Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Monday, May 29, 2006
and Tina & Archie Smith
invite you to an early evening wine-tasting
and private reception for
State Auditor Candidate and
Former Representative Rebecca Otto
Kick off summer and slow down after your day with some wine and
refreshments and friendly people
and learn why we want you to support Rebecca.
• Rebecca’s found financial errors
Auditor reports (!)
• Hear how the Auditor’s policies have increased our property taxes
• Learn how State Auditor-proposed LGA cuts have hurt the Twin Cities
• Hear how Rebecca is working to provide permanent, real
property tax relief
schools & cities.
This is a very important race for Minneapolis!
Rebecca’s excellent work has resulted in
endorsements from hundreds
leaders, including
(this is breaking news) the mayors of Minneapolis, Saint Paul, and
Visit her at www.rebeccaotto.com
“Rebecca will make a great State Auditor.”
-US Senator (and former State Auditor) Mark Dayton
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
5:30-7:30 PM
home of Tina and Archie Smith
4720 West Lake Harriet Parkway
Minneapolis, MN
wine, hors d’oeuvres and refreshments provided
suggested contribution $100/person, more if you can ($500 max/p), but
ALL are welcome!
If you can't come, please still make a contribution of any size
to help elect a State Auditor that will work with rather than against
Click here to find out how to contribute.
RSVP to rsvp@rebeccaotto.com
Or to Tina Smith, tinafs@aol.com
Thank you, and see you there!
paid for by Otto for Auditor, www.rebeccaotto.com
Friday, May 26, 2006
Lourey to Announce Running Mate
Following a U.S. Senate debate between DFLers Amy Klobuchar and Ford Bell, Lourey will join candidates Mike Hatch, Steve Kelley, and Ole Savior for a debate on the show Almanac on tpt 2, tonight at seven.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Tom Delay Loves Stephen Colbert

Apparently, he does not realize that Colbert is a liberal comedian. (video in link)
Delay's people are so in lock-step with the conservatives that Colbert satirizes that they don't understand the joke is on them. Incredible.

Kenny Boy goes down hard. Former Enron scam artists Ken Lay (called "Kenny Boy" by his close friend George W Bush) and Jeffrey Skilling got their golden parachute tangled today getting convicted for their nefarious cabal stemming from the collapse of the energy giant in 2001 gutting $1 billion in retirement funds for their employees.
On a not too surprising side note, Enron is a huge Republican Donor. Let's see if this story (don't expect it to have much staying power given the attention span of the mainstream media) sinks Bush's numbers anymore.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Lloyd Bentsen Dan Quayle Clip
Here's the famous clip of Lloyd Bentsen kicking Danny Quayle around like it ain't no thang.
Hatch out?
Is this true? Is it not? Anyone have some inside info? Leave it in the comments section (maybe Mike's a blog frequenter and will give it to us straight!).
Also-Erlandson's in for the primary.
In other news-will T-Paw call a special session for...a constitutional amendment?
Political Round Up
Al Gore's book, An Inconvenient Truth, hits the bookstores today. His movie of the same title will open in Minneapolis on June 9th.
Senator Christopher Dodd of Connecticut is making preparations to run for President in 2008.
The other senator from Connecticut, Joe Lieberman, is facing a tough primary battle with political newcomer Ned Lamont.
Former Senator John Edwards says Bush is worse than Nixon.
When will Karl Rove be indicted?
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

