U-DFL Blog

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Reminder: Al Gore at Coffman on Thursday

Vice President Al Gore will join U.S. Senate candidate Amy Klobuchar at the Great Hall in Coffman on November 2nd. Doors open at 11:30 and the event should start by noon. If you haven't already, you can RSVP to the event on facebook.

And to tide you over until the Gore event, here's a video of Gore talking to the TED Conference. If you still haven't gotten your Gore fix here's an interview of the Vice President on Charlie Rose.

Countering GOP Sleaze with GOTV

The airwaves around the country are being filled with negative political advertisements, many of which are causing controversy. Here’s an ad done by the National Republican Congressional Committee for a race in New York:

This ad gets my award for the most sleazy of the year, and receives bonus points for being factually untrue (a staffer of Arcuri misdialed and hung up seconds after, costing taxpayers a grand total of $1.25). The sad part about these kinds of ads is they might work. The Republicans are becoming desperate and are willing to say and do anything to keep control of their power. That’s why it is important for us to counter their actions with getting out as many votes as possible in the next seven days. If all of us can convince a few extra people to go to the polls on November 7th we can finally start the process of cleaning the Republican filth out of Washington.

Let's do this! I'm sick of the smell.


Monday, October 30, 2006


That's right we are just 1 week away from the most important election of your life because every federal election is the most important election of your life. Please make time to help us during any of the following times. But most critically, make sure you can clear time for ELECTION DAY NOV 7th to help out the DFL. Recruit some friends too.


*Tuesday October 31st, 5:30pm---7:30pm
Doorknock with Keith Ellison, Sanford Hall
Contact Amber 785-640-1689 if you can help

*Wednesday November 1st, 11am---2pm,
Tabling, Coffman Memorial Union

*Wednesday November 1st, 5pm
Doorknock with Congresswoman Betty McCollum, Saint Paul
Contact Amber 785-640-1689 or Julia 612-232-3611 if you can help

*Thursday November 2nd, 11:30am---1pm
AL GORE and Amy Klobuchar
Great Hall Coffman Memorial Union
(followed by a doorknock)

*Thursday November 2nd, 11am---2pm
Tabling, Coffman Memorial Union

*Saturday November 4th, 9am
Homecoming Parade with....

Mike Hatch, Amy Klobuchar, Keith Ellison, Mark Ritchie, Rep. Phyllis Kahn, Sen. Larry Pogemiller, Mayor RT Rybak + more

We need help stickering the crowd and other parade participants. Meet near the corner of 11th Ave and University Ave SE (by the U of M sign) or call me 608-215-9370

*Saturday November 4th, late afternoon
Doorknock in Minnetonka for Minnesota House candidate John Benson
Contact me (Noah) 608-215-9370, seli0052@umn.edu

*Sunday November 5th, late afternoon
Doorknock in Minnetonka for Minnesota House candidate John Benson

Contact me (Noah) 608-215-9370, seli0052@umn.edu

*Sunday November 5th evening, time TBD (likely start between 6pm-7pm)
Doorknock in Middlebrook Hall with Minneapolis Mayor RT Rybak
Contact Amber 785-640-1689 or Julia 612-232-3611 if you can help

*Monday November 6th, 11am---2pm
Tabling, Coffman Memorial Union

*Monday November 6th, 5pm

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Non-GOTV Pre-Election Day Events

Besides our meeting tomorrow (5:00, Coffman Board Room) there are a few interesting politically-related events coming up before Election Day.

Tomorrow from 3:30-5:00, there will be a Democracy Matters-hosted discussion on Fair and Clean Elections at the West Bank Union Auditorium. Guests will include our own Keith Ellison and former Senate Majority Leader John Hottinger (DFL-Mankato), as well as Green Party AG candidate John Kolstad.

There are also two Center for Politics and Governance-sponsored events coming up:

Voting with a Mouse: How Bloggers Have Altered the Political Landscape
October 30, Noon – 1:30 p.m.
Cowles Auditorium, Humphrey Center

Post-election Analysis
Former Minnesota Congressman Vin Weber, Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak, and Professor Larry Jacobs
November 8, 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Cowles Auditorium, Humphrey Center

There will also be a panel on immigration issues on Wednesday from 4-6 at Carlson 1-115. The panel will again include Rep. Keith Ellison.



UDFL Meeting
Monday Oct 30
Room 307 Coffman Memorial Union

This will be followed by doorknocking in Bailey Hall from 7pm to 9pm.


Reminder, that UDFL will have its weekly meeting this Monday October 30th at 5pm in room 307 Coffman.

We will be planning our GOTV strategy for the last weekend before election day, and election day itself.

Friday, October 27, 2006


Former Vice President, winner of the 2000 election, and possible 2008 presidential candidate Al Gore will be at the Great Hall of Coffman, Thursday Nov 2nd from 12pm---1pm. RSVP to the Facebook Event. And as always, bring friends.

Who: Al Gore and Amy Klobuchar
What: Rally for Change
Where: Great Hall, Coffman Memorial Union
When: Thursday Nov 2nd, starting at noon, doors open at 11:30am

Thursday, October 26, 2006


I don't know how many of you saw the Minnesota Daily today, but the readers representative said that he is need of letters to print. I'm asking all everyone to take 2 minutes and send a quick letter to the editor of the Minneosta Daily. Email letters@mndaily.com Be sure to include your name, phone number, and year in school.

Here are a couple things to mention about Governor Pawlenty:

-Tuition has increased 83 percent the last four years
-Pawlenty has cut higher education 9 percent
-He has cut $185 million from the University of Minnesota
-state support for the university has fallen to record lows
-property taxes have shot up over 40 percent

Here are a couple things to mention about Mike Hatch:

-Hatch will close a tax loophole and provide $300 million to finance higher education
-Hatch is the only candidate who makes higer education a priority
-Hatch is the only candidate who supports fully funding stem cell research
-Hatch will create a state department of energy
-Hatch will expand access to health care

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Four years ago

Paul Wellstone
July 21, 1944 - October 25, 2002

Coleman on Mason

Our president is a traitor. Of course, I'm not talking about President George W. Bush, but rather President Noah Seligman of the UDFL. He's a Badger fan, so he'll like this.

The Star Tribune today has a column from one of my favorite writers, Nick Coleman (son of former DFL Senate Majority Leader Nick Coleman, older brother of St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman) about the need to fire one major Minnesota incumbent: Glen Mason. He restates all the criticisms that many of us students have been saying for a long time.

Even though the UDFL has no official position on Coach Mason's employment, I think we can all agree that something is wrong here. Mason has a .375 winning percentage this year while being paid $1.65 million, and tuition has almost doubled in the past five years. Doesn't that show that Mason isn't the only incumbent who needs to go?


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Hatch, Pawlenty Deadlocked

A new SurveyUSA poll has Minnesota's gubernatorial race essentially tied; with only 13 days until November 7th this is bound to be a nail-biter on election night. Here's the polling results:

Tim Pawlenty (R) 44%
Mike Hatch (DFL) 45%
Peter Hutchinson (IP) 7%

Interesting note: "Other candidates get 9% of the vote. Independence Party candidate Peter Hutchinson appears to be siphoning some votes from Pawlenty among 35 to 49 year olds, where Pawlenty is down 7 points and Hutchinson is up 6 points."


(h/t Political Wire)

Fantasy Congress

And no, I don't mean a Democratic one. Even though that would be. Anyways,

If you were at our weekly meeting yesterday, Noah and I spoke a little about Fantasy Congress. Basically, it's a game where you put together a "team" of U.S. Senators and Representatives and they earn you points based on their accomplishments in Washington. It's pretty much the same as fantasy baseball or football, if you're familiar with those.

Even though we won't be starting until the 110th Congress is sworn in (Jan. 3rd, 2007) I have registered our league. To join, go to the Fantasy Congress website and register (it's free). Our league name is UDFL, and our password is vikings. I'll send out reminders after Election Day and as the new term approaches.


