 2, Bierman Fields. These games are all double headers, which means we'll play two games per night. The cost per individual who plays this sport is also $10.

If you have any questions about either of these or are interested, let Max know:


Wednesday, January 25, 2006

This is the Report....

I don't know how many of you regularly tune in to Comedy Central around 1030 pm, after the Daily Show, but Stephen Colbert has a funny thing going on his show. An editorial piece from the liberal rag in Wisconsin The Capital Times (I did work there for 2 summers) praises Colbert for his truthiness.

Steve Kelley coming on Feb. 6

I have word from a senior Kelley Staffer that Senator Steve Kelley (D-Hopkins) is going to be at our February 6th meeting. Everyone should come and hear our first gubernatorial candidate address the group!

Army of None

More bad news for the men and women who wear the uniform. A new report indiactes that the "Thin Green Line" is in trouble in the years ahead. Considering the 2 contries we ignored in the "axis of evil" both have nuclear capabilities. A weak US Army is a threat to world security.

Two in a Row!

Yesterday it was Kelly Kubacki. And today it is Secretary Noah Seligman who has the eye of students who read the Minnesota Daily. His scathing editorial rips Mark Kennedy's credibility to shreds. The U-DFL is making a strong showing thus far this semester. Keep an eye on this group. They're a smart bunch.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

George Bush REALLY doesn't like Black People

Remember how Bush said after Katrina nobody anticipated the breach of the levees? Well guess what? He was either misinformed or lying or both. New documents released show that the federal government was informed of this possibility/probability. I know, hard to believe the President screwed up....

Like Son, Like Father

George Dubya Bush has been known for his gaffes, both on the campaign trail and in the White House. But who ever knew that he got this trait from his father?

Kell-Bell pulling no punches

U-DFL Vice President and CLA Senator Kelly Kubacki has a letter to the editor of the Minnesota Daily published in Tuesday's edition. It is in regard to the use of endorsements during the Minnesota Student Association's (MSA) elections each spring. Vice President Kubacki does not hold back in her passion for this issue. The letter is completely worth a read. Feel free to send Kelly an e-mail congratulating her on the publication.

Monday, January 23, 2006

High Court

A new poll suggest things aren't looking good in terms of legal precedent for the next several years. CNN reports a majority of Americans say they support confirmation of Judge Alito.


Love Your Mother...Earth

Couple good articles from the New York Times:

1) About how the United States compares to other countries on the environment.

2) Long read about energy prices. Apparently, the energy industry does not have that squeaky clean image we once thought. And the GOP has enacted legislation and ruling that of course benefit the companies not the consumer.


If only the Bush administration had a man like Calvin Tutley, the fictional "blame czar." It's not a bad idea, maybe the Bushies could use someone like this...


This has absolutely nothing to do with politics, but it is such an amazing accomplishment it merits mention. Los Angeles Lakers guard Kobe Bryant scored 81 points tonight, second most in NBA History. Ridiculous, just bananas.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Guess Whose Back....Back Again

Quick read from CNN, as John Kerry (remember him?) made the rounds on the Sunday talk shows. He blasts the Administration for their handling of the war on terrorism, and shows that maybe national security isn't such a GOP issue.

No King George

This is a Time article from loyal member Aaron Eisenberg about the everlasting battle of Dubya v. the law.

Check it out.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Surprise Surprise

I saw the following headline on YahoLinko!news:

Rove: GOP to Use Terror As Campaign Issue

Does anyone else find this headline a pretty apt way of describing how the Bush Administration won in 2004 (by frightening the public into submission) and how they will use the same fear again in '06?


Breaking News!

Patty Wetterling has dropped out of the United States Senate race. From here, she really has two options:

  • Run in the 6th Congressional District and win it now that Mark Kennedy is not there or...
  • Run as Lieutenant Governor to Mike Hatch. This is the one that I've heard from the insiders-that she opted to drop out of the Senate race to secure this position. Stay posted!

Payback Time

As you all know, Mark Kennedy will be the Republican nominee for US Senate this fall. I just called his DC office to double check, and Kennedy did vote IN FAVOR of the recent budget reconciliation act that cut nearly $13 billion in student financial aid. His staffer said yes, that was a small part of it. Guess we know where he stands on access to higher education....