America lost a great man today when former US Senator and Vice Presidential candidate in 1988 Lloyd Bentsen died.
You can read more about his life and get a detailed biography here.
One of his most famous quotes, and in my opinion the single greatest debate moment of all time, was his refrain with Dan Quayle in 1988:
Quayle: I will be prepared not only because of my service in the Congress, but because of my ability to communicate and to lead. It is not just age; it's accomplishments, it's experience. I have far more experience than many others that sought the office of vice president of this country. I have as much experience in the Congress as Jack Kennedy did when he sought the presidency. I will be prepared to deal with the people in the Bush administration, if that unfortunate event would ever occur.
Judy Woodruff: Senator Bentsen.
Bentsen: Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy, I knew Jack Kennedy, Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you are no Jack Kennedy. (Prolonged boos and applause) What has to be done in a situation like that is to call in the -
Woodruff: Please, please, once again you are only taking time away from your own candidate.
Quayle: That was really uncalled for, Senator. (Shouts and applause)
Bentsen: You are the one that was making the comparison, Senator - and I'm one who knew him well. And frankly I think you are so far apart in the objectives you choose for your country that I did not think the comparison was well-taken.
Monday, May 22, 2006
to the semester. As your new president I wanted to take a moment and share
what the exec board has been up to so far. First off, you should know your
knew exec members (listed not in their rank except for the first two) if
you don't already:
-President Noah Seligman
-Vice President Shannon Mitchell
-Treasurer David Liebow
-Secretary Justin Henry
-Outreach Clare Nelson
1) $$$
David is working on creating an easy step-by-step "Idiots Guide to the
PCR" so everyone can give their free $50 to UDFL. This is crucial so we
have money for events, printing, literature, and reimbursing ex-UDFL
President current MSA President Max Page. What we are also compiling is a
list of every professor campus, so we can flyer, email, and call them about
giving us some money because a DFL win is better for the university
community faculty and student alike.
Max started this project where we are working on a state house race this
summer and fall. Shannon is taking the lead on this since I am back in
Wisconsin this summer. John Benson is our guy running in 43B. Email the
campaign directly at johnbenson43b@gmail.com. They are looking for interns.
This is a very winnable race and our help can put them over the top.
Remember the DFL is +5 in the state senate and -2 in the House. Our race
could be the difference between a DFL state government and not (once we
dump Tuition Hike Tim Pawlenty)
3)DFL State Convention
Clare is a delegate this year to the state convention.
What: DFL State Convention
Where: Mayo Civic Center
30 Civic Center Dr SE
Rochester, MN 55904
See Map
When: June 9-11, 2006
4) Structure UDFL will have leaders for the three campaigns we are focusing
our energy on (Governor, US Senate, and Benson) and we hope people will be
able to work on all three, but would like to stay as organized as possible
5) Strategy
This is the super secret part. We will have 3 Phases of our campaign
strategy (by the way, if anyone can think of a clever title for the phases
let me know)
Phase One: Sept 4th (and previous weekend)-----Sept 24th VOTING
RIGHTS--registering students not in residence halls making sure they know
their rights. This means same day registration, in line by 8pm and you can
vote, no-excuse absentee ballots, etc. This is to counter GOP suppression
efforts. Republicans tried numerous suppression techniques at UW-Madison in
2004 and we can't let that happen here. They've given up getting us to vote
for them so they try and stop us from voting.
Phase Two: Sept 25th-----Oct 15th HAD ENOUGH? 2 Ideas should be cemented in
every students mind 1) Tim Pawlenty does not care about young people (join
my facebook group) High tuition, low levels of education funding, first
governor to cut money for education etc.
2) Mark Kennedy = George W Bush. He votes with him 97% of the time. If you
like Bush vote Kennedy
Phase 3: Oct 16th----Nov 2nd VOTE DFL Why students should support the DFL
candidates in the election. Not a hard pitch but they need to know why.
When Clinton spoke at the U he said he always wanted to make sure that
anyone who vote against him knew WHY they were voting against him. Let's
make sure that if someone doesn't vote DFL they know why.
Phase 4: Nov3rd---Nov 7th GOTV Calling, doorknocking, lit drop, chalking,
postering, talking, facebooking, emailing whatever it takes to make sure
students vote.
6) Message
Real simple.
Mark Kennedy will henceforth be called "GEORGE W KENNEDY"
Tim Pawlenty is called "TUITION HIKE TIM"
Please feel free to contact me anytime. My email address is in the CC
section. I will be in Toledo, Spain from June 15th until July 28th but I
will still be checking my email regularly.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Senate Conference Committee Member Distribution
In Minnesota, when similar bills pass both bodies of the legislature in different forms, a conference committee is called. Members from each body are appointed to serve on this committee, where the two sides try to compromise. It is interesting at the legislature to see everyone in a mad rush to finish the session on time, while at the same time accomplishing everything that everyone came to do. Conference committees are one of the most important parts of this closing time at the Capitol. There are some members who are on multiple conference committees, and this can make things difficult to schedule at the end of session.
I broke the numbers down for the senate, and here are the number of conference committees that each of the following senators sit on:
--Skoglund and Neuville: 4
--Higgins, Hottinger, Berglin, and Jungbauer: 3
--Pogemiller, Skoe, Murphy, Moua, Limmer, Scheid, Rosen, Sparks, Pappas, Metzen, Saxhaug, Bakk, Cohen, and Frederickson: 2
--Vickerman, Belanger, Rest, Marty, Kelley, Solon, Bonoff, Marko, Senjem, Langseth, Koering, Kubly, Stumpf, Robling, Tomassoni, Michel, Larson, Sams, Dibble, Ortman: 1
You can imagine the problems that the government may run into when they're trying to hold meetings to get these things done, especially when certain members (Betzold, Skoglund, Neuville) are on so many committees.
Once again, a LIST of the conference committees this session.
Nothing groundbreaking, just interesting.
Friday, May 19, 2006
St. Paul joins with Minneapolis in Convention bid
Dallas and Detroit have dropped out of contention for the Democratic convention, which leaves the Twin Cities, New York, New Orleans, Las Vegas, and Denver.
UPDATE: Today is the deadline for cities to submit their hosting proposals for the Democratic Convention. Matt from Democratic Convention Watch is tracking who is making bids and who is getting out of the race.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Democrats Preferred to Republicans

