U-DFL Blog

Friday, September 29, 2006

Rep. Foley to End Re-Election Bid

Another Republican politician has been taken down in a scandal. GOP Rep. Mark Foley (FL-16) will not be running for re-election and has submitted his resignation from Congress.

Democrats have a strong challenger running down there, but Foley can be replaced on the ballot.



Walz seizes lead in MN-01

Did you know that right now there are enough independent polls showing democrats ahead to win back the House?

Granted, there are still 39 days until the big 11-7, but the traditional campaign season is not yet half over and democratic challengers are running circles around republican incumbents already, despite having less cash and lower name recognition. Our candidates have nowhere to go but up, but they may have already gotten the job done.

You can count on at least one seat in Minnesota changing hands. Here's the latest poll on MN-01:

Walz: 46
Gutknetch: 40
Undecided: 14
Re-Elect Gutknetch?: 38

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Sunday 11am Doorknock for Benson

We need volunteers for Sunday to help John Benson in Minnetonka. This is a couple hours on Sunday. Please let me know if you can help out, seli0052@umn.edu, 608-215-9370.

CDM Convention at U of M Oct 7th

On Saturday, Oct. 7, College Dems from across the state will gather at the
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities for GOTV trainings, candidate speeches
and the opportunity to learn from each other.

The College Dems of Minnesota (CDM) fall convention, will begin at 10 am and continue through 6:45 pm.

CONTACT U-dems@yahoogroups.com or seli0052@umn.edu for registration information.
U. S. Senate candidate Amy Klobuchar will be speaking, and trainings will be led by Elana Wolowitz, a campaign organizer who also works for Wellstone Action, and Shaun
Laden, an organizer for Keith Ellison's campaign for U. S. Congress.

There is no registration fee, and lunch and dinner are included.

Hopefully you'll all be able to stick around for a rally at Macalester College
in St. Paul on Sunday at 2 pm, with Al Franken.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


UDFL will be doorknocking in Middlebrook Hall Thursday Sept 28th. We are starting at 7pm so meet in the lobby at 6:50pm so you can get instructions. We need a minimum of 8 people so we can get the building done in half the time.

Please let me know if you can help out. My cell phone is 608-215-9370.


Baseball Tonight!

The Twins will be in the playoffs, but they are still fighting to win the division. Come watch the Minnesota Twins take on the Kansas City Royals with the UDFL! We are meeting in front of Coffman at 6 tonight, game starts 7:10 at the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome.

Tickets are only $3 with student ID and it's just a buck for a dome dog!

GOP picks St. Paul for 2008 Convention

I read this on a liberal blog and assumed it was the democrats. After 10 seconds of exhilaration I re-read it and confirmed my worst fears-- The Republicans are holding their 2008 convention in the Twin Cities, automatically removing it from contention for the democratic nomination. I can just hear them now,

"Sam Brownback will succeed George W. Bush and we will recapture the House and the Senate!!"

Stay tuned. We'll start organizing the convention protest on Nov. 8, 2006.


More Info:



Campus Camp Wellstone

Campus Camp Wellstone is coming here to the U of M on Oct. 14th! Sign up today!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Thank you to all of you who showed up yesterday to the meeting. For those of you who couldn't come, I just wanted to pass along an update as to what we did yesterday and let you know what events we have upcoming.

The election is just 43 days away. During that time, UDFL has an ambitious schedule planned for events and most importantly: phone banking and canvassing. Please let me know when you can help out and what you're interested in doing. We can never have too many volunteers. I'm asking for a 5 hour commitment (two times weekly)to help out UDFL. We all have class, but trust me, homework will still be waiting Nov 8th. Our wonderful Representative Phyllis Kahn spoke to our members yesterday reminding everyone of the importance of doorknocking and offer advice and encouragement.

*Tomorrow (Wednesday Sept 27th) the UDFL is going to the playoff-bound Twins game against the anemic Kansas City Royals. Tickets are just $3 and Dome Dogs are $1. Meet outside Coffman at 6pm Wednesday to head over to the game.

*Also, tomorrow (Wed 27th) look for the "Debt Rock" on campus around lunchtime. Stand Up Now may be bringing the Debt Rock (which represents the crushing debt students in Minnesota are graduating with) to the mall area.

*Thursday UDFL will be doorknocking Middlebrook to ID voters and remind everyone about why they should be voting DFL

*Friday-Saturday there is a political science conference on party effects in the United States Senate. Check out the link below for more information:


*Oct 7th and 8th the College Democrats of Minnesota will be holding their fall convention. Saturday the 7th, it will be on the West Bank. This will include an evening concert and speeches and training from DFL leaders. The 8th (Sunday) Al Franken will be speaking at Macalester in Saint Paul.

*Oct 9th, Mike Hatch or his running mate Judi Dutcher will speak at the UDFL meeting to answer questions and talk about the election.

*Nov 4th is the homecoming parade which we will be participating in and we need a crush of people marching with us to show that this is a one-party campus in a one-party town.