So, I want everyone to call and complain about this (do so in a considerate and respectful manner, if you can't be polite about it, please don't call). Just ask why he voted to cut entitlement programs and student aid. Simple as that. Don't mean, hostile, vituperative, or aggressive.

Before calling, emailing etc., please take a moment to rehearse your message courtesy of talking points from the Student Aid Alliance.

Contact Kennedy:
Phone: (202) 225-2331

Washington, DC Office
1415 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515

Thanks. In the comment section, please let me know if you've done this.


Scotty Gets Grilled

White House Press Secretary got grilled yesterday by the press corps. The clip is pretty fun, give it a go.

Thursday, January 19, 2006


The House DFL Caucus is looking for interns. If you are interested in this position, please contact Max at page0172@umn.edu or 612.916.5965.

What a Shock!

Democrats announce their plan to reform lobbying, taking the lead on the now hot topic. Of course, rather than offer a substantive alternative, the GOP has resorted to petty name calling and childish cheap shots.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

More Money, Plus More Hillary

The New York Times reports on the reaction by both parties to reform lobbying on Capitol Hill. Pay close attention, because this is a big issue, morals in government, for this fall. Also, keep in mind, not all lobbyists are bad, so hopefully these reforms won't cut out worthy causes and leave the big players with an even larger advantage.

Very well reported piece from the New York Times regarding Hillary and the way she's used her stature to help other Democrats and lay a foundation for a possible Presidential run. My guess, if a Democrat loses in 2008, she will be intent on resigning her seat after the 2012 election, and run then.


The Fighting Dems are soldiers who were in the Iraq War that have come back to fight stateside for a prestigious seat in the United States Congress. Tammy Duckworth is the latest candidate, and she will be fighting in Illinois' 6th Congressional District. Keep an eye on this web site. It should provide an interesting perspective on the war and read as an interesting barometer on the publics opinion of the war.

Here is a local KARE 11 news report on veterans running for Congress. It lists a number of veterans' hopes for running in Minnesota.

Also, a blog interview on the man who plans on running against Joe Lieberman for the US Senate Democratic Primary.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Lady Macbeth

Check out this article from Hillary Clinton (D-NY) assailing the Bush Administration. She's been ruffling a few feathers with her hawkish tone (the military brass hate to admit it, but they like her) and this should play well with the base. Every poll indicates she's the front runner for '08. Time will tell.

A good read from Time Magazine regarding problems in GOP circles. Through the cracks in the wall, you can see the other side.


Jack Abramoff got some airtime in George Clooney's acceptance speech at tonight's Golden Globes. Clooney won for his part in Syriana, his film about oil, the Middle East, and the United States government. It's not everyone's favorite, but it explores some complex subjects. Check out the film, and read a Roger Ebert's interesting critique of the film.

In related news, look for Representative Bob Ney (R-Ohio) to be indicted soon in relation to Abramoff's illegal political dealings.

Monday, January 16, 2006

The Conscience of a Conservative

Ok I will start this with a quote and then my annoyed reaction to that quote.

"Thus, for the American Conservative, there is no difficulty in identifying the day's overriding political challenge: it is to preserve and extend freedom. . . . the Conservative's first concern will always be: Are we maximizing freedom?" - Barry Goldwater.

Ok are wiretaps maximizing freedom? Are mandates on social concerns such as whom one may or may not marry maximizing freedom? I DON'T THINK SO! If Mr. Bush cannot even live up to the ideal of a conservative politician why does he still hold strong (although decaying) support from the Conservative camp? Do they really buy the statement that this bombing and war suddenly spreads freedom to the places we invade? I am more than a little confused.


Al Gore

Here is the text of Al Gore's much talked about speech given today, Martin Luther King Jr. Day. He does not mince words, and Al discusses very openly his distaste for this administration's policies.

We Shall Overcome

Today of course is important not only because we don't have school yet, but of course for the reason why.

Click here to read about Dr. King

Click here to listen to the "I Have a Dream" Speech Make special note of the powerful imagery and metaphors he weaves into his writing.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Activist Judges Please

An article from the New York Times gives a great analysis of why the judiciary is so important in America, and why Democratic losses are totally shifting the ideological balance of courts in this country.