Monday, October 23, 2006


Hope everyone is excited as we approach the 2-week deadline until election day. We need a lot of volunteers from now until election day, so please help out. If you can't find time before election day, please make time on Nov 7th. email me (seli0052@umn.edu) or call (608-215-9370) and let me know when you can help.

As Jon Stewart said on the eve of the 2004 Election:
"Be prepared to waste a day for democracy."


*Wed Oct 25 6---9pm, Doorknock in Roy Wilkins/Sanford Halls with Hennepin County Attorney candidate Andy Luger. So far Shannon and Avi have signed up but we need lots of people. It's rare we get a candidate to campus so we need to make the most of it. If you can't commit to all 3 hours that's fine, come for as long as you can.

*Sat/Sun Oct 28-29 , Doorknock in Minnetonka for our House candidate John Benson. This is also a great way to reach general DFL voters in addition to helping the DFL win back the House.

*Sun Oct 29 , Party with Patty Wetterling. (see earlier post) 3pm----6pm, 641 Brimhall Street in Saint Paul. Great chance to meet a great candidate running in a critical US House race. Please vote in the 6th District if you are from there originally and have your friends from that area do so as well.

*Mon Oct 30, 7pm----9pm, Doorknock in Bailey Hall. Nobody ever remembers Bailey Hall, but we do. It's not a big dorm, and a couple local legislators are going to help us knock this often forgotten area.

*Saturday Nov 4th, Homecoming Parade. We need people to march with Amy Klobuchar and Mike Hatch. This is a great opportunity for visibility. We want to sticker as many people as possible. RT Rybak, Phyllis Kahn, Larry Pogemiller, Mark Ritchie will also be joining the effort.



1) Economic Issues
Saturday Oct. 28, 1:00pm--2:30pm
Mississippi Branch Library,
410 Mississippi St. NE

2) Transportation
Monday Oct. 30
St. Louis Park Senior High, Room C350
6425 W 33rd Street

3) Voting
Thursday Nov 2
North High School
1500 James Ave N


The Patty Party will be held this Sunday, October 29, 2006 from 3:00-6:00p.m. at 641 Brimhall Street in Saint Paul.

The purpose of this party is to encourage students and their peers to vote for Patty Wetterling, have a chance to talk politics, learn more about the candidates for the Democratic party, and also, if they feel so inclined, so sign up to volunteer with the campaign in the last few days leading up to the election.

Food will be provided, and people can stop by at any time during the party. Please let me know as soon as possible how many people will potentially be attending so we can make sure everyone gets enough to eat!

Please email me or call me (651-592-6000) and if you plan to attend.

Additionally, we will need an estimate (approximate number or numberrange) of people so we can purchase enough food!If you have any questions, you email (trpream@gmail.com), call (651-592-6000), or contact John Sylvester with the Patty Wetterling Campaignat 605-290-3227.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Incredible, Controversial Leader

An entertaining profile of DCCC Chair Rahm Emanuel

You See these Election Forecasts?---------------------------->
Get wise! Read up.


Blog Updates

I've updated the blog to add a countdown until the polls close on November 7th, and also some links to forecasts for the House, Senate, and gubernatorial races. Check them out.



Just a reminder that we have another UDFL meeting Monday October 23rd at 5pm in room 307 of Coffman Memorial Union. We have just 16 days until Nov 7th and we need to see higher turnout at these meetings to be prepared and organized for the big day.

2 Big Events:

*Monday Oct 23rd, The Whole (basement of Coffman) from 6:30pm to 8-8:30pm DFL Congressional candidate Keith Ellison will be hosting an informal forum complete with music and possibly food. It's a great chance to meet Keith 1-on-1. Bring some friends.

*Wednesday Oct 25th, DFL candidate for Hennepin County Attorney Andy Luger will be on campus to doorknock in Wilkins and/or Sanford Hall(s). This will start at 6pm and go until 9pm. You don't have to committ to all 3 hours but any time you can spare would be great.

Votes & Money

@Support DFL Secretary of State candidate Mark Ritchie by voting online at the Progressive Patriots Fund (Russ Feingold's leadership PAC) website for him. The winner receives their support and $5,000.

@Help the College of Democrats of Minnesota raised some needed cash, by using the great Political Campaign Refund system to loan CDM $50. You loan the money, the state will then send you and CDM checks for $50. Completely free gift to CDM.


Friday, October 20, 2006

Republican Runs from Debate

Representative Sue Kelly (R-NY) has refused to debate Democrat John Hall, nonetheless a debate went on anyway:




Thursday, October 19, 2006


Reality Check

Polls are looking pretty good right now, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. There are only 18 days until Election Day and believe me the Republicans are going to throw everything they have to keep control of Congress. According to Karl Rove the Republicans are spending $100 million in these last three weeks alone. We can't just sit around and wait for the results on election night. We have to surpass the Republican get out the vote effort, and we do that by doorknocking, phone banking, and just talking to our friends and acquaintances. How many people do you know still couldn't tell you who Mike Hatch is? Or Amy Klobuchar? Reach out to these people and inform them of the issues that are impacting their lives right now. Student tuition here at the U has more than doubled under Governor Pawlenty. Make sure students vote their interest, as Al Sharpton would say: A student voting for Tim Pawlenty would be like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. Discuss, inform, and encourage people to vote. We can win on November 7th, but only if we want it more than the Republicans. And frankly, I want the chance to celebrate on an election night.


MN Daily Article Neglects Alan Fine's Attacks

As I blogged yesterday, after Rep. Keith Ellison left yesterday's debate Republican candidate Alan Fine launched a vicious attack on him, accusing him of standing with radically anti-Semitic groups. The MN Daily reported on the debate on the front page today, but there was no mention of Alan Fine's ugly accusations and attacks on Keith Ellison, who was not there to defend himself. I'll be contacting the Daily tonight or tomorrow to ask them about this serious omission.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006


DNC Chairman Howard Dean
Coffman Theatre
Thur. Oct. 19th, 2:15pm

5th Congress Debate Liveblog

7:53: That's it. Wow.

7:39: Closing Statements:
Keith Ellison: I'd rather be here with students than anywhere else, I'm missing another event for this. If you can't find hope and optimism and idealism on a college campus, you won't find it anywhere. We need to fight the fear out there. When people make you afraid, they make you less willing to try and to innovate. We have to have a new direction, on Nov. 7th you should make a bold choice for a new direction. Don't just support me because of what I say, but also because of what I've done. I've opposed the war since before it began. I have introduced bills for universal health care and early child education. I've fought for middle class prosperity, a higher minimum wage, and workers rights. I've also worked across the aisle and gotten bills passed. The most important thing is to get people working, not quick fix gimmicks. We don't want people to be afraid of police, either. Choose your hopes, and don't be afraid to help me make a change. I'm Keith Ellison, I've gotta go, but thank you for listening.
Mr. Santana: I'm not running a traditional campaign, I'm not going to make promises to anyone in particular, but I'm fighting for many of the things we've talked about tonight. It's a socialist workers campaign. It's not just leading up to Election Day, it's all throughout the year.
Jay Pond: This election cycle is stranger than it's been in a long time. There's a shift to the left. It's even stranger here in the 5th because it's an open seat for the first time in a long time. Because of that, anything is possible up to and including that you elect the first Green to Congress. On election night, they'll show the red/blue map and we could put a green dot in Minnesota. We can show that the Twin Cities want change and are progressive. Single-payer health care and alternative energy are important. I stood up when the Democratic party was silent and I challenged that silence. Third parties are important, they brought us the labor movement, women's right to vote, social security. Send me to Congress and you'll be proud of my work, I hope you see my passion on the issues. I'm Jay Pond, and I'm the Green Party candidate for Congress.
Tammy Lee: Jay and I have a lot of the same themes, it's a year of election and a year of change. You could make history by sending the first Green to Washington or the first independent congresswoman to Washington. You made history by election Jesse Ventura in 1998. You said you wanted change and you got it. It was about a movement for change, they were fed up with the system. You have a chance to take back the country. This November, you have a critical decision to make. This could be a very closely divided Congress, and I could be the tiebreaking vote. Don't vote your fears and frustrations, vote your hopes and dreams. You can decide your future, if you want affordable schools and health care and a clean environment, I'm your choice. We need to do what's right for the people of the district, not for the parties. People are fed up and ready for change, "if you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you're getting." The last time a third party movement succeeded, Abraham Lincoln was elected. We could do that again with me. The power is in your hands. I'm Tammy Lee, independent congresswoman-in-training-wannabe, vote for me for Congress.
Alan Fine: I'm the Republican-endorsed candidate. This is the strangest race I've ever been in and thought I'd ever be in. I don't want to talk about my opponent because he's not here, but I will. I want to tell you that because someone has a D next to their name that they're a good person. This race is all about character. We need to make sure the people representing us have character. I was at Coffman once with some other Jews, and a speaker there was saying that Jews should all be killed. I was there, Keith Ellison was part of that demonstration. Someone who said all Jews should be killed, that they were the root of all evil, was an associate of Keith Ellison's. I have evidence to show that Keith Ellison was a member of the Nation of Islam from his college days up until as late as 2002. He is associated with groups like CAIR. Learn more about CAIR, they're not caring. This isn't about religion or race, it's about someone associated with hate groups. Don't vote for this person.