*Finally, we will be tabling in Coffman from 11am to 2pm on the following dates:

-Oct 9th, 12th, 16th, 19th, 30th
-Nov 1st, 2nd, 6th

Here's the general week schedule for UDFL:

Monday: meetings at 5pm in room 307 of Coffman, followed by phone-banking and free pizza over with Stand Up Now, the Youth Coordinated Campaign located at 2829 University Ave SE. Check them out online at standupnow.mn

Tuesday: Amber from the DFL is always looking for phone-banking and doorknocking help. Contact her if Tuesday is a good for you at holzm007@umn.edu or 785-640-1689

Wednesday: UDFL will be doorknocking on campus to ID voters

Thursday: UDFL will be doorknocking on campus to ID voters

Sunday: UDFL is helping out John Benson in Minnetonka in what will likely be the deciding race to win back the Minnesota House. They can always use volunteers. Contact me or Abbey (DFL Field Organizer) 952-250-1681 if you can help out
Thanks, and please let us know when you can volunteer.

-Noah Seligman
President, UDFL (College Democrats)

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Clinton puts the Smackdown on Fox News

This is today's interview with Bill Clinton on Fox News Sunday. Right-wing hack Chris Wallace tries to disort the record, but Clinton won't have any of that:

Saturday, September 23, 2006


First off, just a reminder that we have a meeting this Monday Sept 25th at 5pm in the Board Room (307) in Coffman Memorial Union. We also will be tabling from 2:00 to 4:30 Monday at Contact Table #1 in the basement of Coffman.

Okay gang, now things are going to start to get a little more intense as we close in on the election a scant 44 days away. 44 days which is a lifetime in politics, but not for us because we need to ramp up our efforts to churn out voters this fall.
A few upcoming events:

*Monday Sept 25th UDFL meeting room 307, the Board Room of Coffman Memorial Union. Afterwards we are going to head over to the Youth Coordinated Campaign at 2829 University Ave SE to help them phone bank and collect free food.

*Wed Sept 27th we will be going to the Twins game. Justin will be organizing that. We will likely meet at 6pm Wed in front of Coffman, but stay tuned for more information

*Thur Sept 28th we will be doorknocking in Middlebrook Hall to ID voters and hand out absentee ballot information. We need volunteers, so please respond and give a couple hours. The more volunteers, the shorter it is. We need 16 people for this. Four teams would work.

*Friday Sept 29th and Saturday Sept 30th there is a political science conference in room 184 of Humphrey. Check out the link below for more information.


*Just to let you all know. This is going to be the weekly plan:

-Monday: we have our meetings and afterwards helping out the YCC afterwards

Wednesday/Thursday: Doorknocking from 7 to 9pm at various residence on campus

Sunday: John Benson doorknocking in Minnetonka. Rides are provided. This is a 2-3 hour total committment.

This is a critical election. 3 separate polls show the governor's race tight. The Senate race is looking good but I won't relax until the votes are tallied. John Benson could be the decisvie seat that gives the DFL control of the Minnesota House.

I'm asking all members to commit to at least 5 hours a week (that's 2 of the events) from now until Nov 7th at 8pm.

-Noah SeligmanPresident, UDFL (College Democrats)

Friday, September 22, 2006

Couple Things from the Poli Sci Dept

*2) 2007 Legislative Internships (Department of Political Science
sponsored event.)*

Informational Session

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

2:30 p.m.

Room 435 Blegen Hall

Looking for an opportunity to gain some real-life work experience that’s
directly related to your political science major? Come to an
informational session and hear from political science alum, Scott
Magnuson, about internship opportunities at the State Capitol in
downtown St. Paul. Scott runs the Senate Information Office at the
Capitol and he is also the State Senate’s Intern Coordinator. Scott will
give a presentation on applying for an internship at the Capitol and
discuss some of the work responsibilities you as an intern will be
given. Senate interns may receive a small stipend for their work.
Professor Paul Soper, Internship Director for the Department of
Political Science, will also be available to talk about the department’s
internship program and explain how students can receive course credit
for their internships.

*3) FORMER U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE COLIN POWELL *will headline the 2006
Distinguished Carlson Lecture, with "Leadership: Taking Charge." Oct. 3,
12:15-1:15 p.m., Northrop Auditorium. The lecture is free and open to
the public, but tickets are required (limit two per person); tickets
will be available Sept. 26. For more information, see

*4) Author Discussion/Book Signing*

Local author and political science instructor Jeff Taylor will discuss
his new book

“Where Did the Party Go?: William Jennings Bryan, Hubert Humphrey, and
the Jeffersonian Legacy” at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, October 2 at the
University of Minnesota Bookstore in Coffman Memorial Union, 300
Washington Ave. S.E., Minneapolis.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Opening this weekend, Sean Penn stars in "All the King's Men" a fascinating story about Lousiana populist Huey Long. It's a great story of his rise to power and how he ruled the state of Lousiana as governor and even during his time in the US Senate. Next weekend, I'm hoping we can get some UDFL members together to go see it at the St. Anthony Main movie theater, just $5.50 for students.



*We still need more people to volunteer Sunday Sept 24th for John Benson. Please let me know if you can help out.