Is it Election Day yet?
Update from El Capitol
- Gopher's Stadium looks fairly promising, though details have not been discussed yet.
- Twins' Stadium looks like a done deal.
- The eminent domain bill is headed to the Governor's office.
- Vikings will have to wait for next year for a stadium. Look to see how the public reacts to any stadiums built this year to see how much support a Vikings' stadium would get next year.
- Pulling into state Senator Steve Kelley's driveway.
- Marty Seifert's bill banning the singing of the national anthem in Spanish in schools.
- Becky Lourey's "Wal-Mart" bill
- The Constitutional Amendment dedicating funding for natural resources, parks, clean water, and the arts
Meanwhile, a list of all of the conference committees established this year at the legislature. Also, here are all of the bills Governor Pawlenty has signed into law.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Justice Delayed Is NOT Justice Denied

At least this time.
Former Assembly Speaker and presumed future Governor of Wisconsin Republican Scott Jensen "got served" with a nice stint in prison for his illegal campaigning. And thus ends the ugly caucus scandal that brought down 2 Democrats including my former state senator and 4 Republicans. Oh, and to highlight how Republicans DON'T eat their own young, Jensen had been serving in the Assembly before resigning after his conviction.
Another Possibility
House DFL Caucus Intern Openings!!
Do you want to get involved in the political process? Are you interested in learning about political campaigns? Do you want to help the Democrats win back the House this fall?!
The House DFL Caucus Campaign is looking for several volunteer interns to assist caucus staff in preparations for this fall’s Minnesota House of Representatives elections. Internships will focus on one of two areas, “Finance & Fundraising” or “Political & Field Operations.” All majors are welcome to apply, and no specific experience is required. Scheduling is flexible.
If interested, please contact Lindsey Wollschlager at lindsey@housedflcaucus.com or call 651-251-6344.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
BREAKING NEWS: Health Impact Fee Upheld

US Senator Norm and Laurie Coleman
Cordially invite you
to join them in welcoming
Mrs. Laura Bush
For an evening in support of
Mark Kennedy
Candidate for United States Senate
Tuesday, June 6
"The Blue Room"
4:30 p.m. - Reception
"The Red Room"
6:00 p.m. - Dinner
The Depot
225 Third Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota
For more information
Please call 651.644.2506 or email rsvp@markkennedy06.com [0]
All attendees must be paid and registered by June 1
Business Attire Suggested
Monday, May 15, 2006
Job Opportunity
Field Organizer – Job Description:
Ø Responsible for implementation of voter contact programs as outlined in the Coordinated Campaign Field Plan
Ø Recruit and work with volunteers to carry out voter contact programs
Ø Represent the DFL Coordinated Campaign at community events and local Democratic meetings to build relationships with area organizations and activists
Ø Responsible for tracking progress and preparation of reports for the Regional Field Director
Ø Other duties as directed by the Field Director
Applicant Requirements:
Ø Previous organizing or volunteer experience with a campaign or state party a plus
Ø Ability to communicate effectively, motivate others, work as part of a team, and be detail orientated
Ø Enthusiastic team player and effective problem-solver
Ø Commitment to work in a fast-paced campaign environment through November election
To apply, send your resume and references to Stephanie Zawistowski at stephanie@dfl.org
No phone calls, please.
Please include your name and position you are seeking in the subject line.
The Minnesota DFL is an equal opportunity employer.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Saturday Night Speech by the President
Friday, May 12, 2006
Thursday, May 11, 2006
More Good Poll Data