7:31: One more audience question. Abortion rights?
Jay Pond: I believe it's a woman's right. Women get to choose. Guys protect your seeds, women protect your eggs. We need to protect these things. Best decision makers are individuals. Collectively, we all make the best decision. Still, I don't think abortion is a good thing. To reduce abortion, we need to attack poverty.
Tammy Lee: I am solidly pro-choice as well. I have the endorsement of the Minnesota women's political fund, a pro-choice organization. We also need to talk about contraception, especially emergency contraception. If we want to reduce abortion, we need to improve education and contraception. We also need to help women who want to keep their children, with health care and child care.
Alan Fine: I support a women's right to choose, but I'm very much personally against abortion. I'm divorced, but I thank God that I can raise my son. I'll say this, that I think the issue is one that we talk about personal choices but as individuals we should think about our own lives. The discussion about the sanctity of human life is a good one to have. My generation is the "me" generation, but we need to start thinking collectively about our families and neighborhoods. "Ask not what your country can do for you...", we're an American family.
(Socialist Worker Party candidate answer)
Keith Ellison: I support a women's right to choose. I have fought for the right in the legislature. I fought the 24 hour waiting rule as well as to fund anti-abortion clinics. I also support comprehensive sex education. Kids need to know, that's the best way to prevent abortions. It's a fundamental question of women's equality. We need to remember that we haven't achieved gender equality. That's what's behind my positions on universal health care and the minimum wage, 2/3rds of those affected by a raise in the minimum wage are women.

7:24: Another tuition question. What would make you different in the House from everyone else in funding college education?
Alan Fine: I'm not sure there are any college educators in Congress, they aren't seeing the things that I am. Anyone who gets a college degree is getting much more value than the cost of the degree. I would eliminate tuition if you met certain requirements. Too often we look at only the costs, not the benefits. As a businessman, I look at both.
(Socialist Worker Party candidate answer)
Keith Ellison: As I tried to mention before, I am a big proponent for loan forgiveness for people who work in the public interest. We need to attract people to do things in that field. We also need to help people consolidate loans and lower interest rates. I'm in favor of exploring other options as well. College education must remain affordable because it is so helpful to society. We should make sure that everyone can work their way through college.
Jay Pond: I communicate differently. I went to grad school, got an MBA, but I wanted to communicate through new technologies and went to art school and learned to communicate through video. I love YouTube, go there to see stuff about me. I won't go into Congress as a servant to the parties, but as your representative. I also go without being beholden to money.
Tammy Lee: Jay and I both bring a different sound to Washington. We're both not interested in partisan politics. I bring a fiscally responsible approach. We need to do things with a different style, fiscally responsible, with a balanced budget.. We need to not make big new promises but keep the commitments that we have already made.

7:17: I guess Keith isn't leaving yet. What do you think about the new military commissions act, allowing tribunals and reducing habeas corpus.
Keith Ellison: Thank you for asking, this is one of the most important pieces of legislation in a long time. The U.S. is such a great country because we have a legal framework that allows justice to prevail. We have to keep that. Even people who are against these things need to be able to have a hearing. We can't let terrorists take away our Constitution. We need to oppose this stuff. Look at Japanese internment in WWII. We have to be brave and not give into the fear, to say that America stands for due process and fair trials.
Jay Pond: Habeas corpus is this concept that underlies our entire legal system. That goes back to before Ronald Reagan! This is a radical change, but it's not the only one recently. The ideas of preemptive war or the PATRIOT act are also radical, and they've been supported and not debated by Democrats as well as Republicans. I believe that the suspension of habeas corpus was not only wrong but helps support George Bush. If I am elected I will act to IMPEACH THE PRESIDENT. "IMPEACH GEORGE BUSH!"
Tammy Lee: Why do I have to go after Jay? This president has trampled our rights. There is nothing patriotic about the PATRIOT act. There is nothing patriotic, just like "clear skies" pollutes the air. We shouldn't be torturing people, ever, and even the president doesn't have the ability to usurp the law. Habeas corpus must be given to every citizen, it's an inalienable right. Wiretapping is also wrong. This isn't the Nixon area, we should be focusing on terrorists and not trampling people's rights.
Alan Fine: I remember Nixon! Every president has been vilified when they were in office. We shouldn't try to vilify one side, it doesn't help anything. When you go to Washington, you have to work with everybody. When you use divisive language, you can't get anything done. What's the question? Oh, if suicide bombers came and blew you up you would think wiretapping is okay. I don't think people's rights should be abridged, but we have to keep people safe. We have to preserve rights and protection.
(Socialist Worker Party candidate answer)

7:10: Next question, and after this one Keith Ellison will make a closing statement because he has to leave. What would you do to reduce corruption in Congress?
(Socialist Worker Party candidate: Corruption is inherent to capitalism. Revolution!
Keith Ellison: One of the best ways to end corruption is to vote the incumbent party out of office. Since 1994, there's been a culture of corruption in Washington. Abramoff scandal, Foley scandal, these are serious problems that I'm concerned about. Institute gift bans, move towards public financing and campaign finance reform. We also need to seriously prosecute people who break the law, and we need an attorney general will do this.
Jay Pond: Corruption here is fueled by money. I like to read the Wall Street Journal, that sounds strange as a Green, but I like the journalism and the down-to-earth way that they report the news. They say that there is 48% more money in elections in 2006 than 2004. It's not good to have access for only people who donate, and we're moving in the wrong direction. People understand the shift, though. Now money is moving to Democrats from Republicans, and that's the problem with the two-party system. We need a more pluralistic system, and we can't have that until we get rid of the two-party system. Send me, I am PAC free.
Tammy Lee: Jay is right, the two party system has failed us. Jay and I have that in common, we're not associated with either party, and that frees us. We get to think for ourselves. If you want to end corruption, send someone who you can trust to Washington, someone who won't be tied up in partisanship and is a uniter.
Alan Fine: I want to respond to Jay's answer to the last question. "Private" money is donations from people, we'd be saying no to free money. What's great about democracy is that we can vote the bums out. The key isn't third parties, the key is finding enough people who support you. It is important that we have strong parties, whether they be just two or more.