*Also, we will be tabling next Monday from 2:00pm to 4:30pm at Contact Table #1 in Coffman.

*A reminder that next Wednesday Sept 27th UDFL will go to the Dome for a Twins game and next Thursday we launch our Voter Iding, GOTV effort.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

New Tim Walz Ad

Fighting Dem Tim Walz is making Gil Gutknecht sweat down in the 1st. Walz just released his second ad (h/t Minnesota Campaign Report):


Two quick things to have on your calendar.

1) We need doorknockers to help John Benson in Minnetonka this Sunday. This is about a 2 hours committment or so Sunday from 12:00---2:30. We all have homework, but we also all know that nobody gets any of it done during those hours anyways, so get some fresh air, and some exercise and come see scenic Minnetonka, Minn. Please let me know via email seli0052@umn.edu or via my cell phone 608-215-9370 if you can help out.

2) Homecoming. This one is off aways, but Nov 4th this year just a few days before election day. UDFL has a registered spot now so keep that on your calendar. The theme is Wild Wild Midwest and though we don't normally do floats, it shouldn't be hard to come up with some clever Bush parody given the theme.

Gas Prices and Senate Forecasts...

After Katrina, Iraq and flagrant violations of the constitution, I thought Bush had a pretty low ceiling for approval. But recent polls show him with a modest rebound this month (44% in a recent Gallup Poll). Not surprising, they come on the heels of tumbling gas prices. Remember how Bush hit a low point in the summer of 2004 as gas prices rose, then rebounded to win in the fall as prices fell back to normal? Call me paranoid, but I'm paranoid.


However, while Bush might not hurt the GOP as much as we hope, our chances look better every day for taking the Senate. A combination of great challengers, boatloads of cash and a national climate that favors us put Democrats in great position for the upset of a generation.

Democrats are already poised for solid victories in 4 states:

Sen. Conrad Burns loves to reprimand firefighters and work with Jack Abramoff. The combination has him in a deep hole in this Red-trending-Blue state that already has a Democratic Governor and Senator. Democratic challenger Jon Tester has a spotless record, a farming pedigree and a great grassroots campaign. Advantage: Tester

Rhode Island:
Sen. Lincoln Chafee may be the most liberal republican in the Senate. He didn't vote for Bush II in 2004 (he cast a write-in vote for his father), and drew a strong primary battle from completely unelectable right winger Steve Laffey. Still, after putting down the rebellion against his candidacy, he jumped out of the frying pan and into....the frying pan. Polls have him trailing challenger Sheldon Whitehouse by 5-8 points, due to Rhode Island's strong blue tint. Advantage: Whitehouse

Corruption has shaken the state republican party to the core. In the fallout, Democrats are likely to win the Governor's race in a landslide and Senator Mike Dewine is guilty by party association. Liberal U.S. Representative Sherrod Brown holds a small but consistent lead over Dewine. Advantage: Brown

Rick Santorum may be too conservative for every state but Kansas. That doesn't bode well for him in Pennslyvania, where he is losing pretty badly (8-10%) to State Treasurer Bob Casey. If Democrats win any race at all in 2006, it should be this one.

So that leaves us with a 48-51 Republican Senate (with 1 independent, Sanders of Vermont). Democrats need two more wins to clinch a 50-49 majority. Luckily, three races look imminently ripe for the taking.

Virginia: Racist Senator George Allen fell from grace after his "Macaca" incident and didn't help his cause by getting defensive over a debate question about his Jewish grandfather. Democrat Jim Webb, Reagan's Secretary of the Navy, seems like the perfect candidate to take advantage of this, with a conservative background and progressive message. Polls show this race dead locked. Webb has all the momentum, though Allen has all the cash.

Missouri: My home state. I want this one pretty bad. Republican Jim Talent is a nice guy, but that may not be enough to hide a 94% voting record with Bush. Popular centrist democrat and state auditor Claire McCaskill is in a dead heat with Talent. She may have pulled the move of the election cycle with her brilliant idea to purchase Rams' football tickets (in order to keep the game from being blacked out) and donate them to local charities. Polls show a slight McCaskill lead, but this is a fight to the wire.

This is an open seat vacated by Bill Frist (yay!). Republicans should have been favored, but former Chattanooga mayor Bob Corker (R) has serious charges on two fronts (using his office for personal profit and leaving 9-1-1 lines unanswered) that have caused him to slip behind conservative Democrat Harold Ford Jr.

Democrats have a 50-50% chance of winning any of these seats. They're all essentially tied right now.

Joe Liebermann
could ruin everyone's good time if he defeats upstart Democratic nominee Ned Lamont in Connecticut and quits the party.

Bob Menendez of NJ should have been a lock for re-election after taking John Corzine's seat in 2005. Unfortunately, he's got corruption charges that have cost him his slim lead. His challenger, Tom Kean Jr, son of the former New Jersey governor and has run a good campaign. This is honestly the GOP's only shot at a senate pick-up, but if they pull it off, you can pretty much say goodbye to a Democratic US Senate in 2007.