More Alito

Saturday, January 14, 2006

The Kennedy Court

The Star Tribune provides a glimpse into what could now be called the "Kennedy Court." With a likely Alito confirmation on the way, the new swing voter is Anthony Kennedy. The article gives an insight into how Kennedy voted on issues such as abortion, affirmative action, religious symbols in public facilities, and free speech.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Air America Radio Partay!

Hi everyone,

Air America, the liberal talk radio station founded by Al Franken, is going to be holding the 2nd Annual Blue State Ball. The event is only $8 with a student ID, and it should be loads of fun. Look for the posters around campus. Here's the full info:

--Saturday, January 21st, 7pm-11pm
--Columbia Golf Manor (directions from the U)
--Live music, food, and cash bar. Special guests include Ed Schultz and Wendy Wilde and a "few other surprises."

For tickets or more information, call 952-946-8885.

Visit AirAmericaMinnesota.com for more info.


Hilarious article from MSNBC about Stephen Colbert and his reaction to being snubbed by the Associated Press. A must read.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

More Money More Problems

A few more interesting articles. These two are about the budget spending of the White House. This deficit will truly break the bank, and should piss off some conservatives.

1) Overall budget numbers, mainly Katrina relief as the cause
2) On record taxing and spending by the government (wait, I thought that was our side...?) Make note about "cutting spending" in the future. This means more cuts to entitlement programs like Social Security, Medicare, and financial aid.

Read On

A couple interesting articles from the New Republic.

1) An quick read about why the media is wrong, the Abramoff scandal is a Republican problem.
2)A good look and analysis of the Bush problem of good campaigning but lousy at doing his actual job.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Iraq Problems

A new poll shows the continuing patter of concern in the American public over Iraq. Most political analysts believe Iraq will be the first concern for voters and ethical issues will be important as well. Low numbers on Iraq don't bode well for the GOP.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Make Note

Article from CNN regarding corruption scandals in DC and potential fallout for fall. The problem for us appears to be the same. People still think Congress is corrupt, but still like their own member of Congress.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Doran to Announce Lt. Governor Candidate

This was e-mailed to me by the Doran campaign:

Gubernatorial candidate, running mate to hold news conferences in
Rochester, St. Paul and Duluth.

St. Paul - Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Kelly Doran today said he
will officially announce his running mate at news conferences in
Rochester, St. Paul and Duluth on Monday, January 9, 2006.



9:30 a.m Radisson Plaza Hotel, Galleria Room
150 S. Broadway

St. Paul:

Noon State Capitol, Room 125


2:30 p.m Porters Restaurant, Lyric Room 2
Holiday Inn

Saturday, January 07, 2006

But He Seemed Like Such a Good Guy

Big news out of the GOP circle that Tom DeLay won't try to regain his leadership post. Here are a couple good articles. I have to say I'm a little disappointed. I was hoping for a public fight with DeLay refusing to go down without a fight, and stubbornly hanging onto power while maintaining innocence in the face of inarguable guilt, making the GOP look bad, and causing a massive public bickering among Republicans.

1) DeLay won't seek to regain post. Notice phrase "Culture of Corruption" from Pelosi. Expect to hear that ad nausem this year. We should be saying at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

2) Democratic radio response. Short article notice the lobbyist figure cited. 9,500 to 34,000 in the last 5 years. That's like

3) Change in GOP Leadership

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Not Really Politics Related

But still cool. Everyone's favorite political pundit Jon Stewart will be hosting the Oscars this year meaning it may be worth watching. Especially if Brokeback Mountain gets some hardware which will only serve to further piss off the religious right, and they're mad enough at everything as is.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The New York Times has a good summation of what the "Culture of Corruption" with Abramoff's plea deal could mean to Washington.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Low Friends in High Places

Nice article about the scandal that could give the Republican Party a taint of corruption. Notice how both DeLay and Ney in the article show exactly why nobody trusts what politicians say. Ever. This lobbyists thing could drag out and really make incumbents start to sweat. It's 2006 now, election year has started and so should the campaign.

Quick note, Delay metnions "liberal media." For those playing at home that's 1 shot for liberal media and .5 shot if he mentions activists judges.