7:02: When we talk about higher education, we often only talk about tuition. The business school is increasing in size, we're getting a football stadium, and we have a $2 million ad campaign (the clings on the sidewalks). What can we do besides tuition to improve higher education?
Alan Fine: They're building a new building for CSOM, and there are only four classrooms in the building. They're also cutting out a classroom in the current building, and eliminating a parking lot. In all of these things we invest in, I think we should be focusing money on education and research. We really also need to invest in research and I would invest in research over a football stadium any day.
Keith Ellison: Our discussions should include tuition but not stop there. Again, we need loan forgiveness for people working in the public interest. We also need to improve college access. It's a real problem that we're phasing out general college. We need to keep this place accessible to all students. We also should increase investment in things that give us a better, safer world.
Jay Pond: There's too much private interest in our state universities, so we need public universities to be less affected by private companies. We need to get rid of Aramark providing the food, the food is terrible, I don't know how students put up with it. I'd like to see a shift in vendors. We have to get away from the privatization of EVERYTHING in our society.
Tammy Lee: We need to pay teachers well to attract good ones, and we need to put more money into research to improve that. I support stem cell research and I would fund that in Congress.

6:55: First audience question: A couple of bills in the Minnesota House of Representatives authored by Keith Ellison removed the provisions from law to revoke drivers licenses from deadbeat dads and to prosecute false reporting of police brutality. What's the deal?
Tammy Lee: I oppose those. I wouldn't support anything that would make it harder for police to do their jobs.
Alan Fine: My ex-wife is paying child support to me, so it's deadbeat moms too. With regard to deadbeat moms or dads, there are big challenges for people trying to ensure that their children are taken care of. We don't do enough to support law enforcement. Whether you support or oppose the war in Iraq, we must support the soldiers. Thank police officers for serving.
(Socialist Worker Party candidate doesn't answer)
Keith Ellison: Thanks for the question, I want to address this. The best way for deadbeat dads to pay child support is to let them have a job. If they can't get to work, they can't pay their child support. If they lose their licenses, they may still drive. I want people to go to work so they can pay child support. It's a knee-jerk reaction to a complex issue. I want people to be employed so that they can pay their child support. It's also already against the law to falsely report a crime, and police brutality is a crime. We don't need the redundance. This is a personal attack. (He runs out of time)
Jay Pond: We should talk about child support as a gender-balanced issue. Ten years ago we got single moms off the welfare system and told them to go get jobs. Now we see the results of that with increasing crime. Lets start to fix this with some day care. I don't know specifics of the bills, but we live in a society of fear. We need to stop that. The best defense against police brutality is a society where people are in peace and safe and there isn't crime. We need to improve this, and other things improve also.

6:54: Planned questions are over, going to audience questions.

6:47: Should the current minimum wage be changed, what should it be changed to and why?
Jay Pond: The current minimum wage isn't doing good things for people right now. We need livable wage, I have an MBA too but I believe in community based economics. If we have a livable wage in Minnesota it would be about $12 an hours. Many really crappy jobs are the ones that require hard work but are at minimum wage. If we institute livable wage, it keeps money in the community and raises the economic value of our communities.
Tammy Lee: I support raising it. I don't know what the right number is but it is higher than it is now and we need to talk about it in Washington. Too many people having to work two jobs with no health care. We also need to make health care more affordable, and I will do this by de-linking it from the workplace. Too many people work bad jobs because the health care benefits are so important.
Alan Fine: Raising the minimum wage isn't important, what's important is creating good jobs. I've been teaching students to live the American dream, and I want to help people look forward with hope. We can talk about raising the minimum wage but what's most important is creating opportunity. In many places, economic development is terrible and we need to develop those areas.
Keith Ellison: I coauthored a bill in the legislature to raise the minimum wage and we got it passed. I've actually done this, I'm not just talking. We accomplished this and we can accomplish other things. We need to support the right to organize, I support letting people join unions by joining cards. We need to repeal NAFTA and CAFTA and instead of allowing free trade we need to move to fair trade. We also need to make health care a single-payer system like 36 other countries. This is crucial for economic justice.

6:41: What do you see as problems with privately financed elections?
Keith Ellison: I'm such a big fan of fair and clean elections that I was the chief author of the bill in the Minnesota House. We need campaign finance reform and I support publicly funded elections. It's a source of corruption. Why do we have a prescription drug benefit that doesn't allow Medicare to negotiate prices? Because President Bush let pharmaceutical donors write the bill. Same with energy. We need a revolution around campaign finance reform and publicly funded elections. I'm fully in favor.
Jay Pond: If there's anyone who has raised less money than me, it's Mr. Santana. I don't take PAC money because it's ruining our democracy. Everyone spends a lot of time in Washington fundraising, I've seen it. It's a pay-to-play system and it's gotta stop. Send someone to Congress not involved in the money, and that's me. Also, support instant runoff voting.
Tammy Lee: Raising money is the worst part of running, and I also support publicly financed elections. Elections don't work right anymore. We can always improve campaign finance as well, but we all should be following the laws that exist. Keith Ellison hasn't done this, he has a lot of letters of violation about campaign finance.
Alan Fine: I support this as well. But who is supporting campaigns? I have taken almost no PAC money, most of my money is from small donors. Keith Ellison's donations have come from groups like CAIR, a group that has ties to terrorism. I wonder what types of influence the people who are associated with Keith Ellison's campaign have on him.
Socialist Worker Party candidate: I haven't raised a lot of money. I'm a write-in candidate. I'm not going to say I'm going to do all these things for you, but working people and young people need to fight together for the things we need.

6:35: What would you do to reduce dependence on non-renewable energy sources and what should we promote in terms of alternative energy:
(Socialist Worker Party candidate doesn't answer)
Keith Ellison: I've authored bills on this and done a lot, but now I feel that I haven't done enough. We need to tax fossil fuel industries and incentivize and subsidize alternative energy sources. We also need to work on conservation, what we don't use goes towards our environment. Alternative energy helps national security, I don't want any more kids dying over oil. I've been a leader on this in the legislature.
Jay Pond: "As the Green Party candidate, I don't know if we've really thought about this one." (Laughter) I'm happy about renewable energy, this is what we talk about as Green candidates. I grew up in western South Dakota, around the Midwest we have enough energy to power nearly the entire country. The Twin Cities could be for alternative energy what Houston is to oil, a center of innovation. This would improve the economy greatly.
Tammy Lee: This is a big part of my platform. We could take away the $6 billion that goes to the oil industry and give it to alternative energy. This helps the economy, environment, national security. We need to work at the federal level but we also need to do it ourselves. I drive a hybrid, I buy wind power for electricity, we can all be more energy efficient. We can also raise CAFE standards.
Alan Fine: I'm worried about the future, Gov. Pawlenty charged us with making Minnesota a leader in alternative energy and we should. We should also do things in our own lives. It makes sense economically to be efficient with the energy that we use, and there are business incentives for this. What we do here at the U will be big for this also. Climate change is a big problem.

6:29: Does No Child Left Behind work? What steps would you take to fix it?
Alan Fine: NCLB isn't an effective program. I know because I have a son in 6th grade. Any government program that is one-size-fits-all doesn't work. Local community control needs to be what sets curriculum, federal help should be funding and support, not setting tests and curriculum.
(Socialist Worker Party candidate doesn't answer)
Keith Ellison: I've supported repeal of NCLB from the beginning. Doesn't even help to improve scores, just punishes schools. I do support federal grants to states to help reduce class sizes. 40 kids and 25 desks in classes in Minneapolis, we need to fix this right away. We also need to fund special education, federal government needs to live up to its promises. We also need to get kids into early child education. I'm a big supporter of public education.
Jay Pond: EVERY politician says they want to help public education, but support for public education is decreasing. I'm against NCLB, "no child left a dime" is more like it, it makes our teachers test students so that we become testers and not learners. By the time you get to college you may still not know anything, and you need to have a well-rounded base of knowledge. We're the richest nation on the planet, and if we don't fund these things we're in big trouble for the future.
Tammy Lee: We can all agree on this! I also oppose NCLB, it's an unfunded mandate with teacher training and early childhood education. We need to fund early childhood, especially for at-risk kids. I was in Head Start, and that helped give me some preparation for elementary school that I wouldn't have had otherwise. We need to invest in this. Special education is way underfunded, I'm an MBA but you don't have to be to know t