They'll need a lot of breaks, but the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has twice as much money to spend as the republicans and they're only playing defense in one state. Thats going to be a big help for democratic challengers. I think the democrats take both chambers with razor thin majorities, including a 50-49-1 senate. Call me crazy if you want to.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Conference on Party Effects in the United States Senate II

University of Minnesota

September 29-30, 2006

Organizers: Jason Roberts & Kathryn Pearson

Sponsored by the Department of Political Science and the Center for the Study of Politics and Governance

Friday, September 29 Location: Hubert H. Humphrey 184


Bruce Oppenheimer & Marc Hetherington, Vanderbilt University

Title: Running on Empty: Coalition Building Constraints in the U.S. Senate, 1970s and 2000s

Discussant: Steven S. Smith , Washington University in St. Louis


Linda Fowler, Dartmouth College & Seth Hill, UCLA

Title: Guarding the Guardians: Senate Oversight of Foreign and Defense Policy, 1947-2004

Discussant: Kathryn Pearson , University of Minnesota

Frances Lee , University of Maryland

Title: Dividers Not Uniters: Presidential Leadership and Senate Partisanship

Discussant: Jamie Carson, University of Georgia


Roundtable: The Consequences of a Partisan Senate

Chair: Kathryn Pearson, University of Minnesota

Frances Lee , University of Maryland

Linda Fowler, Dartmouth College

Bruce Oppenheimer, Vanderbilt University

Timothy Johnson, University of Minnesota


Mike Crespin, University of Georgia & Charles Finocchiaro, University at Buffalo

Title: Parties and the Politics of Pork

Discussant: Chris Den Hartog , CalPoly

Greg Koger, University of Montana

Title: Parties and Agenda-Setting in the Senate, 1973-1998

Discussant: Nathan Monroe, Michigan State University

Saturday, September 30 Location: Hubert H. Humphrey 184

Jeff Jenkins & Sean Gailmard, Northwestern University

Title: Exploring Minority Power in the House and Senate

Discussant: Jason Roberts , University of Minnesota

9 :30-10:15


Jamie Carson, University of Georgia

Title: Electoral Accountability, Party Loyalty, and Roll-Call Voting in the U.S. Senate

Discussant: Jeff Jenkins , Northwestern University

Steven S. Smith, Washington University in St. Louis

Title : The Senate and Theories of Congressional Parties

Discussant: David Rohde, Duke University


Roundtable: Where Do We Go From Here? Future Research on the U.S. Senate

Chair: Jason Roberts, University of Minnesota

Steven S. Smith , Washington University in St Louis

David Rohde , Duke University

Mathew McCubbins , University of California, San Diego

Jeff Jenkins , Northwestern University

Shawn Treier, University of Minnesota

Monday, September 18, 2006


I understand many of you had to work or study or just couldn't make the meeting tonight. For those of you UDFLers who were there and forgot what happened, or couldn't make it, here's what went down:

*After introductions, we talked about the three campaigns we are focusing on this fall:
-Mike Hatch for Governor
-Amy Klobuchar for US Senate
-John Benson for Minnesota House

*We then heard from Lydia over at the Youth Coordinated Campaign. The YCC is located at 2829 University Ave SE in Minneapolis, and is the home base for Amy Klobuchar's campaign. The YCC is focused on getting out the student vote. They have a press conference that you are all invited to attend this Wednesday at 11am in the State Office Building.

*Shannon shared the calendar of events we have:
- The big items are as always weekly UDFL meetings Monday's at 5pm in room 307 in CMU. - -Also, Sunday afternoons we will be doorknocking in Minnetonka to help John Benson.
- Sept 27th, UDFL goes to the metrodome to cheer on the Twins.
-Oct 7th and 8th (sat-sun) the College Democrats of Minnesota will be having a state convention Saturday at the U and Sunday over at Macalaster.
-There's more, but these are the biggies

*We discussed our GOTV effort and how we are targeting our efforts to increase student turnout across campus. Let me know if you can help us out by taking the lead in one of the residence halls.

*TShirts. We are lookly for new ideas and if you know a cheap shop please let us know.

*John Benson himself showed up to share his background, his ideas, and answer some questions. We really appreciate him taking the time to chat with us. Benson is in a swing district that could wind up as the deciding race to win back the Minnesota State House. UDFL is helping him out. You can click here to learn more about John Benson.

Hope to see you next week. We are doorknocking for Benson on Sunday.


Sunday, September 17, 2006


UDFL Meeting Monday Sept 18th in the Board Room at the 3rd floor of Coffman Memorial Union starting at 5:00pm

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Just wanted to encourage everyone to apply for an absentee ballot. Minnesota has no-excuse absentee ballot meaning anyone can get an absentee ballot for any reason. You should apply for an absentee ballot for a few reasons:

1) you shorten the lines at the polls Nov 7th

2) you have the entire day to volunteer

3) it's easier. The ballot box comes directly to you

4) all the cool kids do it.

5) if something comes up and you are gone Nov 7th you will still have voted. My parents were out of town election day 2004 because of a famliy emergency but had already voted absentee (because of reasons 1 to 4) so they still were able to vote

Click on this text to be linked to the secretary of state's webpage on absentee voting.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Rep. Bob Ney Guilty of Corruption

Congressman Bob Ney of Ohio is going to prison after a plea bargain in the Jack Abramoff scandal. He's only one of many Republican officials involved in the scandal, and it's possible that more will be convicted before the scandal becomes history.