The latest poll from CNN shows that Democrats are in a great position fo rthe midterm elections. Now it's just up to us to get the message out there. The GOP had their "Contract With America" that they unveiled in September 1994 to grab power. Rumor is the Democrats will be introducing their own version this summer.
Oh, and take a look at the following numbers:
Bush Approval Rating = 31%
Percentage of Americans who are Obese = 31%
As Peter Griffin says:
"Look, Lois! It's the two symbols of the Republican Party! An elephant, and a big fat white guy who's threatened by change."

Rove: Win with Fear in 2006

If you thought republicans were nasty campaigners with a majority, just wait til their backs are to the wall. This Article in Newsweek talks about their vicious strategy in '06. Does the "faith and strength" idea remind anyone else of "V for Vendetta"? -Aaron
Be Part of the Liberal Media

Here's another internship opportunity for the summer or beyond. Internship Position AM 950 Air America MinnesotaAM 950 Air America Minnesota Radio is looking for interns to work on twoshows.Considering Faith, a one hour show sponsored by the MinnesotaCouncil of Churches that explores the relationship between faith andpolitics. The show airs on Sundays from 2:00 p.m. “ 3:00 p.m.Work can be done anytime during the week between 9 “ 5 p.m. It isnot necessary to be in studio during the show.Minnesota Matters, a one hour show Monday thorough Friday from5:00 “ 6:00 p.m. which focuses on topical issues in Minnesota withan emphasis on politics and legislation. Work can be done anytimebetween 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. It is not necessary to be in studioduring the show.Commitment required: at least one three hour time period in theoffice per week. Offices are located at 11320 Valley View Road,Eden Prairie, Minnesota.Duties include developing show ideas, booking guests andresearching and putting together show preparation materials.This is not an on air position.
Contact: Send resume or inquiries to Janet Robert, Station Manager,
952-946-8885 ext 14.
Deadline for applying is ongoing.Air America Minnesota is the progressive talk radio station for theTwin Cities.
For more information see www.AirAmericaMinnesota.com.
Janet Robert, PresidentKTNF AM 950 Air America MinnesotaManager@AirAmericaMinnesota.com
JR Broadcasting LLC
11320 Valley View Road
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Fax 952-946-0888
Cell: 651-270-4810
Poll: Klobuchar up by 2; DFLers lead Pawlenty
U.S. Senate- MN
Amy Klobuchar (DFL) 45%
Mark Kennedy (R) 43%
Ford Bell (DFL) 33%
Mark Kennedy (R) 44%
Mike Hatch (DFL) 49%
Tim Pawlenty (R) 39%
Other Candidate 6%
Steve Kelley (DFL) 43%
Tim Pawlenty (R) 38%
Other Candidate 8%
Becky Lourey (DFL) 43%
Tim Pawlenty (R) 40%
Other Candidate 8%
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
More Tax Cuts for the Rich
A rising tide lifts all yachts.
I especially liked the Democratic commentary on this vote, despite the inevitable bad news:
"The Republican Party is sending all the millionaires on an all-expenses-paid vacation — for $41,000 a year," said Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Wash. "The rest of America is being forced to choose between filling the gas tank or stocking the refrigerator."
"Democrats also cited a joint study by the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution that shows taxpayers with incomes greater than $1 million per year winning tax cuts of $42,000 under the bill while families with incomes of $50,000 a year would average a $46 tax cut."
That stat needs as much press as possible. Republican values are not American values.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Another Day Takes its Poll
2008 Convention Update

Minneapolis is strongly pushing for the Democratic National Convention in '08. Minneapolis has put up a new website promoting the idea. The conventional wisdom right now is that Denver and Minneapolis are the two leading candidates to be host. The cities still in the hunt: Denver, Dallas, Detroit, Las Vegas, Minneapolis, New Orleans and New York.
Here's a great blog keeping track on the latest developments in the Convention race.
courtesy of www.crooksandliars.com
Write your own caption?