6:22: Should we set timetables for withdrawal from Iraq?
Tammy Lee: We can't do it tomorrow, but I support Rep. Jack Murtha's plan. This helps keep our pledge that we made when we went in. I support a rational plan, the war wasn't executed well and bringing troops home will help make peace in the Middle East.
Alan Fine: Timetables are good but they need to be done right. War is scary, we're in a difficult situation but to pull our troops out would be a mistake. We have to work with other nations, to end war and famine and genocide we can't be the world's policeman. We need to strengthen the U.N. to stop atrocities.
(Socialist Worker Party candidate answer)
Keith Ellison: Bring the troops home now of course means orderly rational withdrawal, but orderly rational withdrawal NOW. National Intelligence Estimates say we are making things worse. President Bush has made a mess of the situation. 600,000 Iraqis have been killed and Donald Rumsfeld has made troops think that they should torture. We need to be a force for peace in the world and we can't be because we're stuck in the "quagmire" of Iraq.
Jay Pond: I've been saying "get out now" for a long time. The Democrats have been silent for three years. I'm proud of Keith Ellison for running on an "out-now" platform but the leadership of the Democrats and the leadership in the House don't feel the same way. Almost everyone in Iraq wants us out now. We're contributing to their insecurity. This month has been the bloodiest month in the war. We need international help to transition them to an economically viable society.

6:17: First question, tuition is high.
Jay Pond: There's been a huge transfer of wealth to the very rich, this is getting worse with every election cycle. It's not just the Republicans who want to cut taxes, but it's everyone on both the federal and state levels. Until we can start taxing the wealthy and corporations, we can't get back to our values of paying for education and health care, and there can't be a level playing field. Too many of you will graduate with a lot of debt, and that's wrong. You deserve better.
Tammy Lee: We need to start subsidizing Stafford student loans. We've made college more and more unaffordable. Everyone will have a debt load that's equivalent to buying a new house. We need to do things at the federal level, increase the Pell Grant program and Post-secondary option (PSEO) plans. Government has to fund the right things.
Alan Fine: As a part of the U, I've learned how important this stuff is. Lots of brainpower here and at other universities. We should divert some of that brainpower towards productivity that will allow people to graduate without debt. There aren't ways that we shouldn't be able to reduce tuition and create jobs at the same time.
Mr. Santana (Socialist): Something about the revolution in 1959 in Cuba. I'm not even going to write his answers unless he says something unusual.
Keith Ellison: I have four children, I've asked them all "what do you want to be?" Whatever it is, and all of you have dreams too, this is the place where those dreams are going to be made, and that must be kept affordable. Double Pell grant, double HOPE scholarships, consolidate student loans, reduce interest, loan forgiveness for those who work in the public interest. Opposed getting rid of General College, fighting for college affordability for everybody.

6:15: I guess there's a fifth candidate, I didn't catch his name but he's a member of the Socialist Workers Party.

6:13: Alan Fine, Republican candidate. Teacher at CSOM for 11 years, student here for undergrad and grad degrees, my family has been a part of the U almost since the university was founded. Tuition was $180 a year when my brother went to school here. I've worked to develop businesses here for 20 years, we need people in Washington to not only balance the budget but also to create opportunities for you as students.

6:11: IP candidate Tammy Lee, country is on the wrong track, we're way too much into debt, and Congress has been irresponsible with outsourcing. As Congresswoman, I won't outsource and will fight for family priorities. We're all for certain things, jobs, environment. I want to put money going to oil companies into alternative energy. It isn't just the right thing to do, but also is an economic good. Strong background in business, been a corporate executive, and have experience in D.C.

6:09: Now it's Jay Pond's turn. He's a Green, he's from SD, he's been here on and off for 8 years, his experiences here are "interesting", he loves the progressiveness in Mpls, he grew up as a Democrat, loved McGovern. Now, both parties have gone to the right, third strike against the Democrats was welfare reform under Bill Clinton. Talking about the Green Party, he saw their values and decided to switch. Support has gone from the middle class to the very rich, the major parties aren't meeting our needs, two candidates here outside the two party system.

6:07: Keith Ellison is delivering his opening statement. He says he is connected with MPIRG. I'm originally from Detroit, his wife, his kids, he went here for law school, he has taught here as an adjunct professor, as well as at Hamline and Macalester. He is all for low tuition and he has done so as a state representative. He wants to double federal scholarships. He has been a lawyer at a public interest law firm.

6:06: The moderator is going over the rules.

6:05: The debate's starting. There are a lot more people here than last night, especially a lot more students. Oh, and I see a couple of UDFLers here now.

6:03: The candidates are all sitting down and it looks like we're about to begin.

5:59: I'm about to begin liveblogging the debate between Keith Ellison, Jay Pond, Tammy Lee, and Alan Fine, all candidates for Congress in the 5th Congressional District. It looks like all the candidates are here but people are still milling around. I don't see any UDFLers (again!)



Russ Feingold (D-WI), and his leadership PAC the Progressive Patriots Fund is having an online vote open to the public, in which anyone and everyone can vote for their favorite candidate for Secretary of State. For us that means flooding the polls with our support for Mark Ritchie, the DFL candidate, and generally good guy (see previous post). The winner receives $5,000 from the Progressive Patriots Fund, the maximum allowable donation from a PAC to an individual candidate.


Mark Ritchie Endorsed by Albert Lea Tribune

Our Secretary of State candidate Mark Ritchie just got endorsed by the Albert Lea Tribune. Check out their endorsement. After the debate yesterday Mark came and spoke to the executive board for a few minutes, which was a great help.

Two reminders: DFL candidate Keith Ellison will be debating at the MPIRG Congressional District 5 debate tonight. It'll be from 6-8 in Anderson 250 (West Bank).

Also, remember that Howard Dean is coming to campus tomorrow. He'll be at Centennial Hall (Superblock) from 2:30-5:00. He'll be joined by Keith Ellison and Mark Ritchie. Please let us know if you're coming.



Stand Up Now the DFL Youth campaign will be phone banking tonight in Coffman room 304 from 7pm to 9pm. Please help us recruit people for the Howard Dean event.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Monday, October 23rd

Whole Music Club, U of M. Coffman Memorial Union
6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.


5th Congressional Candidates Forum – October 23rd , 12:15pm

When: Monday, October 23rd at 12:15pm

Where: University of Minnesota Law School, Auerbach Commons.

All are welcome to a pizza and politics lunch time event at the
University of Minnesota Law School this coming Monday. Come listen to
DFL Candidate Keith Ellison, Republican Candidate Alan Fine and
Independence Candidate Tammy Lee discuss why they believe they should be the next congressperson to represent Minnesota’s 5th Congressional

The program will consist of an opportunity to hear where the candidates
stand on the issues, as well as a chance to mingle with the candidates

If you live in Minneapolis or the immediate surrounding suburbs, come
and meet your candidates for Congress!

Lunch will be provided free of charge.

Debate Post 3

8:00: Joel Spoonheim talked about the importance of free elections but mostly talked up his party, about how we shouldn't waste our votes on "same old same old".

Mark Ritchie talked a little about himself and how we should change the course of our state. Asks who we really want as our Secretary of State for the next four or more weeks.

That's it.

Debate Post 2

7:55: Mary Kiffmeyer just spent about 30 seconds in her closing statement how we shouldn't go after soldiers for the policies they operate under. What?
Bruce Kennedy is talking about how people who live around Lake Minnetonka don't get DFL representation...but I think he's forgetting the DFLers who represent it (and John Benson soon!)

7:50: Should a lease be enough proof of residency to vote? Everyone says YES clearly except Secretary Mary Kiffmeyer, who didn't answer, though she talked about cell phone bills.