Facebook At It Again

Facebook is at it again. They've added a new feature called "Election Pulse" which tracks how many facebookers are supporting each candidate in each state. A brief summary of a few results from Minnesota:

For Senate, Amy Klobuchar over Rep. Mark Kennedy, 63%/34%
In the 1st Congressional District, Tim Walz over Rep. Gil Gutknecht, 69%/31%
Here in the 5th, Keith Ellison over Alan Fine, 83%/12%
In the 6th, Patty Wetterling over Michele Bachmann, 68%/23%

CT-Senate, Ned Lamont over Sen. Joe Lieberman, 55%/43%
NJ-Senate, Sen. Bob Menendez over Tom Kean Jr., 55%/45%
NV-Senate, Jack Carter over Sen. John Ensign, 65%/29%
MT-Senate, Jon Tester over Sen. Conrad Burns, 83%/16% (wow)
OH-Senate, Rep. Sherrod Brown over Sen. Mike DeWine, 68%/32%
PA-Senate, Bob Casey over Sen. Rick Santorum, 59%/37%
RI-Senate, Sheldon Whitehouse over Sen. Lincoln Chafee, 52%/48%
TN-Senate, Rep. Harold Ford over Bob Corker, 71%/28% (wow)
VA-Senate, Jim Webb over Sen. George Felix Allen Jr., 55%/44%
AR-Governor, Mike Beebe over Asa Hutchinson, 54%/41%
CO-Governor, Bill Ritter over Rep. Bob Beauprez, 65%/31%
IA-Governor, Chet Culver over Rep. Jim Nussle, 51%/43%
TX-Governor, Kinky Friedman (Independent) over Gov. Rick Perry, 62%/16%
WI-Governor, Gov. Jim Doyle over Mark Green, 51%/46%
AZ-CD8, Gabrielle Giffords over Randy Graf, 57%/17%
CO-CD7, Ed Perlmutter over Rick O'Donnell, 57%/38%
CT-CD2, Joe Courtney over Rep. Rob Simmons, 56%/44%
IA-CD1, Bruce Braley over Michael Whalen, 58%/42%
IN-CD2, Joseph Donnelly over Rep. Chris Chcola, 53%/47%
IN-CD8, Brad Ellsworth over Rep. John Hostettler, 66%/34%
IN-CD9, Baron Hill over Rep. Mike Sodrel, 60%/33%
NC-CD11, Heath Shuler over Rep. Charles Taylor, 62%/38%
PA-CD6, Lois Murphy over Rep. Jim Gerlach, 69%/31%
TX-CD22, Nick Lampson over Rep. Tom DeLay/Shelley Sekula-Gibbs, 54%/33%

This is why student activism and the college vote are so important. If we turn out to vote this year and get results like this, we can take back the House, Senate, and a majority of governorships. It's also why the Republicans are so scared, and why they hope we haven't been paying attention.


A Success!

Thanks to everyone who helped paint the bridge today. I think it turned out quite well. If you haven't seen it, make sure you check it out next time you cross the bridge.


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Hope this finds everyone in good spirits as we close another week of class. This week UDFL was busy helping Keith Ellison win the DFL Primary Tuesday night, and tabling in Coffman to recruit more members Wednesday and Thursday.
Here arer some upcoming events:

*Tomorrow, Friday Sept 15th, at 11 a.m. UDFL will be participating in "Paint the Bridge" the annual event where student groups decorate two panels on the inside walls of the footbridge.

*Saturday Sept 16th at 12:00 noon at St. Thomas University the Youth Coordinated Campaign will be hosting an open forum with DFL-Endorsed candidates including Senate candidate Amy Klobuchar, Secretary of State candidate Mark Ritchie, and State Auditor candidate Rebecca Otto plus other DFL candidates. You can reserve your free tickets online at standupnowmn.com. See the attached flier for more information

*Sunday Sept 17th, at noon, we will be going out to Minnetonka to doorknock for DFL State House candidate John Benson. Contact me at 608-215-9370 or via email by replying to this one or you can use my umn email in the cc line of this message

*Monday Sept 18th, from 12:30pm---3:30pm UDFL will be tabling in Coffman Memorial Union recruiting new members and passing out voter information

*Monday Sept 18th 5pm, UDFL General Meeting, in the Board Room of Coffman Memorial Union, room 307. This will be the location for all UDFL from now on.

*Tuesday, Sept 19th, 11:00am the Youth Coordinated Campaign is having a press conference over in Saint Paul at the Minnesota State Office Press Room (across from Kiffmeyer). I will be there.

*Finally, UDFL will be hopefully get a booth at the Community Involvement Fair 10:30am to 3:00pm in the Great Hall of Coffman

*Lastly, please if you live in the dorm we need dorm captains and floor captains. This is of CRITICIAL IMPORTANCE FOR OUR GOTV EFFORT.