The Old Ballgame

Below our two different posts of when Dick Cheney threw out the first pitch at a Washington Nationals game. See if you can find any differences from the one from FOX News and the one that isn't.
Version 1 Version 2
Said David Letterman about Cheney at the game: "He was booed. Cheney said he was very surprised. He thought he'd be greeted as a liberator with flowers and candy."
Monday, May 08, 2006
Bush Approval Rating 31%
Let's applaud President Bush, who set new personal lows for approval rating. Here's the skinny:
-Bush's disapproval rating is more than DOUBLE his approval rating, 65/31
-The net -34 is lower than either Carter or Bush I; only Nixon and Truman faired worse.
-The 65% disapproval is one shy of Nixon's record, set just before he resigned.
-A historical perspective: When Nixon, Carter and the elder Bush sank below 35%, they never again registered above 40%.

Watch this upcoming fight carefully. President Bush announced his new choice for head of the CIA and members of both parties aren't too happy. Make sure to check this story out so you know who exactly will be listening in on your phone calls. Not surprisingly John McCain (R-AZ)supports the pick continuing his pathetic kissing up to the base to win back support for his 2008 campaign.
Before the day starts...

STrib's DFL Convention coverage
STrib's GOP Convention coverage (notice the confidence the 6th District GOP leader has about Bachmann..."divisive": YES!)
...And the Onion sure was hilarious, no? It still is.
UPDATE: U-DFL Blog gets top spot on MSNBC's Al Gore blog watch.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
It Would Be Funny....

Except this guy is the Secretary of Defense responsible for all components of military operations. Check out this website that has a list of Donald Rumsfeld quotes. He is without question, in my view, the Bush official who offers the best quotes. This includes the Bushisms everybody loves.
Check out the video of Saddam and Rummy:
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Democrat Busby Favored in California's 50th Congressional District
Our first fight to retake Congress is on June 6th. As a lot of you already know, there will be a special election to replace disgraced congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham in California's 50th CD. A win here will send republicans into a frenzied panic; -- Bush won this district 54-44% in 2004, and the republicans enjoy a registration advantage of 45-30%.
A republican poll shows Democrat Francine Busby leading GOPer Brian Bilbray 43-37 among registered voters, and 47-39 among likely voters. More Info available here.
This has very real national consequences. If republicans keep this seat, it could demoralize the democratic base and embolden republicans. If Busby wins, you can safely expect a landslide in November. Right now, it looks like the route is on.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Minneapolis MN 55414
Check out a map of the area here
Saturday May 6, 2006 5pm
Bring refreshments if you want. Also bring a frisbee, I will be providing a wiffle ball and bat so you softballers be prepared to show your game. Take a study break and stop by. All the cool kids are doing it.
Is looking for self motivated political Interns who support DFL policies and
I believe in the Grassroots level of campaigning and we have to work hard to
help people to understand we are the Party for the People. Interns who like to get
out andsee the country is important. Dist 48 is both rural and urban. The District
covers the cities of Anoka, Ramsey, Elk River, Burns Township, Oak Grove, Bethel and East Bethel.
I am looking for interns who can help on getting volunteers for parades
and door knocking. If you do not have interpersonal skills to deal with the public
while door knocking or working with me in my booth during the Anoka County Fair, do
not apply. Hours of work can be worked around your work schedule. I would like
a least 20 - 25 hours per week. I will help to pay some of your car gas bill
during your internship and you will not go hungry on my campaign.
I would like interns who can start work June 1st and work through the time school starts in Aug. Or if you can up until the 1st week in November working weekends with me door knocking. Please check out my web site at www.votemikestarr.com to get a better idea of who I am. Please send me a cover page letter on who you are at
mmmsstarr@comcast.net Political campaigns can be hard, intense, fun and
rewarding. Having a sense of humor helps out. Thanks for taking the challenge.