7:45: I just asked if Secretary Kiffmeyer really thought it was easy enough for off-campus students to vote. She said that there were so many options for students that we should be able to figure it out. Mark Ritchie said the U should be able to register all students, not just those on campus. Joel Spoonheim said the Secretary should work with schools to register voters in class. Bruce Kennedy didn't answer.

7:30: Last question: paper vs. electronic voting.
Mary Kiffmeyer says use technology, but that no electronic ballots cast in MN. She hand-tallied recount votes instead of a machine recount.
Mark Ritchie says he's happy we still have paper, it's the DFL who ensured that we do.
Joel Spoonheim says we still need paper, but that security is still important. He says Mary Kiffmeyer hasn't done enough to ensure security.
Bruce Kennedy thinks the Help America Vote Act is terrible, and that we shouldn't let Diebold be the only machine manufacturer. Advocates open source software for voting machines.
Kiffmeyer rebuts, is using acronyms (DRE? RFP?) that no one understands. She's giving a very technical statement. Now is basically whining about how hard her job is because she has to follow many laws. She's proud of the system.
Bruce Kennedy didn't like Washington's mandates for elections.
Mark Ritchie says he doesn't like the near-monopoly by elections companies. He references a break-in that was never reported that compromised voting machines. It's now open to questions, and I'm about to ask one.


MPIRG Secretary of State Live Moblogging

7:15: Do you support requiring ID to vote?
Bruce Kennedy says no, but look into it.
Mary Kiffmeyer says YES, make it more difficult. She thinks that we want it required. She says it's okay because Andrew Young, who's African-American, agrees.
Mark Ritchie says NO, that fraud isn't widespread and that he wants there to be less not more barriers to voting.
Joel Spoonheim: NO, unconstitutional or a poll tax. Asked us if we know someone with a fake ID, everyone raised hands.

7:00: Kiffmeyer refused to take a position on full public financing for campaigns. She didn't even talk about it, only talking about the PCR system (which a lot of Republicans oppose). Next question: Kennedy says he doesn't even know why students have trouble voting. The secretary is saying that we're smart to be at college, so we don't need help voting. She thinks if is tough for us to vote it's the U's fault, that it's easy for us to vote, and that our problem is lines. Mark Ritchie is saying that many polling places are unfriendly to students and minorities, and that we should fix them.

6:45: It's a little hard to type because I'm blogging on my cell phone, but the secretary is being criticized by everyone, even Bruce Kennedy, who boasted in his opening statement that Secretary Kiffmeyer isn't conservative enough (and that he is). She also said she was waiting for on a question from Kennedy while he was rebutting one of her answers. She looks angry.

6:30: I'm sitting here at the debate (and I don't see any other UDFLers, for shame!) and Secretary of State Mary Kiffmeyer just walked in about 20 minutes late, after her cell phone rang loudly during Mark Ritchie's answer. Mark, Mary, IP candidate Joel Spoonheim, and independent Bruce Kennedy are all here.


Monday, October 16, 2006


Howard Dean will be at the U of M this Thursday October 19th. He will be speaking at 2:15 in the basement of Centennial Hall. The dorm is in the superblock located at 614 Delaware Street SE.

Dean will be joined by Mark Ritchie, Keith Ellison, and Phyllis Kahn.

After that (around 4pm), we will be launching a doorknocking effort. Please help us with this critical GOTV effort. And bring friends too. Dean is a great chance to have huge publicity to remind students about the election.

Until then, we will also be doing major publicity. Please help out at all or any of the following places:

-Tuesday 12:15pm, meet at east bank side of Washington Ave Bridge to flyer
-Wednesday 10am-1pm flyering campus. Meet inside Wiley Hall and look for the DFL table
-Thursday 10am-1pm, east bank side of Washington Ave Bridge, flyering

We need dorm captains at all the dorms to help with this effort. We will be doorknocking from Thursday until whenever.

-Noah Seligman
UDFL President

Wetterling Pulling Away

::sigh:: Oh how sweet it is to be a democrat in October of 2006.

A BRAND new Star Tribune poll (released for 10/17) shows Wetterling with a relatively commanding 48-40% lead, on the heels of a Survey USA poll that has her up 50-45. When she arrives in congress, Patty may want to write a nice thank-you note to Mark Foley. Before the scandal Wetterling was consistently underperforming-- now she has been catapulted into the lead.

I would take this with a grain of salt though. The Strib Senate poll gave Klobuchar a fat 21 point lead (55-34) over Mark Kennedy. While I'd rather see Patty up 8 than down by 8, you can be sure this race is closer than advertised.



**TUESDAY, October 17th: 6---8pm President's Room of Coffman Memorial Union. Secretary of State Candidate Debate

**WEDNESDAY, October 18th: 6---8pm 250 Anderson Hall. CD-5 candidates

Sunday, October 15, 2006

President Obama?

Senator Barack Obama graces the cover of Time Magazine this week. In the last month there has been increasing speculation he may run for President in 2008. He recently spoke at Tom Harkin's Steak Fry in Iowa, an event notoriously attended by presidential candidates. Obama also has written a new book, "The Audacity of Hope," which is bound to become a bestseller. Obama definitely is one of the wildcards, along with Al Gore, that could shake up the '08 primaries. Here is an excerpt from the Time story summary:
The question of when Obama -- who has not yet served two years in the U.S. Senate -- will run for president is omnipresent. That he will eventually run, and win, is assumed by almost everyone who comes to watch him speak. In Davenport a local reporter asks the question directly: "Are you running for president in 2008?"

Obama surprises me by saying he's just thinking about the 2006 election right now, which, in the semiotic dance of presidential politics, is definitely not a no. A few days later, I ask Obama the obvious follow-up question: Will he think about running for President in 2008 when the congressional election is over?

"When the election is over and my book tour is done, I will think about how I can be most useful to the country and how I can reconcile that with being a good dad and a good husband," he says carefully, and then adds, "I haven't completely decided or unraveled that puzzle yet."

Saturday, October 14, 2006

More Good News: Hatch leads Pawlenty

According to a new Star Tribune poll Mike Hatch now leads Tim Pawlenty by 9 points:
DFL Attorney General Mike Hatch has pulled in front of GOP Gov. Tim Pawlenty in what had been a deadlocked race for governor, according to the latest Star Tribune Minnesota Poll.

Among the 818 likely voters surveyed Oct. 6-11, Hatch held a 46 percent to 37 percent lead over Pawlenty. Independence Party candidate Peter Hutchinson came in at 7 percent, the same level of support as in September. The poll has a margin of sampling error of 3.4 percentage points, plus or minus.
This poll may just be an outlier, I still believe this race is going to be close.


Friday, October 13, 2006

Get-out-the-vote Event!

Get Out the Vote
(This event will be of special interest to those of you who will be voting for the very first time this November.)
Monday, October 16, 2006
9:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Cost: Free!
Hubert H. Humphrey Center
Minneapolis Campus
Humphrey Institute will host "barrier-free" get-out-the-vote effort. This get-out-the-vote effort is open to all and will feature two barrier-free voting booths - designed for people with disabilities - that visitors can try out. The Minnesota Secretary of State's Office will participate in the event, assisting people to register to vote in the November 7 election. There will be a brief program at noon that will include voting machine demonstrations.


Thursday, October 12, 2006


As of Friday we will have 25 days until this pivotal election. I just got
done watching a couple of outright lies from the latest Pawlenty ad. We
can't take these lying down, and I encourage everyone to commit 5 hours a week for the next 3 weeks.

A reminder that the FINAL DEADLINE for pre-registration for the Nov 7th election is October 17th. You can still register at the polls but if you pre-register you save time. Also, we're encouraging everyone to vote absentee. Check out DFL Secretary of State candidate Mark Ritchie's website for more voting information.

This weekend, Saturday October 14th Wellstone Action is offering a free leadership training from 9am to 5pm. This is a great opportunity to gain important political skills and learn more about organizing and campaigning. Check out Wellstone Action online for more information.