Thanks as always,
-Noah Seligman

Rowley In The Hunt in CD-02

With Wetterling in great position to defeat Michele Bachmann in MN-6, and Tim Walz scaring the crap out of Gil Gutknetch in MN-1 (48%-45% for Gutknetch in a poll I saw), a new poll now pegs Coleen Rowley Within striking distance of Jim Ramstad.

How close?

3%. 45-42.

A statistical tie, and 13% are undecided. If you've ever taken a political science course, you know that a majority of undecides break for the challenger. In a year where democratic turnout will be big anyhow, Rowley could very well take this thing. Get excited and stay tuned. We could have a Congressional delegation of 7 democrats and 1 republican this fall!!!!!

Political Genius in Missouri

Someone working for Missouri Senate candidate Claire McCaskill is a political genius. If she keeps up a campaign like this, she's going to head to Washington in January rather than her Talent-less opponent.


Paint the Bridge

It's that time of year again. If you would like to help paint our panels on the Washington Ave Bridge, we'll begin painting at 11:00 on Friday.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Swanson Defeats Kelley

The race for Attorney General has been called for Lori Swanson. Swanson has defeated DFL-endorsed candidate Steve Kelley. She is the only statewide or federal DFL candidate to defeat an endorsed opponent. Here are results.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

This is a picture of Tim Pawlenty with one my friends, Tim, who is a HUGE conservative. I think this looks professional.

More Results

Along with Keith Ellison's impressive victory, Amy Klobuchar, Mike Hatch and Mark Ritchie were all winners tonight. The AG race is still too close to call with 74% reporting:

Lori Swanson 99,423 40.79%
Steve Kelley 92,490 37.95%
Bill Luther 51,807 21.26%

Ellison Wins Primary

WCCO Reports that Erlandson has called to concede. with 65% reporting, Ellison has a 45-30-18% edge.

Primary Results

A few places to track tonight's primary results: here, here, or here.

Get out the Vote!

DFL Endorsed:

Mike Hatch for Governor
Amy Klobuchar for US Senate
Keith Ellison for US House
Steve Kelley for Attorney General
Mark Ritchie for Secretary of State

Find your polling place!

Monday, September 11, 2006


Tomorrow is PRIMARY DAY!!! Remember to vote for the DFL-Endorsed Candidates tomorrow, Tuesday Sept 12th.


Take a look around Tuesday morning and notice that Keith is the only candidate who has really been reaching out to students. The campus Tuesday morning is blanketed with Keith Ellison signs and lit pieces. Keith Ellison's campaign is really connecting with students and I think we'd be doing a great service to this area and the university community to do all we can to make sure we send Keith to Washington. Keith Ellison and the DFL have been reaching out to students and Keith is the canidate who offers a real recommittment to higher education.

Mike Hatch for Governor
Amy Klobuchar US Senate
Steve Kelley Attorney General

If you live in the dorms the U of M has pre-registered ot vote so you just need to go to your polling place with your U-Card to cast your vote.

If not, you can still vote, just bring a copy of an electric bill or something that proves your residency status including another person who lives in the district who can vouch for you.

Click here for more information on your voting rights.

Finally, click here to find your polling place:

Please remember to vote, and bring a few friends with you. It's important to vote because you can get voter lists which help with our GOTV effort Nov 7th.



Job Description: Intern, College Democrats of Minnesota

Minnesota College Democrats is the umbrella organization for all College Democrats chapters in Minnesota. It is an official affiliate of College Democrats of America and the Minnesota DFL. During the election cycle we hire an intern to help with the logistics of coordinating all of our campuses and activities. Working closely with the executive board, this intern will assist with many of the administrative duties of the officers.

Duties: Help produce publications
Assist in fundraising efforts
Manage lists and databases
Assist in communication with campus chapters, campaigns, schools, and the party

Qualifications: Currently enrolled in a college or university in Minnesota
Excellent organizational skills
Excellent communication skills
Able to respond promptly to phone calls and emails
Proficient in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
Detail oriented
Motivated and able to take initiative

Time Commitment: 10 hours per week fall semester
Some flexibility in scheduling Daytime, evening, and weekend hours required

Compensation: $200 stipend

To Apply: Send a resume and cover letter to walkert@carleton.edu no later than September 15th.

Thanks for helping the
College Dems kick ass.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Hey, hope everyone had a good first week of class, and a better weekend. In lieu of a regular meeting this Monday we will be helping out Keith Ellison, the DFL-Endorsed candidate for US House in this area. We will be meeting on Monday Sept 11th at 4:30pm at Northrop Plaza (where we met last week) to join Keith, Minneapolis Mayor RT Rybak, and possibly Congresswoman Betty McCollum to sign up voters and help drive up turnout for Tuesday's primary election.

Who: All UDFL Members
What: 2nd UDFL meeting
Where: Northrop Plaza
When: Monday, Sept 11th at 4:30pm
Why: to help DFL US House candidate Keith Ellison for Tuesday's primary.

Please let me know what time(s) you are available to help out on Tuesday Sept 12th because we will need and use volunteers to increase turnout for Tuesday. This is also important, because the list of every person who voted is public information, meaning we can get a copy of this and use it for GOTV efforts Nov 7th.