Porter Goss resigned as head of the CIA, just the latest of the casualty in the race to the absolute bottom for this administration. As you may recall, Goss took over for everyone's favorite fall guy (not named Michael Brown), George Tenet, the guy who called the case for WMD in Iraq a "slam dunk" and winner of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Al Gore: Movie Star
In other Gore related news, there is increasing speculation he may be a candidate in 2008.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Dear Mama

As you all know mother's day is coming up so below find a list of websites to check out for possible gifts for that special maternal figure in your life.
-A great website (I got a birthday gift from it) counting down until the end of days, namely the Bush Administration.
-For the angrier crowd, this website would suffice.
-Another fine t-shirt site, you may notice most of these are a bit negative.
Whatever you decide, make sure that you only support Democratic companies when you shop.
That Liberal Media...

You have to check out this clip courtesy of crooksandliars from everybody's favorite anti-immigrant crusader Lou Dobbs of CNN. This is why punditry journalsim makes you stupid. Notice how effortlessly 9-11 is referenced. You can almost hear the Republican spin machine working overtime in the background.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Monday, May 01, 2006
And Loads of Ads to Come

Great news for the DNC and the country. CNN reports that the Secret Service will turn over information about Jack Abramoff's visits to the White House. This will prove something the Administration long has dreaded. That Jack Abramoff was a close friend, and this corruption scandal could bring them down too.
Colbert's Bush Roast
If you haven't yet seen the video of Colbert speaking truth to power, here's a great synopsis of the evening from blogger Billmon, courtesy of Washington Post's Dan Froomkin.
"Colbert used satire the way it's used in more openly authoritarian societies: as a political weapon, a device for raising issues that can't be addressed directly. He dragged out all the unmentionables -- the Iraq lies, the secret prisons, the illegal spying, the neutered stupidity of the lapdog press -- and made it pretty clear that he wasn't really laughing at them, much less with them. It may have been comedy, but it also sounded like a bill of indictment, and everybody understood the charges. . . .
"Colbert's real sin . . . was inserting a brief moment of honesty into an event based upon a lie -- one considered socially necessary by the political powers that be, but still, a lie."
Rolling Stone's take: On the album, whipped up in just two angry weeks earlier this month, Young takes aim at the war in Iraq and President Bush -- through songs including the Bush-basher "Let's Impeach the President."
Living With War features what Young describes on his Web site as "metal folk protest" and "a metal version of Phil Ochs and Bob Dylan," recorded with "a power trio with trumpet and 100 voices."
Bush’s approval ratings are at an all time low in a new CBS News poll.
According to the latest FEC filings (from April 1st) Amy Klobuchar has $2,483,420 cash on hand and Ford Bell has $212,443. Mark Kennedy, with help from Bush and Cheney fundraisers, has $3,406,895.
Markos Moulitsas Zứniga, of Daily Kos fame, will be in Minneapolis tomorrow as part of his book tour. He will be at the Arise Bookstore from noon to 1:30 and at the 331 Club from 6 to 8.
Remember to RSVP for the U-DFL BBQ.
Thank you Stephen Colbert
A blistering comedy "tribute" to President Bush by ComedyCentral's faux talk
show host Stephen Colbert at the White HouseCorrespondent Dinner Saturday night
left George and Laura Bush unsmiling at its close. Earlier, the president had
delivered his talk to the 2700 attendees, including many celebrities and top
officials, with the help of a Bush impersonator.
Colbert, who spoke in the guise of his talk show character, who ostensibly supports the president strongly, urged the Bush to ignore his low approval ratings, saying they were based on reality, "and reality has a well-known liberal bias."He attacked those in the press who claim that the shake-up at the WhiteHouse was merely
re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. "Thisadministration is soaring, not
sinking," he said. "If anything, they arere-arranging the deck chairs on the
Colbert told Bush he could end the problem of protests by retired generals by refusing to let them retire. He compared Bush to Rocky Balboa in the"Rocky" movies, always getting punched in the face�"and Apollo Creed is everything else in the world."
Turning to the war, he declared,
"I believe that the government that governs best is a government that governs least, and by these standards we have setup a fabulous government in Iraq."