If you can't make it to the training, please help doorknock. UDFL and Stand Up Now organizer Julia will be leading two doorknocking shifts on Saturday one starting at 2:30pm and the other starting around 5:15-5:30pm after the Wellstone training. Both shifts will start in front of Coffman.

A reminder that starting tomorrow and running until next Thursday, and possibly later Oak Street Cinema (309 Oak Street, near the Chipotle on Washington Ave) will be showing the movie "Al Franken: God Spoke." Check out MN Film Arts website for more information. Showings are 7:15pm nightly and weekend matinees at 5:30pm. Just $5 for students.

This weekend (Sunday), UDFL will be heading out to Minnetonka to help out our wonderful House candidate John Benson. Shannon, our great VP will be leading that effort and contact her at mitc0329@umn.edu if you need a ride.

Monday we will be tabling from 11am to 2pm in Coffman at table #4. Stop by if you want to help in our visibility effort.

Monday at 5pm UDFL will be having its weekly meeting in room 307, the Board Room of Coffman.


*Tuesday October 17th, 6---8pm President's Room, Coffman Memorial Union. Secretary of State candidate debate presented by MPIRG

*Wednesday October 18th, 6---8pm 250 Anderson Hall. CD-5 Candidate Debate presented by MPIRG

*Thursday October 19th, 2:30----5:00pm, Location TBD. DNC Chairman Howard Dean will be on campus meeting with students to talk about the stretch run for this election. This will be followed by a doorknock.

Keep spreading the good word,
-Noah Seligman
UDFL President

Polls: Wetterling pulls ahead; Walz tied

New polls (pdf) have come out for many congressional districts across the country. Here's the results for the Minnesota First and Sixth (both from Oct. 8-10):

Michele Bachmann (R) 45%
Patty Wetterling (DFL) 50%

Gil Gutknecht (R) 48%
Tim Walz (DFL) 47%

(h/t Daily Kos)


DNC Chairman Howard Dean will be on campus at the University of Minnesota next Thursday, October 19th from 2:30pm until about 4:30pm to talk with students and lead a massive canvassing effort.

You can RSVP to the Facebook event here, or do it the old fashioned way and email me at seli0052@umn.edu

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Study reports 655,000 Iraqis Dead from War

From the New York Times:
In the new study, researchers attempt to calculate how many more Iraqis have died since March 2003 than one would expect without the war. Their conclusion, based on interviews of households and not a body count, is that about 600,000 died from violence, mostly gunfire. They also found a small increase in deaths from other causes like heart disease and cancer.

''Deaths are occurring in Iraq now at a rate more than three times that from before the invasion of March 2003,'' Dr. Gilbert Burnham, lead author of the study, said in a statement.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

THIS is the stuff Wetterling needs to shed light on.

I don't know how much farther out of the mainstream you can get than to have your answer laughed off by an audience.

Al Franken Movie

The Oak Street Cinema will be showing the Al Franken movie "God Spoke" from Oct 13th to Oct 19th.

The cinema is located near the superblock:

309 Oak Street S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Monday, October 09, 2006


Here's the recap from our meeting today. Thank you to the members who could make it out today. We have just 29 days left until the election.

First up, just a reminder that the College Democrats of Minnesota is in the middle of an aggressive fund-raising campaign. We are asking everyone to please help us out by loaning CDM a free $50. You contribute $50 now, and get a full refund from the State of Minnesota 6-8 weeks later.

To do so quick and easy follow these steps that isn't nearly as complicated as I outlined them:

*Go to the DFL Party website
*click on the donate tab
*click on "contribute online"
*select the $50 contribution button
*then fill in your information
*under "organization" scroll down to the bottom and highlight MN College Democrats
*Please write in the box that you want your contribution to go to UDFL

Thank you for your help.

A reminder that we will be doorknocking regularly and this week, we will be going on Wednesday and Thursday at University Village (2601 University Ave SE). Meet in front of Coffman or just meet over at UVillage if you can help us out.

Please remember that October 17th, is the final deadline for pre-election registration. If you miss that deadline you have to register on election day which is perfectly legal but more time consuming. Remind your friends,co-workers, roommates, random people you know to PLEASE REGISTER TO VOTE.

The other key effort is absentee voting. Please request an absentee ballot so you don't have to remember to go to the polls on election day (so you have more time to volunteer) and shorten the lines for everyone else.

John Benson is our candidate for Minnesota House, please help us out by doorknocking on the weekends or by virtual phone-banking. It's fast, easy and efficient and we're looking for an hour weekly commitment from everyone. We have the chance to turnout a ton of DFL votes from this.

EVENTS: *October 14th, UDFL member Dylan Kelly is encouraging everyone to attend the all day Camp Wellstone in Coffman this Saturday. It's a great chance to learn valuable campaign and leadership skills.

*Oct 14th, canvassing in Dinkytown, starting at 2:30pm and another canvass after the Camp Wellstone at 5:15pm to 5:30pm.

*October 16th, CD-5 debate

*October 17th, Secretary of State debate

*October 23rd, Keith Ellison event in the Whole of Coffman Memorial Union 6:30pm--8:00pm

"Why should I care about North Korea?"

Think Progress:
In State of Denial, Bob Woodward recounts a conversation between then-Gov. George W. Bush and then-Saudi ambassador to the U.S. Prince Bandar, in which Bush wonders why he should care about North Korea. “I get these briefings on all parts of the world,” Bush said, “and everybody is talking to me about North Korea.”

Sunday, October 08, 2006

North Korea tests Nuclear Weapon

Here's the BBC report. I'm sure this will dominant the news this week, and being just 4 weeks till Election Day the Republicans will try to frame this issue to their advantage. The facts are when President Clinton was in office we had UN inspectors in North Korea, we kept a firm line of communication open (allowing us to know more what the North Koreans were doing or planning on doing), and North Korea was not a nuclear threat. The day Bush came into office we cut off all talks with North Korea, the inspectors left, and our window into what North Korea was up to was closed. With the Bush Administration and the Republican Congress focused on a country that was not a serious threat to America (Iraq), they took our eye off not only the terrorists of al-Qaeda, but on the North Korean problem as well. If we want to move America towards a strong, sensible, intelligent foreign policy again we must elect a Democratic majority on November 7th.


Saturday, October 07, 2006

Meeting and Money

Okay, we are now officially left with one month to go for this critical election. We need everyone on this list-serve to step up and help out if we are going to paint Minnesota even bluer. Please make this a priority starting immediately.

Reminder that Monday Oct 9th, UDFL will be meeting in room 307 (Board Room)of Coffman Memorial Union. Please bring an available calendar and a checkbook to help fundraise.

Through the wonderful Political Campaign Refund program you can give a 6-week $50 loan to the College Democrats of Minnesota. You can do it online by visiting the link below:


Please select MN College Democrats under the "Organization" listing. You have to scroll down to the bottom.

We will be doorknocking basically every night this week, and almost every night from now until the election.

Please volunteer at least once a week. Find one evening and help turnout the DFL vote.

-Noah Seligman
UDFL President


A couple bits today. Rasmussen released a poll yesterday that put Hatch up 50-46% on Pawlenty. I saw this and I thought "thats weird. I haven't seen any poll with so few undecideds and with Hatch opening up a lead"... and then it hit me-- stupid Rasmussen didn't include Hutchinson in the poll. Hutchinson pulls most of his votes from democrats. So while this poll shows how strong Hatch's position would be in a two-person race, its also a strong reminder of how devastating Hutchinson could be to Dmocratic control of the Governor's mansion.

Also, Patty Wetterling got tapped to deliver the Democratic Party's response to the President's weekly address this weekend. In the wake of Foleygate, she's the logical voice to represent the left. This is a big chance for Wetterling to get national exposure. I wasn't really impressed with the TV commercial she produced right after this story broke, so now is her chance to really grab her district's attention. I know this race leans republican, but I can't help thinking its now hers to lose.