Finally, a reminder that if you live in the dorms you are registered to vote and only need to show your U-Card in order to do so. Also, go to the website listed below for more voting information if you aren't in the residence halls and want to vote on Tuesday.


See you Monday,


Youth Coordinated Campaign

Campus Field Organizer Responsibilities

 Serve as central points of contact for campaigns and party for all youth organizing in your area
 Where and when possible work with through campus College Democrats chapters to meet goals
 Responsible for meeting weekly peer-to-peer voter contact goals through phone calls and canvassing
 Recruit and work with volunteers to carry out voter contact programs
 Recruit and manage “dorm captains” with local chapters
 Register new young voters, including high school students
 Manage absentee ballot programs
 Represent the DFL at on-campus events and student group meetings to build relationships and student leaders and activists
 Track and record all information accurately in the VAN
 Work with Political Organizations to build events and crowds as necessary
 Establish contacts and facilitate organizing structures at area schools

What We Are
We are the youth-run branch of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor party. We advocate youth issues inside, and outside the party. We are entirely student / youth run, and in addition to turning out the youth vote, we will craft and publicize a youth message, and build the party from the ground up.

For the 2006 election cycle, we are comprised of a field staff that covers 20 campuses around the state, teams that design our graphics, web presence, message, and press work, and two directors that coordinated with campaigns and facilitate volunteer and intern operations.


Joe Radosevich
Alex Cutler

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Applebee’s America Celebration
With Doug Sosnik, Author of Best-selling New Book

When: September 28th, 3:00pm-5:00pm

Where: Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar Restaurant
Block E, Downtown Minneapolis
600 Hennepin Ave Ste 200
Minneapolis, MN 55403

What: Simon and Schuster is the publisher of “Applebee’s America: How
Successful Political, Business and Religious Leaders Connect with the
New American Community.” The book is being mentioned frequently in
coverage of this November’s elections. Here’s what others are saying:

“In a lucid and engaging narrative, the authors offer an insightful account
of modern America that should interest Americans of all political,
religious, and social affiliations, and prove invaluable to those who
presume to lead them.”
--Senator John McCain

“Applebee's America provides what may be the most compelling and
accurate description of this powerful new source of community, purpose,
and authenticity. A must read from cover to cover.”
--Bob Buford, Founding Chairman, Leadership Network, Author, Halftime
and Finishing Well

“Applebee’s America captures the ever-evolving sense of community in
America, and offers incredibly valuable insights into the way leaders can
connect with the American public.”
--Howard Schultz, Chairman, Starbucks Coffee Company

Who: Doug Sosnik, co-author of the book, will be the special guest.
Also invited are local elected officials, political leaders, and church leaders.

Douglas Sosnik served for six years as senior advisor to President Clinton, playing a key role in policy, strategy, political and communications decisions for the Clinton White House. During the 1996 Presidential re-election campaign, Mr. Sosnik was the White House political director. In the second Clinton term, Mr. Sosnik served as senior advisor for policy and strategy.

Prior to working in the White House, Mr. Sosnik served as chief of staff to Senator Christopher J. Dodd of Connecticut. Mr. Sosnik currently advises U.S. corporations, the National Basketball Association and U.S. Senators and Governors in crisis management and strategic planning. Mr. Sosnik, Matthew Dowd and Ron Fournier have written a book, Applebee’s America: How Successful Political, Business, and Religious Leaders Connect with the New American Community, which is published by Simon & Schuster and is scheduled to be released in September.

Mr. Sosnik received his Bachelor of Arts degree, with honors, from Duke University. He currently resides in Washington, DC with his wife, Fabiana Jorge, and their two sons, Christopher and Phillip. They are expecting a daughter in October.

Contact: Stefanie Ostrowski, Marketing Assistant
Applebee’s International Inc.
(414) 915-5751 or ostrowski.stefanie@gmail.com

Also, visit www.applebees.com and click on the Applebee’s America

This is an interesting article from CNN about how President Bush has lost support from southern women, a key demographic for success. The south is obviously been tough terrain for Democrats lately and this could represent an opening.


ABC to air distorted 9/11 Film

ABC is planning on airing a "docudrama" called "The Path to 9/11" on September 10th and 11th. The film was written by an avowed right-wing activist and "good friend" of Rush Limbaugh. Apparently ABC does not care that the writer completely made up many scenes critical of President Clinton. For instance the film contends Bill Clinton was too distracted with the Monica Lewinsky scandal to go after Osama bin Laden. Ironically during the Lewinsky scandal Republicans were the ones in a huff over President Clinton ordering strikes against camps of Al-Qaeda.

Clinton has written a letter to ABC, from the NY Post (h/t Daily Kos):
A furious Bill Clinton is warning ABC that its mini-series "The Path to 9/11" grossly misrepresents his pursuit of Osama bin Laden - and he is demanding the network "pull the drama" if changes aren't made.

Clinton pointedly refuted several fictionalized scenes that he claims insinuate he was too distracted by the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal to care about bin Laden and that a top adviser pulled the plug on CIA operatives who were just moments away from bagging the terror master, according to a letter to ABC boss Bob Iger obtained by The Post.