He noted former Ambassador Joseph Wilson in the crowd, just three tables away from Karl Rove, and that he had brought " Valerie Plame." Then, worried that he had named her, he corrected himself, as Bush aides might do, "Uh, I mean... he brought Joseph Wilson's wife." He might have "dodged the bullet,"he said, as prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald wasn't there.
Colbert also made biting cracks about missing WMDs, "photo ops" on aircraft carriers and at hurricane disasters, melting glaciers and Vice PresidentCheney shooting people
in the face. He advised the crowd, "if anybody needsanything at their tables, speak slowly and clearly on into your table numbers and somebody from the N.S.A. will be right over with a cocktail. "
Observing that Bush sticks to his principles, he said, "When the presidentdecides something on Monday, he still believes it on Wednesday - no matterwhat happened Tuesday."Also lampooning the press, Colbert complained that he was "surrounded by the liberal media who are destroying this country, except for Fox News. Fox believes in presenting both sides of the story � the president's side andthe vice president's side."
He also reflected on the alleged good old days,when the media was still
swallowing the WMD story. Addressing the reporters, he said, "Let's review the
rules. Here's how it works. The president makes decisions, he's the decider. The
press secretary announces those decisions, and you people of the press type
those decisions down. Make, announce, type. Put them through a spell check and
go home. Getto know your family again. Make love to your wife. Write that novel
you got kicking around in your head. You know, the one about the intrepid
Washington reporter with the courage to stand up to the administration. You know--fiction."
He claimed that the Secret Service name for Bush's new press secretary is"Snow Job."Colbert closed his routine with a video fantasy where he gets to be WhiteHouse Press Secretary, complete with a special "Gannon"button on his podium. By the end, he had to run from Helen Thomas and her questions about why the U.S. really invaded Iraq and killed all those people.As Colbert walked from the podium, when it was over, the president and First Lady gave him quick nods, unsmiling. The president shook his hand and tapped his elbow, and left immediately. Those seated near Bush told E&P's Joe Strupp, who was elsewhere in the room,that Bush had quickly turned from an amused guest to an obviously offended target as Colbert's comments brought up his low
approval ratings and problems in Iraq.
Several veterans of past dinners, who requested anonymity, said thepresentation was more directed at attacking the president than in the past. Several said previous hosts, like Jay Leno, equally slammed both the WhiteHouse and the press corps."This was anti-Bush," said one attendee. "Usually they go back and forthbetween us and him." Another noted that Bush quickly turned unhappy, and left the dais shortly after while most seated near him, including Colbert and Snow, glad-handed the crowd. "You could see he stopped smiling abouthalfway through Colbert," he reported.
After the gathering, Snow, while nursing a Heineken outside the Chicago Tribune reception, declined to comment on Colbert. "I'm not doing entertainment reviews," he said. "I thought the president was great, though." Strupp, in the crowd during the
Colbert routine, had observed that quite afew sitting near him looked a little
uncomfortable at times, perhaps feeling the material was a little too biting--or
too much speaking "truthiness" to power.
Asked by E&P after it was over if he thought he'd been too harsh, Colbert said, "Not at all." Was he trying to make a point politically or just get laughs? "Just for laughs," he said. He said he did not pull any material forbeing too strong, just for time reasons. (He later said the president told him "good job" when he walked off.)Helen Thomas told Strupp her segment with Colbert was "just for fun."In its report on the affair, USA Today asserted that some in the crowd cracked up over Colbert but others were "bewildered."
Wolf Blitzer of CNN said he thought Colbert was funny and "a little on the edge."Earlier, the president had addressed the crowd with a Bush impersonator alongside, with the faux-Bush speaking precisely and the real Bush deliberately mispronouncing words, such as the inevitable "nuclear." At theclose, Bush called the imposter "a fine talent. In fact, he did all my debates with Senator Kerry." The routine went over well with the crowd --better than did Colbert's, in fact. Among attendees at the black tie event: Morgan Fairchild, quarterback Ben Roethlisberger, Justice Antonin Scalia, George Clooney, and Jeff "Skunk" Baxter of the Doobie
Brothers--in a kilt.
528 Ontario St. SE
Minneapolis MN 55414
Saturday May 6, 2006
RSVP in the comments section! Be sure to leave your name!
Remember to spread the word-all current U-DFLers as well as ALUMNI are invited. Bring what you want to drink as well as some chips or brats/burgers or a little cash to contribute to the good liberal cause.