Minnetonka on Sunday

Please volunteer to help out in Minnetonka this Sunday. We will be going
out in two cars. Shannon will be taking some volunteers and I will be
taking others. Please help the DFL take back the state House. We have a
month left to do it.

-Noah Seligman
UDFL President

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Bush Continues his Decline

A new poll by Time (h/t Atrios) pegs Bush's approval rating at 36%. Other key findings from the poll: Only 38% support President Bush's decision to invade Iraq; 65% of Americans disapprove of Bush's handling of the war; and 54% believe he "deliberately misled" Americans in making his case for war.

And how are Americans viewing the Foley Cover-Up Scandal?
The poll suggests the Foley affair may have dented Republican hopes of retaining control of Congress in November. Among the registered voters who were polled, 54% said they would be more likely to vote for the Democratic candidate for Congress, compared with 39% who favored the Republican. That margin may be fueled by the rolling scandal over sexually explicit e-mails sent to teenage pages by Republican Representative Mark Foley. Almost 80% of respondents were aware of the scandal, and only 16% approve of the Republicans' handling of it. Those polled were divided, however, on whether House Speaker Dennis Hastert should resign over his handling of the Foley affair, with 39% saying he should resign and 38% saying he should not.
Just 33 days until Election Day.


Tomorrow, Friday Oct 6th starting at 7pm on Northrop Plaza non-partisan group Democracy Matters is hosting a concert "amps against apathy" to increase student interest in the upcoming election. UDFL will have a table at the event, and we need people to stop by to show support and help table. I will be there at 6:30pm. UDFL will also have the chance to speak in between sets.

Saturday Oct 7th, registration for the CDM Convention begins at 12pm with the actual program at 1pm. There will be canvass training and speaches from notable DFLers.

Sunday Oct 8th there is a rally with Congresswoman Betty McCollum and Al Franken over at Macalester from 2pm to 4pm.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Sign-in for the convention will take place between noon and 1 pm at Blegen Hall 5 at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. There will be free pizza provided, so no worries about finding lunch before you get there. We will start the convention off with a canvassing training before we head out to put our new training into action, and then come back for a canvassing de-brief.

After that, former Minnesota Governor Wendell Anderson will speak to the convention. Governor Anderson presided over the “Minnesota Miracle” That created the great Minnesota public education system that we are all so proud of today, so he will be a wonderful speaker to talk to us about the great things Minnesota has done in the past and can do in the future with a strong DFL Governor leading our state.

We will finish off the convention with a presentation of the Youth
Coordinated Campaign by YCC Executive Director (and erstwhile
College student) Alex Cutler and a roundtable discussion to discuss our
goals on a chapter and statewide level. Afterwards, we hope you all will join us for a concert by Wasted on Envy and My Loving Tiger at Manhattan Loft.

Hopefully you’ll be able to stick around Saturday night for the concert and then for a rally with Al Franken and Congresswoman Betty McCollum at Macalester College on Sunday afternoon (2 to 4 pm.) If you can, we can provide you with housing with a fellow college student. It won’t anything fancy, but we’ll make sure you’ve got a roommate for the night who can at least provide you with a floor to sleep on. Make sure to mark it on your registration form if you would like housing!


If you care about the immediate present and future of the Democratic Party then you have to read this article from the New York Times Magazine. It's a great in-depth story about Howard Dean's 50-state vision that is at odds with other party leaders. It's a fascinating pieceo on the direction of our party.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Anderson to Speak at CDM Convention

Former Governor Wendell Anderson is confirmed to speak to the College Democrats of Minnesota convention on Saturday, October 7, between 4:30 and 5:30. Governor Anderson is speaking on behalf of Mike Hatch and Judie Dutcher.

A lifelong DFL'er, Wendell Anderson served as Governor of Minnesota from 1971 to December 1976, when he was appointed to the U.S. Senate to replace Walter Mondale, who had been elected Vice President. During his time as Governor (elected at the age of 38), Governor Anderson presided over the "Minnesota Miracle," which was a bipartisan measure to equalize education funding and reduce property taxes begun by Anderson when he was in the Minnesota Senate and completed while was Governor. In 1973, Governor Anderson was pictured on the cover of Time magazine with the caption, "The Good Life in Minnesota;" the inside article was titled, "Minnesota: A State That Works." Within six years of Governor Anderson taking office, per pupil education spending was virtually equal across Minnesota, thus eliminating education funding disparities between cities, suburbs and rural areas.

A graduate of the University of Minnesota Law School, Governor Anderson returned to private practice after being defeated for re-election to the U.S. Senate in 1978. He is now a regular political commentator on Minnesota television and radio shows. He was a member of the U.S. hockey team that won a silver medal in the 1956 Winter Olympics.

Monday, October 02, 2006


Today, at the UDFL meeting, we just focused on the list of upcoming events, and Sean Broom (head of MyDFL) stopped in to fire up our members and remind us about the importance of volunteering.

35 days left until election day. The governor's race is a dead heat. We
need to win, we as students quite literally cannot afford another 4 years of 83 tuition increases and George W Pawlenty in office. 35 days and it slips by quickly. Please respond and let me know what volunteer stuff you want to do and when you can help out.

Just a reminder to check udfl.blogspot.com for information

Here are the upcoming events:

*Wednesday Oct 4th, Doorknocking in Melrose Apartment

*Thursday Oct 5th, Doorknocking Roy Wilkins (tentative)

*Friday Oct 6th, 7pm Democracy Matters is putting on a concert "amps
against apathy" to increase student turnout. The concert is on Northrop
Plaza and UDFL will be tabling so we need volunteers to help out. All
political action groups are going to be there so we need a good turnout


*Sun Oct 8th 2 to 4pm at Macalester, CDM convention second day a rally
featuring Al Franken

*Monday Oct 9th at 7pm, Garrison Keillor reads from his new book in the
bookstore of Coffman Memorial Union

*Saturday Oct 13th, Wellstone Action is holding a leadership training.
UDFLer Dylan Kelly brought this to our attention. It's being held in Mpls Saturday Oct 14th. The all day training is free.

Check out the following link for more information

We will need lots of volunteers nightly from now on so please commit to 5 hours weekly to help out.

-Noah Seligman
UDFL President

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Republicans Cover-up for Mark Foley

Congressional pages were warned about GOP Congressman Mark Foley all the way back in 2001. It appears the Republican leadership (Speaker Dennis Hastert, Majority Leader John Boehner, and NRCC Chairman Tom Reynolds) were aware of Mark Foley's behavior towards many teenage pages, yet they were more interested in protecting a House seat than stopping a sexual predator. Here's a report from tonight's World News Tonight broadcast:

Monday Meeting

First off, Sunday UDFL will be going out to Minnetonka to help John Benson
again. This time, UDFL VP Shannon will be driving out. Email her at
mitc0329@umn.edu if you can help us out. We need a lot of people for this
so please step up.

Second, we have our weekly meeting Monday at 5pm in room 307 (Board Room) of Coffman Memorial Union. We will be signing up for volunteering and discussing the plan of attack for the last 5 weeks of the campaign.

We need volunteers for tabling from 11am to 2pm:
-Oct 9th, 12th, 16th, 19th, 30th
-Nov 1st, 2nd, 6th

We need volunteers for doorknocking Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights in various dorms and apartment buildings.

A reminder that the College Democrats of Minnesota will be having their fall convention Saturday Oct 7th at the U of M. We also need people that would be willing to host other DFLers from other campuses for Saturday night. They jsut need a floor (no food or anything) for Saturday.


-Noah Seligman
UDFL President

Note from David: PLEASE bring your checkbooks tomorrow to the meeting. We are beginning our fundraising drive for ourselves and for College Democrats of Minnesota. Remember, unless you have already taken advantage of the program you can loan us $50 and get every penny back from the State of Minnesota.