The former president also disputed the portrayal of then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright as having tipped off Pakistani officials that a strike was coming, giving bin Laden a chance to flee.

"The content of this drama is factually and incontrovertibly inaccurate and ABC has the duty to fully correct all errors or pull the drama entirely," the four-page letter said.
Last year ABC cancelled a reality show featuring a gay couple, "Welcome To The Neighborhood" after ultra-conservative crazyman James Dobson complained. Back in 2004 ABC's parent company Disney tried to kill Michael Moore's documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11" because it was "too political." Yet Disney/ABC seem to be perfectly fine in airing "The Path to 9/11" despite 9/11 commissioner Richard Ben-Veniste finding a number of inaccuracies and distortions, despite the top counterterrorism official in the Clinton and both Bush Administrations, Richard Clarke, pointing out many of the events depicted in the film never happened, and even despite ABC admitting some scenes are entirely fictional.

Does ABC using the fifth anniversary of 9/11 as a way to promote GOP distortions and propaganda bother you? Contact the Twin Cities ABC affiliate KSTP at programming@kstp.com or call them at (651) 646-5555 to let them know what you think.


Update: The Senate Democratic Leadership sent this letter to ABC...wow.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Wed Night Movie Oak Street Theatre

WHO: UDFL and DFL Supporters
WHAT: the movie "Carry It Forward", a documentary about Paul ellstone.
Speaking before the movie will be Democratic-endorsed U.S. House candidate Keith Ellison. Just $2.
WHERE: The Oak Street Theatre
WHEN: Wednesday, September 6th at 8:30pm

Volunteer for Steve Kelley

Volunteer for Steve Kelley for AG before next week's primary!

As we move closer to the Sept. 12 primary, the campaign is making a big push for volunteers to do phone calling for our DFL-endorsed candidate for Attorney General, Steve Kelley. We have several ways to be involved before Sept. 12 but we are in need of phone bankers!

The Steve Kelley for Attorney General campaign wants YOU! We have phone banks in Golden Valley, Minneapolis, and St. Paul. Please be part of this exciting campaign.

For more information please contact the Kelley for Attorney General
Volunteer Coordinator Kathy Okins at 612-968-5436 or at volunteer@kelleyforag.org. Or contact the office at 763-544-8691.

Our website is www.kelleyforattorneygeneral.org.

Monday, September 04, 2006

UDFL at the Metrodome

Who: The UDFL and the Minnesota Twins!

What: America’s Pastime

When: 7:10 PM Wednesday, September 27th

Where: Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome, Section 235

Tickets are only $3 at the gate with a valid student ID, plus it's dollar dome dog night!

Sunday, September 03, 2006



Saturday, September 02, 2006

Facebook Goes Political

Everybody's favorite way to waste time, Facebook, has always had a space to list your political affiliation (liberal, conservative, moderate, libertarian, apathetic, or other) but it has just added a section called "Election 2006" which allows us to list candidates and issues we support. Mike Hatch, Amy Klobuchar, and all eight DFL candidates for Congress are among the candidates listed. Anyone can make their own campaign issue group, and though this addition to the site just went live in the past few days hundreds already exist, everything from pro-Socialist Party to anti-UN.

To start supporting issues and candidates on Facebook, click to edit your profile, then click the "Election" tab.


Friday, September 01, 2006

Hatch Proposes Aid to Students

From the Winona Daily News:
The issue of rising tuition isn’t new, but gubernatorial candidate and Minnesota Attorney General Mike Hatch said he has a new plan. If elected, Hatch would allocate $300 million from a tax loophole to ease tuition pains for all Minnesota public college students. Hatch and his DFL running mate Judi Dutcher announced the plan Thursday at Winona State University.

After walking into a room in Kryzko Commons and shaking hands with nearly every student and audience member, Hatch and Dutcher said something needs to be done about the costs of tuition, which have doubled since 2002. “That’s not acceptable and it’s wrong,” he said. “You’re getting the burden, not the benefit.” Hatch said he would fund his proposal with a law that would close a tax loophole for foreign-owned businesses. Gov. Tim Pawlenty has said he would veto the law if passed by the Legislature.

Hatch criticized Pawlenty during his speech, saying college has become inaccessible and unaffordable, which wasn’t always the case. “In many ways (Pawlenty) has pulled up the ladder behind him,” Hatch said.
Skyrocketing tuition costs have become unbearable for many students and parents. Access to higher education is the cornerstone in advancing in the job market. In the past Minnesota has been a leader in providing its citizens the opportunity to attend a university or college. However under the leadership (or lack there of) of Tim Pawlenty, many Minnesotans are being priced out of college, hurting not only Minnesota families, but the state’s economy as well. Due to the federal government’s cuts in pell and other grants, Minnesota now more than ever needs to be a leader in providing access to higher education. Instead, in the last four years Tim Pawlenty has ignored students and Minnesota families. Fortunately on November 7th voters will be able to elect Mike Hatch and make Minnesota a leader once again.
